Did you join Mylot for the money you can earn in the site?

@Masmasika (1921)
April 3, 2010 9:02am CST
I joined mylot when I learned that it pays members. Honestly, I am looking for ways to earn money online. I did not know that one could earn money online so when I heard about mylot paying members to post discussions, I joined the site. The good thing about mylot is that you have fun and at the same time earn a few dollars from time to time.
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21 responses
• Indonesia
3 Apr 10
In the first time, yes, I join myLot because I want to earn some extra money here. But right now, money is the fifth priority for me. First is helping people, second is to get helped by others, expanding my networks, practice my english, and the last one is getting some extra money.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
Great answer. For that I'll give you a positive vote.
• Indonesia
4 Apr 10
Thank's. Really appreciate that.
• Canada
3 Apr 10
I started out trying to find a site that would help me practice my writing skills. A site where others would be critiquing my work. Mylot isn't that kind of a site so I thought I would use it to practice my writing skills on my own. Not sure I will ever become a serious writer; maybe I just don't have it. So I have fun with Mylot when I can be here and I love the fact that if I stick with it I can make a few bucks. For that reason I will stick with My Lot as long as it is around. Do you enjoy MyLot or is it all about the money?
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@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
I just enjoy writing some discussions and responding in mylot. I don't really earn money in this site because I am earning from different writing sites that I writer for. Mylot is fun and a place for learning many things.
• Philippines
3 Apr 10
I joined mylot at first because I found out that it was a paying site. But after a couple of weeks, I enjoyed the discussions. I also get referrals from this site and insights on different earning sites on the web.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
good for you. Have fun.
@kaylachan (59973)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Apr 10
When I came across my lot I was looking for data entry, or blog-type oppertunities to earn some extra cash online. I had been out of a job for about six months and living on my government check. I didn't care to much for that lifestyle and decided I needed to establish some kind of savings. So I started looking for months for work-at-home jobs. So I came across Mylot. After reading their FAQ several times I decided to give it a shot. 10 isn't really all that much money, but for someone who floats that just about every month, that seems like a gold mine. It took me several months to establish a little savings, (because I had to use the money for food) but I'm proud of my accomplishment. Now I'm in love with the atmosphere here and am proud that I found this site. I would be disappointed if things changed, but I'm just thhankful just the same just to have it.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
Wow, sounds good. I hope you are having much fun and earning as well.
• United States
3 Apr 10
I think we can pretty much agree that the main reason why we joined Mylot was mainly for the money, but as the times passes, you get used to the nice environment you find on Mylot. I haven't been all that long on Mylot. I joined roughly 3 weeks ago but I've found that there are really nice people on here and you can have a really good discussion with them.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
Right. Mylot is not really a place to earn money but it is a very helpful site and it is fun for socializing and joining discussions.
@RoseYap (51)
• Philippines
3 Apr 10
Someone just told me that this site's can let me earn some extra money online. I am really hoping that i can earn money here, but this is so good, i learn a lot from the other people. This is fun and knowledgeable, it really make sense even i am just sitting here and facing the monitor and reading some discussions. :)
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
If you want to earn real money, mylot is not the place really. Mylot is more for fun and socializing.
• India
3 Apr 10
First of all I joined mylot for making money but i didnt make any cashout till now and now i'm mainly using this site for getting help from mylotters.I have solvedmany problems with the help of mylot and mylotters...
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
good for you. keep up.
• United States
4 Apr 10
Yeah, I definitely am not going to deny it. When I joined MyLot, the fact that the site pays its members was pretty much what made me want to join. You can't go wrong with a site that pays you just for typing responses and uploading pictures. I agreeIt's definitely great that you can have fun and make money at the same time.
@kittenclaus (1393)
• United States
3 Apr 10
When I first joined Mylot then yes, it was strictly for the money. But after being here and coming to know what it's really all about, the money is just a little added bonus for me now. This site is so full of good information that I would stay with it even if they stopped paying. Some of my best sites i've learned about from Mylot and which sites I should stay away from. There are some wonderful ways you can earn on line besides Mylot. Good luck to you.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
You are right. I earn through writing in different writing sites and mylot is just for fun with a little bonus. thanks
• India
4 Apr 10
i think almost everyone in mylot join it because they want to eearn. moreover its fun staying here apart from earning few dollars.
@kharlav (1669)
• Philippines
3 Apr 10
Honestly, my first reason why I joined mylot was to earn money. Now, i don't really care too much about how much I earn daily. I just have fun. I never really thought that mylot could be fun. I could really express myself about topics I know.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
Yes, all of us are looking for some way to earn money but mylot is fun too and one way of finding friends.
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
Yes, I have joined mylot because of a friend indication saying it pays money to socialize. Its true that the primary reason is to earn money, later I found out that it is also a good place to know some friends.
@jinjer168 (1596)
• Philippines
3 Apr 10
Yes, i joined myLot because im looking for sites which can earn additional income for my family. At first, that's what im thinking but the more i used it and the more i got used to it, i began to enjoy this already that it is now my favorite site.
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
good and happy posting.
• United States
3 Apr 10
That's exactly why I joined MyLot. I've only been here two days, but I'm excited to see what I can do with it. Making money online is my thing. (:
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
Really! You must join other sites in order to earn more.
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
4 Apr 10
At first i did join MyLot for money.But now only because i like it and it's much fun. I don't have to worry about money and i don't even think about it anymore. MyLot is a great site for connecting people :P
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
To be honest, yes, my primary reason for joining Mylot is for some extra income. I have my offline work but it is better to have something extra, right? Another reason is that I am able to use my mind when I interact with others. I learn a lot from others' discussions.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
yes..at first..because i really needed it--being a retiree..but after using mylot a lot of times, i've grown to appreciate it and like it. i learn a lot from other people i don't even know and i'm happy when they answer to my questions...
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
new mylotter here! well as for me i joined mylot because of two reasons; to earn and to learn. i found a lot of mylot links on blogs with online marketing topics, i was intrigued and joined. well i can say that mylot gives us a profitable way to learn. a simple reply in exchange for $.01, what other sites could give this kind offer. i know none. on the other hand i also enjoy reading discussions as well as their replies. happy Easter to all!
@werty009 (404)
• Philippines
4 Apr 10
well i join mylot because a friend of me recommended the site to me he said that i can earn money the fact that i join mylot to earn extra cash i also love writing and responding to a topic which i can relate ^^
@anjyell (127)
• India
4 Apr 10
Seriously........this one is the perfect place where I need to discuss and share with everyone right now.Only this week I quit my job on personal issues and sitting unemployed at home.Even I left on personal issue still job means a lot to everyone I guess.Once I was looking for some good online job.....which is hardly to find I came across to myLot.Really I don't know whether we can earn or not but it kept me stress-free for long.I wish everyone joins it have their saying.Basically I am happy to discuss every minute details of life.