A question to those who believe in the after life?

United States
April 7, 2010 5:55pm CST
If you believe the after life is better then life why would you want to continue to stay alive? What is that makes you want to stay alive even if you believe the after life is a much better place?
5 responses
• India
10 Apr 10
We cannot live well in after life, if we have not lived this life well. It is a prerequisite. It is important to make ourselves worthy. You will not be given an opportunity to sit in the next class unless you pass the exam in the class you are presently in. Same applies to after life too.
• United States
11 Apr 10
Does that mean a baby or child will not live well in the after life since they didn't pass the exam of life?
• United States
11 Apr 10
I am talking about a baby or child going to heaven. Do babies and children go to heaven when they die even if they didn't go through any experience an adult went through?
• India
11 Apr 10
Babies - Children and babies however perform well in school; and in some cases even better than the grownups.
Do babies and small children are sent to school? They are sent only after they attain a certain age. Children and babies however perform well in school; and in some cases even better than the grownups.
@razim17 (194)
• Malaysia
8 Apr 10
For me i believe that the after life can be better and worse.Its all about how you do in reality now.if you do a lot of good things and prayers,u will end up in a much better place in the after life.It is the opposite if you dont.
• United States
8 Apr 10
Does god choose will go to heaven and who will go to hell? Is god bounded by any rules including his own? If not, Doesn't that mean god can deny a person to heaven for any reason or no reason at all and vice versa?
• United States
9 Apr 10
Perhaps but God can change his mind anytime he likes. He can decide to change evil deeds to good deeds and vice versa. So in other words you don't know what god deems moral and immoral. Perhaps God change the rules after the bible was written.
@razim17 (194)
• Malaysia
8 Apr 10
From what ive learned,God can do whatever he wants and fairly.But the basic concept is the good go to heaven and bad go to hell. =)
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
8 Apr 10
It is said that even the gods are jealous of man because it is only in a human body that one can rise to the pinnacle, ie attain Self Realisation.When man gets a human body he has to work hard, do good deeds, always have good thoughts and speak good words,only then can he progress on the spiritual path and attain the goal.The afterlife is not a permanent place just like human life.Both are transitory and that is why we keep coming back birth after birth until we reach that stage when we need not come back.That is the time when we have progressed sufficiently to reach the point of sainthood.With every birth we either progress spiritually or fall back by succumbing to life`s temptations.Its like a game of snakes and ladders, once up and once down.However at some point in ones life a time comes when man is able to differentiate between good and evil and choose the right path.Our life is like a school where we learn many things. We should not get attached to anything except God because it is only He who will help us in our time of need and draw us towards Him.Once we have merged in Him then there is no coming back to this life of sorrows and then the doors of God`s heaven will open out to us and we will be permanently settled there.
• United States
9 Apr 10
You realize good and evil are actually just opinions and not facts.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
8 Apr 10
It is said that even the gods are jealous of man because it is only in a human body that one can rise to the pinnacle, ie attain Self Realisation.When man gets a human body he has to work hard, do good deeds, always have good thoughts and speak good words,only then can he progress on the spiritual path and attain the goal.The afterlife is not a permanent place just like human life.Both are transitory and that is why we keep coming back birth after birth until we reach that stage when we need not come back.That is the time when we have progressed sufficiently to reach the point of sainthood.With every birth we either progress spiritually or fall back by succumbing to life`s temptations.Its like a game of snakes and ladders, once up and once down.However at some point in ones life a time comes when man is able to differentiate between good and evil and choose the right path.Our life is like a school where we learn many things. We should not get attached to anything except God because it is only He who will help us in our time of need and draw us towards Him.Once we have merged in Him then there is no coming back to this life of sorrows and then the doors of God`s heaven will open out to us and we will be permanently settled there.
• United States
8 Apr 10
Eternal life is a promise given to us by God as a reward for our faith and belief, and for living the life of a Christian. I am a firm believer in this. Why is it that I am content living on this earth with the promise of something so much sweeter? Simple...every day I am alive is a gift from God. My life on earth will end when my work for Him is complete. Until then, I look at each day as a blessing, and while it may not be perfect, it really is a blessing. Being here to take care of and teach my four children, to be the Lord's servant, and to tell other's about God's Word...that makes this life rather sweet.
• United States
8 Apr 10
Just wondering if a mother killed her children before her kids commit a sin and while they believe in god will the kids go to heaven? Is it morally right if the children are in a better place?
• United States
8 Apr 10
Children are innocent, their sins are put upon the parent's shoulders. Therefore, yes, they will still go to Heaven. Nothing makes it right to kill your children, regardless of what thoughts you have going through your head. Sure, parent's want nothing but good to come for their children, but ending their lives to take them out of an evil world is not the proper means for making this happen. God is the one who is supposed to choose when you die, not individuals here on earth.