Do you tend to eat a lot when you are stressed?

March 25, 2010 6:13pm CST
This is my biggest problem. Other people tend to lose weight when they are stressed but not me. I eat a lot in fact and I easily get hungry. I am currently reviewing for an exam this April 10 and this is getting into me. My eating habits is changing again so goodbye to losing weight. I even forgot the General Motors Diet that I have just finished....I'm doomed. I hate myself for this and the wedding of my friend will be on Wednesday. How can I fit into my dress? Grrrrr
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14 responses
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
The reason for this is that your body is finding energy. If the food you it will be the substitute for the hours you don't sleep. This way your body can continue functioning even when your having less hours of sleep. Most people when stress are like this they eat for energy.
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• Philippines
26 Mar 10
That is very common for call center agents. On my part I get enough sleep now, in fact more than my usual because mental activities get me real tired.
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
25 Mar 10
Yes I also do the same thing I eat a lot when I am stressed maybe due to too much mental usage & physically stress that I need to make up.
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• Philippines
26 Mar 10
I get to be more stressed when I am mentally challenged than physically. I'd rather have physical difficulty than mental activities.
• United Kingdom
26 Mar 10
There have been times when I have been quite stressed and I would visit my local grocery store and pick up one of my favourite items to eat, chocolate! This seems to do the trick in making me feel good inside although I have to be careful otherwise I could start to encounter weight problems! I think there's a saying that chocolate helps you to relax anyway due to some of the ingredients contained within chocolate. Well, have a nice time at your friend's wedding! Andrew
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
That is so true. When I was working before and there are definitely a lot of stressful situations my boss would often tell me to relax and eat a chocolate. Of course I do. When everything's getting into my head and shaking me nervously a bar of Cadburry relaxes me. yummy
@delkar (1712)
• Romania
26 Mar 10
I eat a lot when i`m stressed or when i`m having some free time and i`m bored . I had 76 kg and now i`m having just 72 . I`m a guy , and i want to mentain myself . So , i try to make all the time something, or when my friends are free too, we go for a jogging in the park and i eat just fruits and drink natural juices . In that way, you will be able to lose a lot of weight so fast . You should eat a little food too , but try to eat fruits whenever you are hungry . Don`t eat bananas . Eat greapfruits or apples .
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
I will definitely be doing that after my exam. But right now I think an apple will not not be enough or I won't sustain the day. I eat heavy breakfast, lunch and even heavy dinner waaaaah. I'm gonna be fat again.
@engrdng06 (248)
• Japan
26 Mar 10
In contrary, I don't have an appettite to eat when I'm stressed. Sleeping as well. All the people in the world knows if I am stressed, I look very exhausted and there's no way to deny it because obviously I am.
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
The people would also know if I'm stressed because all so suddenly I would blow up like a balloon. I'd rather not eat.
• United States
26 Mar 10
I am quite the opposite actually. When i am stressed out about something my stomach is usually in knots so there is no way i can eat.
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
I envy you for that. How I wish my stomach would also go knots. I just can't stop eating.
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
We are so the same! I am jealous of other people losing weight when they are depressed, but me, I'm gaining weight! Thinking about my problems makes me want to eat more!
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
25 Mar 10
Yes, when i am stressed, i don't feel hungry and tends to eat almost double the regular meals. Seems like, it's the usual norm that when people gets stressed, they tends to eat a lot to replaced the used energy. But weird, on certain circumstances, i tends to eat less portion than my usual meals. But, that don't usually occurs. Most of the time, i will tends to eat more and increased my weight. Hope you will be able to slim down, to fit into your dress.
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
I was like that when I was in college. I grew fat because I resorted to emotional eating when I was having trouble at home and with my then-boyfriend, to think that I was in our college's cheering squad! I should've known better, right? I lost quite a few pounds when i started going out with my friends and dancing again. But a year or two after I graduate, I got stressed out because of work again. I turned to eating anything salty and sweet, and well, you know what happened next. Now I'm back to my active self. Whenever I feel stressed out, I just go to a spa for a massage or to a salon for a hair spa. There were times when I just watch a movie or go shopping (more often, window-shopping). I guess you just have to try to steer clear from anything, or anyone, that's giving you too much stress. Well, it might sound impossible so I guess you just have to cope or deal with stress differently, like I did.. and don't hate yourself for gaining weight, it'll just add stress on you.
@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
I do eat sweet food like dessert and ice cream it makes me forget being sad for awhile bit never rely on it. it just gives me temporary relief but not a solution.
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
26 Mar 10
No, not at all. I won't eat as long as i am stressed. TATA.
@udayrao2 (781)
• India
28 Mar 10
Hi Raja Yes I do the same, used to do a lot earlier as a student before exams and results announcement, then later when there were tensions in work, but now being retired that is all in the past, now even if there are any small tensions that does not make any difference in eating habits. Yes by the way I told you about the general Motors diet- how did it work? or did you gorge on thinking about how much weight you would loose??!!
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
I also eat a lot when I am stressed out but I really control myself cause I dont want to gain weight. My sister and I have the same situation but her situation is a lot better than mine cause even if she eats a lot her stomach doesnt get round.
@pwang41 (134)
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
yup...while most people loss weight when under stress i gain weight when i'm under stress. eating serves as a stress reliever to me. when i'm under stress i usually eat my favorite food or some food the like to eat at that moment to allow my mind to be relieved even just for a moment from stress.
• Philippines
26 Mar 10
Me too. I think in 3 days that I had been reviewing I already gained a few pounds. I hate it.