Will you listen or follow an advice from person younger than you ?

@cloud31 (5809)
February 19, 2010 7:24am CST
Somebody think that younger individual is more likely less experienced than those older person,that when younger one tend to give an opinion or advise they think they are not worth to follow or just nothing.In my point of view its not about age,its about how people understand things and situation,younger person sometimes seems to be more open minded than older one or understanding way is broad than others.SO i don't think its fair not to value the opinion younger one. How about you guys ? Will you be able to listen or sometimes follow an advice or opinion from a person younger than you? Happy Lotting and God bless!
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51 responses
• Indonesia
20 Feb 10
sometimes i fell angry when some young people tell me something/teaching me but after that i thinking for a while and i know, i'm wrong and they are good people try to hear before angry :p
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@siliguri (4241)
• India
19 Feb 10
If i think that the advice given by him/her is good one and it can help me in future then only i follow it...
@cloud31 (5809)
19 Feb 10
hello there, Yes you are right we have the same concept about this ..Thank you for responding.Happy Lotting and God bless!
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
THUMBS UP THERE... it doesn't necessarily means that if you are older, you have the right to give advice to someone younger than you... It is always depending on the situation, remember that this younger person may know something about this matter that you lack knowledge of and and it is better to listen to him. God bless.
@cloud31 (5809)
21 Feb 10
hello prime,absolutely its not about age either, its all about knowledge and understanding ,,Thanks!God bless
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
19 Feb 10
I have no problem taking advice from someone younger than myself, as long as I believe that the advice given is sound advice!
@cloud31 (5809)
19 Feb 10
Thank you zoey as it was said previously taking an advice to someone younger than us is not bad as long as the advise is likely can help..Yah? Thank you for posting,HappyLotting and God bless!
• Philippines
19 Feb 10
i believe on a thought all of us have a different interpretation and approach on whats happening in our lives so listening on the advice of the younger one is not bad, maybe a young person might have a good interpretation of what he/she experienced in life.. its not a matter of age in giving or seeking for an advice but also a matter of respect of everyone perpective
@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
19 Feb 10
Why not? I may be more senior in age or position, but that doesn't automatically make me wiser or more resourceful. Sometimes, I may find myself so deeply mired in a situation that I am unable to see the bigger picture. So, any kind of advice is welcomed, be it from a junior, peer, or senior.
@cloud31 (5809)
19 Feb 10
That sounds great being a senior it doesn't mean your opinion is valuable than others, you are right saying that you may sometimes unable to see things clearly as others could.Thank you for responding and Happy lotting!
@sushie93 (1355)
• France
19 Feb 10
Tottaly agree with you, age doesn't matter it depends of certain people, many young people are more intelligent, realistic and wise than old people even if they have less experiences...
@cloud31 (5809)
19 Feb 10
Hello sushie thank you for responding ,,happy lotting!
• United States
19 Feb 10
I totally agree with you, I think that age doesn't have anything to do with wisdom, older people can have more experience, but the question is if they learned from their experiences, that is the real key to the issues. Some young people are extremely mature and have lived experiences that have made them learned and have made the grow in better persons. Some old people, and I know many of them, have lived a lot of things but they keep making the same mistakes because they haven't learned.
• Philippines
19 Feb 10
thanks for backing me up laura... =)
@hora_fugit (5862)
• India
9 Apr 10
I'll surely listen to the advice, it may be good. And if it's worth it, may follow too. But honestly, I don't feel at ease all this while. Some prejudice maybe... Recent studies say people get wiser with age. So better to say both age groups have their domain. So have your options.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
2 Apr 10
Hi cloudie! It doesn't matter if the one who is giving advice is older or younger than you. Every advices should be considered. First you have to analyze first his/her advice, if you find it beneficial, then why not follow it. Have a nice day! Happy myLotting!
@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
19 Feb 10
well it would depend how much younger they are to me, if i am old enough to be thier dad then no way. if its one of my friends who's younger then me then i might go with it then. but it all depend how old they are im in my 40's and if someone in their 20's most likey i wont even bother to ask them for advance at all or share too much with them
@cloud31 (5809)
19 Feb 10
well yeah it make sense when your old enough and it was just a normal person to you and well nothing to bother asking them any advise. I respect your point of view..Thank you for responding! Happy Lotting and God bless!
• United States
19 Feb 10
I think we are all unique because of our life experiences. Just because someone is younger than me doesn't mean they know less about a particular topic! My Taekwondo instructor is younger than my kids! But she is teaching me something I don't know (yet)! I would listen to a person younger or older then sort through it for myself!
@cloud31 (5809)
19 Feb 10
hello mac Absolutely we are all unique individual, listening to a younger age is not bad at all you may not really knowledgeable of something that younger one know more about it..Its good to consider views or opinion from somebody else without considering his/her age. happy lotting!
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
19 Feb 10
I have learned a long time ago, a lot of advice from younger people are very good advice. You should always be openminded as everyone see something in a different perspective. No matter the age, good advice are always welcome. TATA.
@cloud31 (5809)
19 Feb 10
Yah that should be everyone should think even how big is the age gap it always have a good thing to know from individual personality. Thanks for responding..Happy Lotting!
• Philippines
19 Feb 10
i believe on the thought that all of us have a different interpretation and approach on whats happening in our lives so listening on the advice of the younger one is not really bad. maybe that young person might have a good and positive interpretation of what she/he, experienced in life.. age is really dont matter in giving or seeking an adviced but also a matter of respect in everyones perspective
@cloud31 (5809)
19 Feb 10
hello there jackpot15, its nice to have you here,you are right different person have different interpretation and it make no sense when age is concerned as long as you know the advise they were initiating is good as it sounds like it could be as helpful as you are seeking for.Thanks for responding,Happy Lotting !
@greyz7 (859)
• Philippines
7 Apr 10
hi, taking or following an advice to a person younger than me is fine with me. in fact i used to get advices from person younger than me___my best friend...age and experience doesn't matter as long as this individual has wisdom.
@Tanknox (33)
• China
3 Apr 10
I don't think age is important.it is the advise itself that matters. If the advice s/he gives is good and convincing, I 'd take it, no matter who gives the advise.
@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
3 Mar 10
If it comes to advices, I have seen advices from younger people is just like a twit! It is always very brief, to-the-point, and directive! You may go with it or not! But that's what they are. They will just tell you what they would do in that situations. If you would ask for advice from a senior, he would definitely explain the situation more elaborately and then he will offer you multiple options... just a confusion-pack! For advices, or decisions - I would definitely follow younger persons. I do follow their suggestions.
• United States
9 Mar 10
I would most def take the advice of somebody younger than myself. Just because somebody is younger, doesn't mean that they don't know what they are talking about, or that they don't have experience in the issue you need advice on.
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
I agree, some younger person are more open minded this days. Their eyes are awake and see things as transparent now. I have only two people which is my friends who are younger than me. I asked for their opinion when I have something to query about, but it doesn’t mean I will do what they had said. However, if I know they have experienced something and I will have to do it, I follow what they says if that will make it easier for me to solve a problem. Like in transaction of passport, since one of my younger friend already went to Japan, she knows what passport is and what its use, so I asked her about it. But when it comes to personal problems, I still share it with them, but the decision is still on me because this is my life and I know I have more experienced when it comes to life compare to them. Its okay for me to follow an advice of a younger person as long as they had experienced so many things in life.
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
9 Mar 10
age really doesn't matter but the right of the person to give advice does: is that young person in the right path of life? one shouldn't just listen to advice. old people sound experienced but sometimes that's all they amount to. just sounding experienced. we're all on the same level when it comes to deserving respect. choose the person you would listen to.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
3 Mar 10
A good advice is a good advice, it doesnt matter from where it comes. I would follow the advice if its good.
• Singapore
8 Mar 10
I wouldn't care too much if that person is younger than me!If it's good advices and really useful to solve my problem then i will follow their advices!It's not that bad to listen to advices from people who is younger though!