Do u reveal your pin number of ATM to your friends...?

@siliguri (4241)
March 19, 2010 4:18am CST
I didn't disclose my ATM pin number to all of my friends..yeah! there are some friends who knows what is my pin number...I only told them..But i think it is not good to disclose this secret number...might there is some unfaithful friends..who misuse it..and with drawl all the money of one..I said to the friends who is very close to me..and i know they never to that...i have full faith on them...Apart from some siblings know what is my pin number..some times i gives them my ATM card to withdrawing the money...What about u friends...?
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26 responses
@amarkovi (63)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
19 Mar 10
Why would you give your pin number to anyone? I think it can only cause problems, it is your personal number for your personal account ... there is no reason to tell it to someone. I would never give my PIN to anyone - it's the safest way to go, I think.
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@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
Only some of my friends know it. The ones I could trust. Anyway even if some if them knows my PIN the card is here with me, so I shouldn't fear too much about money being stolen. Anyway I choose my friends - and my close friends are nothing like that. They will never do such thing. In fact they're richer than me. :p LoL
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
29 Mar 10
None of my friends has my Pin number. I will not give it to them that easily. The only way they will ever have it, is if it is an emergency of some sort. Otherwise this number is kept a secret between me, myself and I.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
29 Mar 10
My husband told me his pin number last week. He wanted me to withdraw $10.00 out of his checking account so that he could put that money towards the $20.00 that he already has. He was planning on paying the Car Insurance with this money. That is the only time that he has given me his pin number. I may let him have mines, but only when I need to. I trust him enough to know that he will not wipe my account clean. Other people, I may be not that sure about. But with him, I am sure that he will be honest and not greedy.
• United Arab Emirates
30 Mar 10
It's unsafe to do so why,it's my personal info
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
I don't too.. If worst comes to worst, I don't want to include them to people i'll be suspecting, e.g when amount suddenly missing in my acct., things like that just ruin friendship.. Money, wrecks friendship...
• Canada
20 Mar 10
I couldn't agree with you more..
• India
24 Apr 10
Never to friends lol, but it is only my wife and sons who knew this, because they use my card for withdrawing money at times, more over i keep a record in a diary.. Thank you so much for this nice discussion, sorry for late response, cheers God bless you. Prof
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
29 Mar 10
I don't tell anyone my pin number...there is no need to. I would need to hand over the ATM card, as well, and that isn't going to happen! It's not that I don't trust them, but there is no reason for it. There are a couple of relatives and friends I might trust with it if there was some sort of emergency, in which case I could give it to them then.
@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
20 Mar 10
i would not disclose my pin nunber to anyone no matter how close we are. I could give it to my sister but never a friend. No one can be trusted
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
20 Mar 10
As far as I am concerned, I think I am a person who usually seldom tell my friend my pin number of my ATM card,which I have a lot of number in. But there always exist that a person I usually tell,She is my girl friend, I almost teel all my Pin number to her, almost of my password will tell her. I just believe in her so much.
@kaylachan (60188)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
20 Mar 10
I don't make it a habbit to randomly give out my personal codes to people. Not even people I know. I did that only once, with George, my hubby. He needed some things in dollar general, and I couldn't go in because its not wheelchair accessable. So I sent George in with my card. And that has only been once in seven years. He doesn't even remember it. He wouldn't even know my phone number if it wasn't in his adress book.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
20 Mar 10
Well, i never do that with my friends. For my mom and dad, i reveal that coz sometimes i give them pin to take money for their need. But to my friends i never, not that i dont trust them. But its always better to maintain a thin gap especially when it comes to matter of money with friends. Money can even create a break between friends. So i will not prefer giving away my pin number.
• United States
20 Mar 10
They would have to be really really close.
@b3ginn3r (221)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
Only one of my friends know my ATM pin number. I gave it to her so that when she goes to the bank to deposit the company's employee salary (she's one of the accounting staff of the company I'm in), she can withdraw for me. This setup is easier because the ATM machine is out of my way to and from the office. Besides, I trust her so much that she knows a lot about me. Same with her, I know a lot about her too. Telling your ATM pin to your trusted friends may also be helpful. There will be times that you might forget what your ATM pin code is. This happened to me a lot of times already.
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
I only know my pin number, when it comes to money we all know that money is the root of all evil, so why letting your friends know your pin, for what reason/
@rajaiv0810 (1012)
• Philippines
20 Mar 10
I don't think you should be sharing this number with anyone anyway. I don't see any reason why do you have to share it with friends. My best friend doesn't even know my atm pin. My husband in fact needs to ask me everytime he will withdraw on my behalf. It seems like we make it a point not to remember it unless we have to make a withdrawal for the other. For me ATM pins are very important and should be guarded accordingly and should not be shared to anybody not even friends. This is something private for me.
• Philippines
19 Mar 10
I don't disclose my ATM to my friends. I am very careful of my hard earned money and I don't want anyone to get access to it except my mom. It's a very important thing and could be misused by others even if they are friends.
@LadyBoss (253)
• United States
20 Mar 10
NEVER. that is one of the worst things you can do. I would not trust it with anyone. If its your money. Your the only one you should know. Even if you think you can trust someone, how do you know you wont end up gettin in an argument or something and they spend all your money.
19 Mar 10
I don't and probably never will give my pin number to anyone because I wouldn't feel that my money or bank account would be safe. I wouldn't trust anyone other than me knowing my pin number and if I thought someone knew it I would have it changed immediatley.
• Canada
20 Mar 10
hi siliguri, in my opinion, i don't think it's a good idea.. why would you let other people know your pin??? it is one of those things that you just have to keep for yourself.
@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
19 Mar 10
There are certain personal or private matters which are better left unsaid or untold. I really don't see the need to disclose your ATM pin number to your friends or even your siblings, no matter how close you are. I am not implying that all people cannot be trusted. It's just that by not disclosing this information, you can prevent some unforeseen or unnecessary troubles.