are comfortable travelling alone ?

February 18, 2010 10:25am CST
do you travel alone to any place like a tourist spot or an other place . i dont like to travel alone . sometimes there may be situations where there will no one to accompany you and you have to travel alone . do you like to do such travels . i dont like travelling alone . it would be a hell of a time .
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22 responses
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
18 Feb 10
I am happy to travel alone and often did this when I was younger. These days I travel with my toddler son and baby daughter. I traveled around Europe by train alone when I was 18 years old. I met many other travelers staying at youth hostels. I didn't feel lonely. I was able to make some new friends. The only time I have felt totally on my own was bush walking on an island in Australia. I had to camp in my tent and get water from a creak. On my trip to the Maldives I got attacked when I was walking along a deserted beach. I had been pushing my hire bike and taking photos of the pretty little islands off the coast. Thank goodness I didn't decide to swim out to one of those nearby islands. On all my other trips that I have taken alone I have stayed safe.
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@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
18 Feb 10
I would've loved to take trips like you have, well, minus the "being attacked" part. I've seen many tv shows about living off the land & just putting up a tent, cooking stuff outdoors, getting water off the creek. I don't know what kept me from doing exactly that. I mean, I've done camping but not to the extent that you've gone. May be on my next trip, I should try that.
@gerald_lian (2188)
• Australia
18 Feb 10
Honestly speaking, I am not a fan of travelling alone too. But what choice do I have when I am currently working overseas with hardly any friends and without a girlfriend? I just recently did a solo interstate trip for a week with all plannings and bookings done by me. Yeah, I did enjoy myself and it was a really good time off work, but I someone miss that person or group of people to accompany me and talk to me when I want to talk. In fact, I did feel rather ashamed that I needed to ask others to help me take a photo so that I could be inside the photo; this wouldn't be an issue if I had someone accompanying me on the trip. But will all that said, I am still comfortable travelling alone because I feel I need that experience to make me independent and more ready to face challenges ahead. Anyway, still looking for true/close friends and also a partner.....
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• Philippines
8 Mar 10
I am comfortable but it depends on the number of hours I will stay in the travel. Its okay when I am traveling going to work and going to home, but if the travel will last for five to seven hours that was very long to me so I like to have someone with me so that I have someone to talk with. But sometimes it is enough that I have my MP4 with me so that I listen to music until the end of the journey. Or I will call my friend over the phone and talk to them or send them a message while I am on my journey. It is important that I have something to be busy with instead of falling asleep and be lost.
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
hi there friend... i really hate traveling for example..riding a jeepny..or ridding a bus. i rather ride a taxi alone..where i can relax myself and feel comfortable.. its very boring to travel one can talk kill boredom and not to feel tired.. so if i go out alone.i rather ride a taxi.. to make my situation easy...heheheh! cheers! happy mylotting! take care!
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
traveling on business, i am definitely more comfortable alone. on leisure, i need company -- friends and family. we travel for different reasons and traveling, especially the out-of-the-country type is expensive. besides, if its official travel, you cannot tag anyone along unless that one is necessary for the purpose of your travel. but for travels related to vacation, you need someone to share the joy and adventure you get from the travel.
@avimra (456)
• India
21 Feb 10
Yes! I like to travel alone., when journey is for below some four hours. I would hear songs or enjoy the outside world,sometimes sleep too. But for long journeys, it will be better if I have some company with me. If there is no one also, its not a big issue for me.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
18 Feb 10
I feel a bit anxious when travelling especially if I am going to be alone. If I am going to reach the plane or train on time. I feel more at ease if I am in the company of locals who know the whereabouts and therefore I can put my mind at rest.
19 Feb 10
I am fine travelling alone but would prefer travelling with some companions. It's more fun with group activities. Furthermore, it's hard to take photos of myself when I travel alone. Cheers.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
19 Feb 10
Yeah, I used to be comfortable doing that before... however, when i started to feel weak due to my ailment, i don't attempt to travel alone anymore.. i missed going to places all by myself because it proves that i can be real independent and it's a fulfillment for me... The farthest place i ever been to was Hongkong.. I was 19 years old when I traveled by plane without any company... It was a nerve-racking yet memorable experience for me... I don't think I could ever do that again! Yay! :(
• Canada
19 Feb 10
Hello Dilipmiester. I havent travel that much as of yet for the simple reason taht Im not too much into it. I get scared about everything thats going on. My most memorable trip was with my sister and our niece. We left for a week by car on a no-where! We stopped when we felt like it and it was just great. I wouldnt have been comfortable doing this if I would have been on my own. To begin with, I would have been scared to stop at some places and I would have been afraid to maybe have car trouble and be stuck alone on the side of the road. So, for me, its out of the question to travel alone, Im not that much of an adventurer to begin with.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
19 Feb 10
I love to travel but I dont want to travel alone. I just have that crazy idea that if I get lost then I would be all alone in a strange place where I dont know anybody. If I travel with someone then that's not a lot of trouble. If we get lost at least that's the two of us finding our way back. And who would take pictures of me when I am alone? lol I just have to have a companion when I travel. =)
• China
19 Feb 10
I don't like traveling alone.I don't like this kind of feeling.I think It is too bad.Traveling alone no friends talk,no parents suggestions,no smile,just yourself.I don't like it.
• United States
18 Feb 10
Well I am comfortable traveling alone, as long as it would be in a place I know, for example, inside of the USA, I could be comfortable going to foreign places as long as I talk the language of the other country. But if I go to a place where I don't speak the language or a place that I don't know, I wouldn't be comfortable because you never know what can happen in a place that you don't know, especially if you don't speak the languages.
@kyvin147 (78)
19 Feb 10
sometimes i am comfortable to travel alone is if i sometimes travel to escape my problems.....
@samson1967 (7414)
• India
18 Feb 10
Travelling alone is joy , seer inner joy for me, when travelled with company the ideas differs, i.e each will have different idea, and to to satisfy them , we have to sacrifice a lot. Travelling in soltitude increases the knowledge. Hence I love to travel alone than with company.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
18 Feb 10
I actually like traveling alone. Not to say I don't like traveling with other people but it's more comfortable if I travel alone. I get 3 weeks of vacation from my work & I try to take 1 of them by myself.
@tluanga (767)
• India
18 Feb 10
i have travel alone from my home place to the place where i study once, it was thousands of miles away. I have taken flight and then train. I was so lonely i could cry
@marguicha (216950)
• Chile
18 Feb 10
I like to travel with someone else I like if I can do it. But if I donĀ“t have anyone to travel with, I go alone. I can have fun by myself, I am sociable and talk to different people and I can also go sightseeing alone or go to a beach or pool with a book in my hand.
@phoenix8606 (4942)
18 Feb 10
Hi! Maybe traveling alone is comfortable, but I don't think it is pleasant, because it will be a boring trip, if you don't have someone to talk with and also there is no one to photograph you I have never traveled alone and I think i will not, because i don't think it is cool to travel alone
• India
18 Feb 10
am comfortable with both kinds,if am alone i will just put my head phones and will start hearing songs and will pass my time and if i have a company am much happier that can have some good or stupid talks to pass time.