Worst place you have had a flat tire.

@stealthy (8181)
United States
February 23, 2010 6:17pm CST
Have you ever had a flat tire or a blowout? I have had two, one blowout and one flat. The blowout was when I was on my way to interview to get in the National Guard during the Vietnam War. Luckily I found a phone(no cell phones then) and got help from my family since I didn't have time to change the tire and didn't want to get my clothes dirty just before the interview; they had no room anyway and I ended up getting drafted. But the worst place was on a narrow highway in NJ late on a snowy night coming back from a meeting with several people in the car. There was practically no shoulder so the car was halfway out in traffic, it was cold and the flat was on a snow tire on the left side so I was out in traffic to change it. While I changed the tire, my friends stood guard to direct traffic around me and the car. Have you had a bad or scary experience with a flat and having to change the tire?
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9 responses
@topffer (42156)
• France
24 Feb 10
On a highway, around 1 am : I did not want to be killed by traffic, so I decided to wait dawn to change the tire and tried to sleep. Bad idea : I can't sleep without a pillow, even if trucks were rocking my car every minute ;)
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@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
24 Feb 10
Hi stealthy, What an experience that must be cold and very tiring for you. As for me it's not the place. It was really a bad time! My ex and I were just planning for a stroll and out of nowhere our motorcycle just had a flat tire. The worst part of it all, We did not bring any money with us. Good thing that place was near a friend. We went there and I borrowed money(which I haven't paid yet, I just remembered it now)We were able to go home safely.That fun and exciting and I can't help but smile, remembering that.
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@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Feb 10
On the way home from bar hopping with friends pretty late at night. Luckily there was an open Carl's Junior that I could camp out in until I was rescued...
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@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
24 Feb 10
The only time I can really remember getting a flat tire was a few summers ago. We had been out celebrating something the night before and decided to spend our hungover Sunday taking a little road trip to see a waterfall. We drove for over an hour to a little town up in the mountains and then started down an extremely ROUGH gravel road to the falls. After driving for probably half an hour/45 minutes we heard this terrible noise but thought it was just from the rough road. After about 5 more minutes of this noise we finally pulled over and discovered a VERY flat tire; we'd been driving on the rim for almost 10 minutes! We pulled over and my husband managed to get the tire changed (not without cutting his hand wide open) and while he was in the process some nice people stopped to see if they could help. They asked us if we were headed to the falls and we said we were. Then they told us that the falls were closed due to an over abundance of grizzly bears! So we drove all the way out to the middle of nowhere, got a flat tire and never even got to see the dang waterfall!
@kaylachan (59718)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 Feb 10
I don't drive so I've never experenced a "flat". I however have experanced simulars. I am in a manual wheelchair, and I got into one during high school. At that time my chair had tires that required a lot of air, and they were getting low. So one morning I was sent over to the wood shop to put air in my tires. And, the air hose used didn't have a preasure gage (it wasn't designed for wheelchairs) and the one side ended getting too much air. And, just as I reached math class... the tire popped out in the middle of the carpeted hallway. I wasn't thrilled and students down the hall thought there were tarists in the building. Unbelievable. Now that I look back on it I laugh. My parents were called of course and I was stuck with a loner wheelchair from the infermery until I could get home. When I got home fletchers traded out wheelchairs.
• Canada
24 Feb 10
Must have been very scary for you to have to change a tire while theres traffic all around you. Good thing you had your friends there to protect you. I had a blow up while driving on a small, winding road in the mountains. I nearly drove off the cliff and managed to keep the car on the road. I was alone, I had never changed a tire before in my life and there was no house for miles. I was also right around a curve in the road and knew it was a tricky place to stop. Finally I heard a car coming and he nearly hit my car as he turned around the curve. He stopped and changed my tire. I was lucky. Another time was on the highway but hubby was driving, so he took care of it.
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
24 Feb 10
The absolutely worst place that I have had a flat tire was on a Friday at about 5:00 PM while driving through Providence, Rhode Island on a bridge. The tire that went flat was on the drivers side of the car, and there was no place to pull off and change it. I did not want to drive it far enough to get off the bridge with it being flat and knowing full well that the tire would be worthless if I did, so I proceeded to attempt to change it right in the middle of the bridge during rush hour traffic. Fortunately, a tow truck noticed my predicament and proceeded to block traffic in such a manner with his emergency lights flashing that I was able to change the tire in relative safety and continue to go home.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
24 Feb 10
The worst place I had a flat tire was on the Interstate. Actually it was a blow out and thank God at the time I was all alone with no other traffic. The tire blew out and the car swerve into the outer lane. I got control of it and finally got over on the shoulder of the interstate. And this happen near the Welcome Center, all this was locally, a worker at the Welcome Center ( a male) saw the whole thing, came to my rescue changed the tire and I was off again. I went to the nearest garage which was not far from the next exit and got another tire.
@iharidh (308)
• Indonesia
24 Feb 10
As far as I remembered, I once happened to face a blownout tire. Well, at least that is the most thrilled that I can think of. The incident happened when I traveled across Sumatera, crossing province. And I can say that the road is totally and heavily broken. So there I was, blown away my tire. And the worst of it, it happened with no garage available. And to add the mess situation, I can hardly replace the tire with the substitute one. What an experience !