Different Opinions = Healthy Relationship?

February 25, 2010 1:57pm CST
My husband and I agree on most things; From religion to politics to morals and beliefs, but do you think that having a different opinion of such important issues can make an impact on a relationship. Is it healthy to have differences of opinion or do you think this could put a strain on a relationship and that it can only lead to arguements? Your thoughts please :)
5 responses
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
being married to another person wouldn't make you the same person as he/she is. we still have what we called individuality. it's so normal to have different point of view or opinion. - it would just mean that you still practice your freedom as a person who has the right to speak what's on your mind. all we need to put in mind when having different thought is to respect the other person's point of view in order to avoid argument. i would rather have a different point of view from my partner to at least explore every possibilities of a topic is.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
26 Feb 10
I think it's great when people hold on to their own opinions after pairing up and don't just conform to what their partner believes, values, etc. I think it's totally possible for a couple to be happy when they have different political views and stuff like that, and if they can debate them without it turning into an argument that's even better. The only time it's really a problem is when someone has a real 'my way or the highway' attitude and just can't accept not being 'right'. It can also be a bone of contention when raising kids, especially when it comes to religious views. But I think it's totally specific to the types of personalities involved.
@krisnel (498)
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
sharing different opinions of a couple is a part of a relationship and will make the relationship to grow and mature. it will make the two of you to control the temper. the two of you have the right to tell what you want to tell.
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
Hello Beauty! Glad to hear you and your husband agree on most things. Agreeing on something must be really easy between you two! But I do think having different opinions on certain matters does not have a drastic effect on a relationship. My partner and I don't usually agree with certain things, but by discussing our sides we're able to see a wider perspective of certain issues: I see his sides and what he tries to point out, and he sees mine. Instead of disagreeing it becomes complementary - we're don't begin on the same footing but we end up in a resolution that involves both our ideas and perspectives, which I think is a really good thing in relationships.
• Philippines
25 Feb 10
No it does not. Because even if my wife and I are considered as one, we are ultimately still individuals in every sense. Differences between two people shouldn't be a hindrance in establishing a smooth interpersonal relationship. We just need to have a sense of acceptance. We just need to accept that if we like green, the other might be liking pink. I realized this when my wife and I were making plans about redecorating. She loves pink and I like green. So what paint should we use? I was hoping she would say something else other than pink. Of course her answer was pink. What about green? She smiled. We didn't have to consult any interior designer or decorator. WE just went along with the plan. Old rose and green actually look good together. They blend well. Everything was in harmony. We just need to learn to compromise.