Do you sing when you are alone?

March 4, 2010 8:53pm CST
Hello, I am a terrible singer. At times I sound so pathetic that I shy away from people who are singing or rejoicing. I don't wanna sing in front of everybody. But I love to sing when I am all alone. I know there ain't anybody to hear and that makes me sing even louder. What about you friends? Do you sing when there is nobody nearby? Do you sing while working, or when you feel encouraged or satisfied? Do you whistle to the tune of some of your favorite songs? Thanks in advance for your response God bless you all
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57 responses
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
5 Mar 10
Hello my friend This is so funny, it took me alot of years to realize I can't sing I know I am not the worst but I am no where near the best, but thats o.k I will continue to sing because that is something that makes me feel oh so good, when I sing my grandson says "Grandma" but yet he is always in the room with me while I am singing I say if its so bad why stay, he laughs lol We all have talents we are blessed with singing may not be ours but so what, not like you are trying to audition for idol or anything of that nature, if you enjoy it, do it my friend, when I get in the mood nothing can stop me, I have been singing for years, when I use to care for my patients I would sing to them while I work, it makes me feel good I would hope they felt good as well, no one ever asked me to stop singing lol trust me I use to do that all the time, it was something I felt needed to be done at the time. Sing on my friend, heck what others say, keep singing my friend its such a beautiful thing, I truly love to sing.
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
5 Mar 10
Hello my friend You are so funny, oh yes my friend the two kids in my avater is my Grandson/Granddaughter he is 7 she is 4 months, she was the reason I had to leave mylot, but she is fine now so am I lol so here I am back to the place I love. I have been singing for years you know whats funny my mom has told me I should give it a rest, actually he exact words when I start singing is "oh lord" lol but do you think I care nope, I will always sing as long as my vocal cords work Thanks my friend.
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• India
6 Mar 10
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. We have similar determination I can see
• India
5 Mar 10
Hello Kitty, Singing kinda reveals your internal energy. Its an honest expression of how satisfied you are with your own life. Though I only sing devotional songs most of the time, I even whistle to my favorite concert. Nobody can stand me singing, except my mom. Only my Mom says that I sing quite good. Depending on what other people say, I often doubt that. . You really love singing. I actually can't think such a nice person as you can do without music. Hey, I didn't know you are also a "Grandma". Ohh Kitty that impresses me more than anything. Would you like to be my girlfriend? God bless you
@rajaiv0810 (1012)
• Philippines
6 Mar 10
Oh guys chill out. I have a voice of a frog too and before I am sooo embarrassed singing in front of other people. But I got 2 friends who love to go to videoke and I would always tag along. I have developed confidence. My husband would often say wrong kind of confidence hahaha. I stopped being shy about my singing. I wouldn't really care if I'm off key or what it's the performance that counts coz I know I could contest with Madonna and Britney Spears with performance alone hahaha. When we are partying my friends would always love to see me perform as I give my all and all together we would laugh with my voice. But of course I wouldn't dare to sing in front of a stage too that's another story. But you know just being with friends in parties, videokes, or even at home with my family. I'm having fun and that's more important to me.
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• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Nah my performance is not really exclusive with friends you know coz when we are in parties sometimes there are pips that I don't really know. Hahaha. I'm just enjoying. I think the 2 of us can have a concert. The Lion and the Frog musical? How's that?
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• India
6 Mar 10
You have a voice of a frog? Lolzzzzzz What if I say, I have a voice of a lion? That may sound masculine, but can't make me qualified for singing. Singing in front of close ones always makes you feel comfortable. When with friends, I am often requested to sing a few lines from old classical pieces. I know I am a terrible singer, though I manage to sing without hesitation. But singing in front of unknown audience makes my body shudder. Thanks for your response God bless you
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• India
10 Mar 10
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
Hi! Yes I do sing when I am alone. It's a good time to practice and know how good your voice is. When I am alone, I can even sing loud without hesitation. But I also do sing with people around, like at home or in the office. I think they're already used to it. When I am driving, I also do sing, I just love singing, even though I don't really have a very good voice, just an average one. Have a nice day! Happy myLotting!
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• India
5 Mar 10
Hello, I've found out something. When I was taking music classes I never hesitated singing in front of people. Now that I am officially all outta music, I hesitate to sing even in front of my closest friend. I think the whole thing is psychological. But singing alone surely makes you happy, as its a way of making the most of your time. Thanks for the response God bless you
@sky868 (14)
• China
5 Mar 10
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• India
6 Mar 10
Lolzzzzzzzzzzz sky
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
6 Mar 10
I'm definitely not Mariah Carey but I do love to sing. Alone or not alone. When I'm with friends that I am comfortable with, I can manage pretty well. When I'm with people that I just met like in a party, and there's that "videoke" playing and I am asked to sing, I shy down at first but eventually feel my confidence rising up. If you are talking about singing infront of an audience, whoa now that's a different story. I have a terrible case of stage fright.
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@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
6 Mar 10
I just sing for fun....I really am not that good especially that I can't reach the very high notes, or dare to reach the high notes. Some people will dare even if they sound awful as they do so. I admire their confidence but I just don't have that guts. :D
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• India
6 Mar 10
Hello Aiza, I would like it more if you are not Mriah Carey. . What I get from your entire comment is that you are a pretty good singer, though you are quite humble to admit it directly. Singing on stage is quite a difficult task. Only professional singers with absolute expertise can do that, as there is no scope for a retake. You sing to make others happy, and that is quite a good thing. When people admire you, you feeleven more encouraged. Thanks for your valued participation God bless you
• Bangladesh
9 Mar 10
Hi friend, There is none in this world who doesn't like to sing a bit while all alone. Though I'm not a terrible singer as once I used to play on Spanish acoustic guitar and sing as much as I could, but I usually don't sing aloud in public. There's no specific time my singing, aloud or silently. I sing whenever I like, working, resting, eating, reading, watching TV, computing, travelling etc. But I haven't been able to whistle well. I think a person gets a relaxed feeling and peace in mind through such singing. Have a singing day.
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• Bangladesh
9 Mar 10
Hello Biswa (the world)! Yes, it is of so much fun singing to oneself. It's also a matter of great relaxation that we don't have to bother others while we sing to ourselves. So, music is a great source of peace. May Allah bless you. Have a nice day.
• India
9 Mar 10
Hello Farid, Yes, singing for yourself is a great thing to do. We often do that. One doesn't need to be a professional singer to enjoy the music he listens. He just sings to himself and entertains himself in a certain way. Nice to know that you used to play guitar. God bless you
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@ulat89 (26)
• Jordan
5 Mar 10
Well dear getbiswa2000, For your information it is not only you sound pathetic cause I think that I am just like you. My best friend once said that I sound sucks when I'm singing and I got to admit that but for me if you think that by singing you feel enjoy, forget what people say.I use to sing when I like the songs but I will make sure that I'm not distracting others. Well I remember in my homeland the old folks will prevent the girls from singing in the kitchen while cooking because they say you will be marry with an old man. But it is actually one of the ways to teach girls manners, so don't be afraid to sing. For me, you can sing as long as it makes you happy.
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• India
6 Mar 10
Hello there, Thanks so much for those kind and beautiful words. yes, we should sing as long as it pleases us. Even if we sound pathetic, we should continue singing for the sake of ourselves. One thing I should make clear here. Even if your friends say that your voice totally sucks, don't admit it. They are just being jealous. Thanks for this wonderful response God bless you
@ulat89 (26)
• Jordan
6 Mar 10
ok i will.Thanks dude.
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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
7 Mar 10
I sing all the time I dont have to be alone. I love to sing, I sing on my church worship team. Sometimes I do dance around when I am alone lol. I wonder what my neighbors would think if they happen to see me through the window LOL, or if my boyfriend came home and saw me dancing around the house hhaha
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• India
7 Mar 10
Well, though you sing for everybody, you do dance only for yourself. There must be something that should be kept entirely private. Right? What did your boyfriend say about your dancing? I can imagine, he first looked silly, then he started admiring you secretly. Thanks for your response God bless you
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
5 Mar 10
I never sing when I am alone but I sing when people are there.I am basically a good singer, gifted with a reasonably good voice and an excellent ear for music[my reproducing a song is supposed to be very good]. GO ahead and enjoy yourself singing , without bothering about the audience.Singing is for your soul;I do sing for my satisfaction.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
6 Mar 10
Hey getbiswa. I ma not a performer on stage or anything though I have sung in some select prayer meetings. I just know to sing film songs and I got trained in clssical and taught music to students too.I was fortunate to have some wonderful teachers. You can continue your singing ; it is for your own satisfaction and do not worry about what other people say.My husband does this. He sings to his own satisfaction and though he did not train , he knows quite a number of songs and can sing difficult ones too.
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• India
6 Mar 10
You sing well? That much well? I wanna be like you too. Please tell me what to do with my Voice. Should I drink more tea? Should I hang myself upside down? Is there any medicine to improve your voice before each public performance? I am so desperate about singing Thanks for your response God bless you
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
5 Mar 10
Yup, I tend to do that when I'm alone.. or I might be humming too.. Your avatar is really cute.. when will the walk end? LOL...awesome.. I don't feel shy, but sometimes to sing alone, I need my own mood. I think the best is to sing in the shower, ha..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
9 Mar 10
Uih.. it's from Sonic, now I remember.. very nice actually..the animation.. with the head looking down like that.. lol.. You are right, my friend..there's something very different about singing in public and at the same time, it can be a bit of fun.. depending on the place and the crowd. Take care and have a nice day yeah..thanks so much.
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• India
6 Mar 10
Hello Zed, I sing alone most of the time. My friends encourage me a lot, especially in those chat rooms, but, singing in public always makes me a bit nervous. My avatar is taken from the cartoon series Sonic The HedgeHog. The walk will never end, I suppose. LoL.I really appreciate your participation. God bless you
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
hello there, well just like you, i think i am also terrible singer! haha i am usually out of tune i think. but it don't stop me from singing! but just when i am in our house, i sing alone yes, i even sing on my mind! haha, i think i am also a bathroom singer! but i can also sing even if my husband is around but not so loud...and one thing that i can't really do is to sing with microphone on! haha i can't and never will sing in a videoke with lots of audience...i don't want to put myself into embarrassment! but who knows, one time i get the courage to do so? haha but maybe just in frontof my husband, mom, dad & brother!
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• India
5 Mar 10
I know exactly what you mean. When people ask me whether I sing, I say yes, informing that I have a recording studio in our house. If they happen to inquire further about it, I say that my bathroom is the recording studio I was talking about. . Singing for yourself is always a good thing to do. It totally refreshes you, reminding you of your most favorite number. Thanks for the response dear God bless you
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
6 Mar 10 now i know, i also have a recording studio in the house! hehe yeah yeah, and besides singing can also release some stress and relaxes us. and its also one good way of expressing our feelings...
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• Estonia
6 Mar 10
I usually sing when I am bored or busy doing some kind of job. And yes, I also like to sing when there is nobody around. Well, I can sing a little bit, but sometimes it doesn't sound too good, so it's better to avoid being heard by somebody. However, I have a friend who isn't a good singer too and sometimes we tend to sing some song together, it's really entertaining and we don't have to be ashamed of our insufficient singing skills, because neither of us can sing well.
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• India
7 Mar 10
Hello, Singing with your friends is always very entertaining, and yes, you don't have to worry about anything else. Singing has special meaning when nobody is around. Then you only sing to entertain yourself. Thanks for your participation God bless you
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
I like singing a lot, specially if I'm cleaning our apartment, it just makes me more energetic.. Hehe. I sing in the office, but really really low cause I don't want to bother my officemates, and I'm really not that good in singing. Hehehe. I would sing at karaoke's but if it's just with my family or my close friends. I don't like singing when I don't know the people I'm with.. it's just too embarrassing. Hahaha.
• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Hahahaha. that is true, if you want somebody to go or leave, just sing, and they would definitely do it. Hahaha.
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• India
6 Mar 10
Hello, Yeah, singing can be dangerous. It can even lead to bitter break up. So we the talented singers should always be cautious about that. Singing is good, to me its a weapon. Just sing a song to the person you can't stand any more, and he asks my permission to leave. Whoaaaaa! . Like one of my friends said, while singing you don't have to mind the public. We should just sing for the singing itself, and because we love that sincerely. God bless you
• Malaysia
5 Mar 10
yes, my singing practices are amongst others, in my bathroom with the running water on. i sing as loud as i can when no one is around or at home. if they are around, i still sing but on the lower tone. i just love to sing and 'croak' . not only that, when i drive alone ( sometime have to go out to run errands etc ) , wash clothes , hanging clothes, collecting clothes, do gardening, watering or flooding the plants and cooking, i do enjoy singing . when i have a companion like my hubby / my children helping me doing the washing or gardening with me, then we talk, chat and laugh. i sing nursery rhymes, romantic songs, the lights and setimentals, songs from movies and gospel songs. sometimes i sing as i walk to the car park etc etc. singing is in my vein. not only i sing, i dance too. voice is a gift and thus i talk, laugh, giggle ( at times scream,shout and cheer. cry and weep too.) and sing. i always try to cheer another up with a song and it is good for the souls.thanks and be of good cheer.
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• Malaysia
6 Mar 10
thanks getbiswa. yes sing in the sunshine and singing in the rain too. sing, praise and worship, Father God. He loves to hear our praise to HIM and we feel good too. God bless
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• India
5 Mar 10
Dear Grace, You have such an elevated thinking and a wonderful way of making the most of your life. Yes, being able to sing is a gift indeed. Some people can sing wonderfully even without any formal training, whereas some sound worse with extensive training. I sometimes think that God has created this ability himself so that his pure thoughts can be put into words and sung by us. Thanks for such a wonderful response God bless you
• India
5 Mar 10
It depends on mood, If I feel like singing it would be in crowd as well. I love singing and it happens most of the when I am alone. Now a days i am singing on the phone as well, yes for my wife who is away from me :(
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• India
6 Mar 10
Hi, Singing certainly depends on mood, especially when you are not a professional singer. Serious singer don't sing in front of just anybody, but we do. It feels real bad to know that your wife is away from you. Though I guess its for your job, I would like to say that your singing would be encouraged even more if you bring your wife to stay with you. Love when poured in music makes it absolutely adorable. God bless you
• India
6 Mar 10
Thanks You for nice comments. I am looking forward to sing for my wife when she is in front of me and not on the phone :)
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@apples99 (6556)
• United States
6 Mar 10
Yes occasionally I sing when I'm alone, it just depends on if I'm a singing mood I actually kind of like singing and I'm not bad at it either so why not lol.
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• India
6 Mar 10
Hi, Well, that is the only thing you need to sing for yourself. You like singing that completes your eligibility lol. I also sing when I am alone. When I am in perfectly good mood, I don't even care to sing in front of others. Take care
• India
6 Mar 10
even if am a terrible singer...i sing wen a one would hear me ..and i can sing too..
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• India
6 Mar 10
Hi, It doesn't matter if you are terrible. When you sing to satisfy yourself, you can sing as long as you love it. That is exactly what I do. There is a song for every human emotion. I wonder what I would do without music. Thanks for the response God bless you
@rahule (5)
• India
6 Mar 10
hallo i am interested in singng alone .i am also interested in hearing songs ......
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• India
6 Mar 10
Hello rahul, Welcome to myLot. I hope you are already enjoying your presence here. I am actually a terrible singer, though I don't care about it that much. I sing whenever I want to. I prefer to sing alone, only for myself. I am also crazy about music. Thanks for your participation in this discussion. happy myLotting. God bless you
@silindaxu (208)
6 Mar 10
My singing is out of tone. I seldom sing a song in front of people too. When I am alone, I will keep silent, because I can sing a few songs.
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• India
6 Mar 10
Hey, Who said that you are out of tone? May be you always listen to excellent songs. I know I am terrible singer, still it doesn't prevent me from singing. I can't remain silent when my favorite number is on. I sing out quite spontaneously. I love my singing and I will sing as long as I love it. It is a way to enjoy one's own life and I just can't do away with it. Thanks so much for your response God bless you
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
6 Mar 10
On occasion, I'll sing to my dogs. Fortunately, they don't howl when I sing, so I must be pretty good. Not! Now, I whistle much better than I sing. But the dogs may not agree.
• India
6 Mar 10
Hello, You love your dog very much. It seems that its not only your pet its also your faithful friend. There is no harm in singing for yourself and in front of your close friends. I often sing together with my friends, which boosts up my self-esteem. Singing for yourself is always fun. Thanks so much for such a nice response God bless you
• China
6 Mar 10
When I am alone, I would feel afraid and sing aloud....which makes me feel better.
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• India
6 Mar 10
Hi, Welcome to myLot. You sing when you are afraid? LoL... I have never seen someone sing in a horror movie. Ohh dear, I even sing when I am numb with sorrow. There is music for everybody, for everything. Music sometimes comes to save us, to make us feel we are not alone. I am so glad to have you in this discussion. Thanks for your response God bless you