Gross!! Drinking Urine!??!

@laydee (12798)
March 23, 2010 5:51pm CST
Well, not me. I just read in a blog that's absolutely funny that a guy was doing his thing early morning at the bathroom to find a glass of apple-juice looking liquid and thought his wife had mistakenly left the juice while doing her thing. His clogged nose wasn't much of help and had literally taken a sip!!!!!!! Sheez!!! I mean, I have heard of people drinking their own urine since they say it is a good thing to clear some diseases (well obviously cannot cure the rotting cells of their brains and of reason!). But it's different if you're drinking someone else's urine! Anyhow, what's your take on the story? I had questions about it though: a. How could a wife or a person use a drinking glass to store her/his urine for tests?? I mean, I don't think they ran out of bottles with caps, right?? b. How could someone just take a gulp at something they don't own nor do you know what in it? c. Would you ever take a drink of something without ever checking what it is??? Whew! This truly woke up my soul!
7 responses
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
Well, what if I tell you that I was able to drink my own urine about 3 times just to get rid of a disease and it worked. My uncle drank my urine and it worked for him to. I know it's gross but for some it is considered medicine.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
Whoah.. Perhaps the disease just called for liquid.
@Valenas (1507)
• United States
24 Mar 10
My concern is that he drank urine-colored liquid out of a cup that was left in the bathroom. Nevermind that it could have been apple juice, if I had any doubt at all that it could be urine I would not have risked it. Also, considering the color of apple juice, her urine is either very concentrated or it has blood in it. Likely she was concerned that she was having problems and was trying to get a urine sample.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
Actually, she was getting tested for some type of STD. ahaha.. I know, it's time to scream waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
@jade1986 (563)
• India
3 Apr 10
well, this reminds me of one of my mischievous deeds. we had a very rough kind of a person in our neighborhood, who was liked by nobody. with my partner in crime, we stole a bottle full of water kept near his window, emptied half of it and urinated in it and kept it back there. after that i had no clue whether he had drank it or understood there was something wrong. but then it was fun for us and wanted to teach him a lesson.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
Ohhh... That's really gross. I'm wondering why he'd leave a glass of water near his window. I'm wondering even more if he did drink it. hehe..
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
23 Mar 10
Yes I am afraid its true! Some people believe that it helps your immunities. Whether it does or not has yet to be seen. I dont personally want to drink anyone's waste much less mine. To each their own. Whatever floats their boat. Happy MyLotting. dl
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@themdno (402)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I can't imagine ever doing that, no matter how thirsty I was. I don't have a sense of smell, so I guess that makes a difference, because I am really careful about stuff like that. But, think if it was the other way around, what if somebody accidentally drank your urine. I would feel bad, but also couldn't help but laugh, haha!
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
24 Mar 10
Oh yeah, just imagine someone dreaming they're drinking and actually they were just sleep walking and drank your whole glass full. hahahaha... priceless!
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
3 Apr 10
Though it may be as gross as what we think but i believe i heard it once on the television that your personal urine can be a cure for some illness i dont know if its for real but some people really do such a thing.Another story is this person trapped inside a collapsed building due to an earthquake hes trapped for 5 days and have nothing to eat or drink at all hes so thirsty that hes got no choice but to drink hes onw urine for 3 days.In the end he was saved and he made it! thanks to the effort of those brave men diggin for days and his urine too, thats what kept him alive
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
Well, I would understand if you're really in that situation. But, thinking that everything is alright and you're in no position to do that (yet alone drink someone else's urine) then it's kinda twisted drinking other people's urine, most especially if you did it by accident. hahha.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 Apr 10
WOW! That is just wrong...ewww! Anyway, I had heard of people drinking their urine before because they say if it's either that or becoming dehydrated, just drink it. However, I would never drink something that I wasn't sure what it was. Why in the world would someone leave out a glass of urine? You would think if they were to do something like that, they would at least be so kind as to label it - LOL! I'm sure that man got his nutrients for the day - he he! I have to tell you something funny, though. I just thought of it after reading your discussion. Maybe you will get a laugh out of it. Although it wasn't funny at the time, I found a random glass on the kitchen counter. It was empty, but it had appeared there out of nowhere. I didn't think much of it, so I let it sit there for a few days. Finally my husband said something about it. Now I have to give you some background. My hubby and father-in-law had just moved the toilet out of our bathroom so we could tile the floor underneath. husband filled me in that the cup that was on the kitchen counter had been the one they used to scoop the water out to drain the toilet before they moved it. Yuck! I can't believe they would be so "smart" as to put that nasty thing on my clean kitchen counter. Disgusting! So naturally, I told him what a genius idea it was (sarcastically, of course). I completely disinfected the counter, but still...I couldn't believe he or his dad at least would've had enough common sense to put it in the sink or maybe the dishwasher...or on the floor even, perhaps? I just don't get it. (LOL)