Do you know why your religion celebrates or does certain things?

United States
February 22, 2010 2:03pm CST
As Christians we just celebrated Ash Wednesday. While talking to people I found that many there for the service had no idea why we where there. Later A soon to be brother in law (who is Jewish) asked me if I knew why in a Jewish wedding ceremony they break a glass. I was surprised that so many people are not only proud to be of a certain religion but do not fully understand or know why they celebrate or do things. Are you part of a religion that you know very little about or celebrate holidays or have traditions you don't understand?
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5 responses
@celticeagle (161226)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Feb 10
No. I am an agnostic because I question the writings and how they are taught. I think alot of the lack of knowledge comes from communication break down in both the home and the church. And they just don't care anymore.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
23 Feb 10
I agree here, a lot of the lack of knowledge comes from communication background in the church and the home. A lot of people just don't care. I won't celebrate an occasion unless I know exactly what it is I am celebrating, my wife hates it, but I honor St.Valentines day, I don't celebrate it. I have yet to learn what Ash Wednesday is, but I may look into that. There are a few people in the world that do care, they are few and far between. In the church I have recently started attending, they explain a lot. It is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And I know, you probably don't care, and have no desire to learn. But, I just thought I would share, informing not preaching. They question a lot, they ask us to pray to know what is true. Since you are agnostic, you believe in a higher power, you could pray to that power, to guide you to what is right for you. Prayer is a very powerful medium, even if you pray to a rock. The act of putting your desires out into the universe, will do wonders for your daily life. And if you share with your higher power, who knows, an answer or two may come up. I appreciate you.
@celticeagle (161226)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Feb 10
Yes, I do. I feel closer to my 'higher power' when I am in the mountains and/or forest. I am glad to hear you have found a church that gives you the answer you request. For me it is not a matter of getting the answers it is a matter of seeing falsehoods in the teachings. Not much can be done.
• United States
23 Feb 10
True many do not care to pay attention only to follow along with what they where taught while being raised.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
22 Feb 10
You've raised an excellent question, as it's true that many people don't fully understand what the ceremonies/rituals are actually about. I myself have done some research into why we celebrate Easter, Valentine, Christmas, etc, their history, how they came about in the Christian Church, that sort of thing. I think a lot of us are either just comfortable with where we're at in our Christian religious practices or are afraid to have our faith challenged. I know when I did my research it forced me to re-examine my beliefs as a practicing Christian.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
23 Feb 10
In what ways did what you learn dishonor the values you originally held? I am a Christian, but there are certain things about the celebrations, that western society holds in high regard that are pagan in origin, and are that way for the specific reason of increasing converts during the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Just wondering what made you re examine your believes. I appreciate you.
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
23 Feb 10
Isn't ash wed a catholic thing? I'm christian, never known any christians to celebrate ash wed. Anyway I can't think of any celebration that I don't know the reason behind it. Everyone knows Christian events.
• United States
23 Feb 10
No offense but obviously you don't as Ash Wednesday is celebrated by those who are not catholic as I my self am Lutheran. People may know Christian events but they may not know why they are celebrating them.
• United States
23 Feb 10
ah so lutherens celebrate it too, but those are actually christian sects.
• United States
24 Feb 10
All Christians are based in a diffrent sects. How do you worship may I ask?
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
23 Feb 10
I am a Christian, I know a fair amount about it, not everything. But, when I have questions I have leaders to go to for answers, I as a personal rule will not partake of a celebration I do not understand. I do not believe in just do it because you are told, there had better be a significance behind it. What is Ash Wednesday and what do you celebrate it for? Did you know, that there is no possible way that Jesus was born in December? Shepards brought the herds in doors in December. So, there would have been no one in the fields to hear the angels. Why do they break a glass? Cheers, I appreciate you.
• United States
23 Feb 10
Ash Wednesday is the day we mark the beginning of Lent. Ashes from the previous years Palms (from palm Sunday) are used to mark a Christian not only as a blessing but as a sign of repentance. Lent it's self is a spiritual representation of the time Jesus spent out in the dessert being tempted by Satan and ends with Easter as a celebration of Rebirth and salvation. When younger we learned these things in our Confirmation courses, I think though that many did not pay attention to these lessons and in truth if I did not teach Sunday school on and off through out the years I too may have forgotten the reasons. As for the glass I told him to ask and let me know because I have no clue. As for Jesus' Birth being Celebrated in December that was actually to convert many Celts and Pagans into Christianity. Both celebrated their own religion at that point of the year and by celebrating the birth at that point helped to keep the old religious traditions while warping them into Christianity. The same with All Saints day.
• India
23 Feb 10
Hi friend, some of us people celebrated festival without knowing the fact that "what is the actually reason behind it to celebrate?".But i feel most of us aware about the reason behind it.For example I am a Hindu and in Hindu religion there are so many festival organised in a single year.Few example are Dewali,Dashahara,Holi,Rakshabandhan..etc.Dewali is celebrated due to victory of "Good thought over evil thoughts and power".On that day before thousand of year ago Lord Ram(Avatar of one of the three Hindu God Lord Vishnu)defeat an evil Ravan.And at the same day godess Durga(godess of power)killed an evil named Mahishasur.that is why we are celebrated it(that day)as victory of truth and festival.There are also so many epic strories about all festival about all festival and people are know about it.So it is depend upon the family background who teach us why we celebrates these festival and why like this?