I've kinda sorta have adopted this black cat that comes around everyday!!

@lola1981 (102)
United States
February 27, 2010 11:50am CST
My folks believe in that superstition crap but I just see a beautiful animal that needs alot of love, affection, food, and healthcare. He has become my best friend and I haven't had anything bad happen to me since he came around so he's staying.
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6 responses
28 Feb 10
In Britain, black cats are considered lucky. If one crosses your path it's especially lucky. There's also a belief that if you stroke a black cat three times it will bring you luck. So for the sake of your adopted black cat, I make you an honorary Brit!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Mar 10
I've often heard that the celtic cultures consider black cats lucky, here in the USA though they somehow got a negative reputation. In Celtic cultures I understand it's the black dog that is considered unlucky...is that true??
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Mar 10
I've had cats since I was five years old and have always managed to have at least one black cat over the years, in fact my very first cat was a black one. I currently have two cats, and yes, have one that is a black cat--so I'm obviously not superstitious
@lola1981 (102)
• United States
2 Mar 10
me too!! but I really like the ones with mixed colors like a lite brown blackish sorta color!!
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
5 Mar 10
i think all animals are the same regardless of their color. i dont know where people make up crap like black cat are bad luck. that is the most stupid thing i have ever heard.
@galileo2008 (1141)
• Philippines
6 Mar 10
I'm not really a cat lover, but knowing that you have adopted that poor little thing makes me wanna adopt one too. Though I'm not really a believer of some superstitious beliefs that if you have a black cat, you will be doomed to be unlucky forever.
@kaylachan (60188)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Mar 10
At least the cat is well taken care of and has a good source for food, water and much-needed medicle care. It shouldn't matter what color the cat is as long as it continues to be well taken care of. I prefer keeping my cats indoors, but that's the next best thing if you can't. At least that cat has a chance.
@rosegardens (3034)
• United States
27 Feb 10
I have 3 black cats. My luck changed for the better, if the cats have anything to do with it then they are lucky. lol