Do you think Ninoy suffered depression?

April 11, 2010 6:42pm CST
The news has been abuzz about the alleged fake psychiatric report of LP candidate Ninoy Aquino. Although the authenticity was denied by Ateneo's Psychology Department and Fr. Caluag, Villar still challenged Ninoy to take a mental test to determine whether he is fit to lead the country. Ninoy does not want to give credence to this and dismissed it as black propaganda. As Filipinos, do you think that those who aspire to be our leaders should have a medical clearance? Do you believe that Noynoy suffered depression after he broke up with his stewardess girlfriend? Should he take up Villar's challenge that they take the test together?
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15 responses
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
I don't know advocate, But the question is, how come he refused to show his medical records, for what reason? he's been hiding so much and so many and yet the people blindly love him. do they know that his guys "smoke" and he's getting thin because of the campaign+smoke. if he has suffered depression in that situation, what more if he encounters more issues and scandals about him? he's credibility is troubled if he doesn't show his medical records. better yet he should just go for medical examination along with other presidentiables.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
If Noynoy has anything to hide, he should show it now so the public may know. If he fails and the people will find out later this would only mean that he's no different from any trapos in the government where they put their own interest above the rest. Besides, if he has a secret he can't keep it forever. if Mar was able to find out the meds that Loren was taking as what he disclosed during their debate, i'm sure Villar will be able to do the same.
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• Philippines
12 Apr 10
hello advocate, I want President to be role models, not the one who smoke, have a lot of women/mistresses, and even money! i thought there isn't any until gordon comes around.
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• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Just to make it clear I am not advocating for Noynoy. That said, I think LetranKnight, as I understand the news, he has not been refusing to bare his medical records. Logically, his stand is correct in the sense that the basis of Villar's accusation that he is depressed does not exist. It would have been different if the document was authentic. If you dignify an accusation based on what is proven to be fake, then it would be easy to make a fake document and then make the candidate answer fake charges. It's just not done in a democratic society. The burden is on the accuser, and not the accused. Also, the alleged depression happened more than a decade ago, and not during the campaign. I remember that there were interviews that I saw him discussing his health (smoking and dieting) and I got the impression that he was open to his medical records being disclosed. Do I take it that you are not in favor of smokers as presidents? Just kidding...
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@aisa62379 (150)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
noynoy you mean? hmm well if he has nothing to hide then he should take.
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• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Yes, I was referring to Noynoy. My concern is that this might open a whole can of worms for other politicians too. If he is to be tested, then everybody should be tested. Then how do we know that the tests are not rigged? etc
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@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
16 May 10
Noynoy's detractors are all crazy. They are talking about something that happened when he was in college, in his late teens in which a break-up with someone you truly love can be very devastating. What's all the hype? Haven't you all at one time experienced some depressive moments? Like when you lose your house to fire, or lose a relative, etc. A person who does not undergo depression should seriously go to a psychiatrist. We all have our highs and lows so what's the big deal. Why do they want to let him have a test for something that allegedly happened many decades ago. Are they insane?
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
..hi.. I don't think that matters.. for me, depression can be cured.. not because I'm pro noynoy that I say this.. What I'm trying to say is, in our country, politicians will do everything to ruin the reputation of their competitors.. we don't have a healthy competition in politics ever since.. the bigger problem is, these politicians continue to do things that confuses the public even more.. how I wish that these politicians stop making issues against their opponent and instead, promote their own selves and show the public more of what they've done and what else they can do for the country..
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• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Yes, it would be a good idea to limit the campaign to self-promotion. It's just sad that a lot of Filipinos have a crab mentality. Look at Villar trying desperately to step on Noynoy just to get to the top of the basket. The NP denies any involvement in the black propaganda, but they are nevertheless making full use of it.
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@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
What? Why does not Villar take it himself? I think he is the one who needs to have a check on his mind since he'd been caught lying so many times. Too much lying is a sign of psychological disorder. He should take it first before asking others. He should take the lead because it is very obvious how power-hungry he is and what a crook he is. I am sure he will do everything to get back all that billions of money he had already spent on his campaign.
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• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Amen to that! He should not make it conditional. If he is really sincere, he should take the test himself.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
I dont think he did,i personally its just a plot to make the people see that hes one big walking nuts lol .At least i dont find him as liar whose always telling people how poor he is lol.But seriously whether its true or not noynoy wont be gettin my vote anyways i will still go for gibo ;)I think amongst all candidates hes the one suited the most. Thanks for asking my friend
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• Philippines
12 Apr 10
It's true, he does not deny his haciendero line. Neither can Gibo. Villar was really defensive when the LP called him on his claim of being poor. He was very defensive then, notwithstanding the fact that his claim were refuted by independent sources. Now he is doing the same to Noynoy, without even bothering with the truth. Villar does not have my vote. Neither does Gibo. Gibo and Noynoy are cut from the same cloth. They come from rich and privileged background, but there is really nothing to show for it. I was a victim of Ondoy, and I did not see his work during that disaster. In fact, aside from Ondoy, the other disaster was their rescue and rehab efforts. I would rather go with Gordon.
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@greyz7 (859)
• Philippines
12 May 10
i beleievb he didnt.. alot of people who were allegedly placed in the scene were able to stand for noynoy.. that the rumor idsnt true and the signatures where forged
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@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
16 May 10
Let us say he did seek professional help to help him cope with an emotional turmoil he was experiencing because of the break-up. So what? It is because the family can afford to get professional help. In more advanced countries, every hurt or heartache or emotional distress that a person experiences would require some sort of professional help for these people to cope or get over the emotion. Like losing in an election for instance, that can truly be devastating. Those concerned can seek for help during such times. It is a kind of help that makes people move on with their lives. Is there anything wrong with that?
@rsa101 (38008)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Well Noynoy said there are some facts in there that were partly true like the incidence like Noynoy breaking up with his GF and some other small details. I guess the plot to use ADMU psychology department as the source was a big mistake as well as using Fr. Caluag's signature. I just hope that whoever wrote this had made some kind of a research to really pindown Noynoy's credibility but I think he rushed too fast in making conclusions by fabricating evidences on their hand. Well I guess medical clearances are okay but for them to undergo psychiatric evaluation is just a waste of time. I think they just focus on their task ahead of delivering their platform of governance in their campaign than putting each other down with their scandals, lies and everything that would put mud on their faces.
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
I agree, it was a poorly done black propaganda. Whoever thought of it or run with it should be ashamed of themselves. Such a neophyte move!
@setroc (853)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
i like noynoy, but with this new issue, and him just ignoring it and not taking villars challenge to realy prove it wrong, makes me think that maybe it is true, and i think the next president should be stable mentally, come on the countrys already in a lot of mess, we dont want a president who has problems mentally, i say noynoy should really have himself check then show it to the rest of the country if the result says that his ok, it would shut villar up and most importantly, it would restore the faith of someone like me in his capability to run the country
@setroc (853)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
i agree, but still, he should know, and i think he does, that not all believes that that document is fake, and i dont want noynoy to lose because of something that is not true, if it is really not true, so if he really value the vote of those who are somewhat in doubt of him because of that document, he should you know, win them over, he should do everything, everything legal offcourse, to ensure his victory. i dissagree with you that mental depression is not something to be worried about, im not an expert on that matter, but i think it starts from there and worsen into something else, if hes not gonna do something about it, im not gonna vote for him, im not gonna vote for villar, im just not gonna vote, waste of time
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
Do you think that someone believes that is a genuine document? Hmmm, I have not seen anyone say that except for the deluded NP camp. You just scared me with your statement that depression will worsen into something else. I'm depressed about the state of our country now, does that mean it will worsen into something?
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• Philippines
12 Apr 10
I am just concerned that if he does take up Villar's challenge, it might set a precedent wherein Villar or anyone will manufacture a fake document and challenge a challenge a candidate to disprove it. It will be a never-ending cycle of challenges. But you do have a valid point that the mental health of our leader is important to us. However, there should be a standard that should be set. Depression is not really something to be worried about, unless that means he is bipolar.
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@jlamela (4898)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Villar already stressed and crazy as Election day is getting nearer and Noynoy is still on top of the surveys conducted by different groups,even the mock elections held by different sectors and schools, Noy emerged the winner. The Nacionalista Party seems couldn't think of any black propaganda to discredit Noynoy, so they stoop down to the very low level of accusing him suffering from mental health, which is below the built already granting AdMU and Father Caluag vehemently denied the report. Villar's challenged for a mental test for Noynoy is really out of the topic and highly immoral, it is just an indication that Villar is getting hopeless that he beginning to look like a loser. To shed light on certain issues thrown to Noynoy, please visit this link: I don't think it is proper for any political candidates to undergo mental test, it is not required in the constitution, this is very unheard even in world political affairs. The issue that Noynoy suffered mental health problems is highly inconceivable. Will when it comes to depression issue, I think everybody undergo depression it is part of a normal life even Princess Diana and most of the US Presidents at one point suffered depression but it does not mean one is already insane or incapable to govern.
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
I sense that you're not a big Noynoy fan... just kidding. On an objective level, I agree with you that this is a very low level of black propaganda indeed. His challenge is non-sequitur considering that the document is fake. It is also true that it is unconstitutional to require a mental test. But as an aspirant to the highest post of the land, and as my future leader, I would at least like to know that he is sane enough to lead me to progress. The issue is just clumsily handled. I would have expected more from Villar, he with all the money at his disposal could have hired better media relations. To be caught handing a fake document to ABS-CBN is just, well, I hesitate to label it as it should be.
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
anybody would suffer depression with any breakup. however, i don't think this allegation would do much to noynoy's standing. is the majority of the filipino voting public (the masses) put this much weight on depression? i think the fact that he is the jr. of a hero and the only son of a beloved president would weigh more. however, as a graduate of pyschology myself, it is such a wonder for me that without so much to do in his youth and perhaps (whilst his looks) why he never got married. marriage is not a thing one has to do but with his economic standing, exposure to a lot of people and with that surname (without forgetting the fact that he is a member of a haciendero family) why nobody ever came close to winning his heart. is it high standards or perfectionism of his? let's just hope his family's frustration of getting him married wouldn't extend to our frustration in seeing a lot of things done if ever he would win.
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
okay. i just thought that since you posted here you'd appreciate a point of view in a nicer way.
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
So you'd rather have a married president? Gives me an insight why a lot of single politicians marry before running. Look at Mar. But a candidate's civil status is not a major issue with me. As far as I'm concerned, as long as he does his job, whatever his choice is fine with me. Personally, I want my president to focus on me and not his family. As for why he's not married, I do not want to go there. It's a personal decision.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Medical examination is one of the requirements for employment. I don't think public officials should be exempted. In my own opinion, theirs must be rigid. The more sensitive the position is the more strict their medical examinations should be. It's hard to make transitions what more if you have to do it all of a sudden?
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
There are a lot of people who were not able to get a job because of health reasons. This normally happens to OFWs, a lot of them are not able to go abroad to work because of TB or Hepatitis. But you're right, the constitution does not require a candidate to undergo medical examination before running. But i think they owe it to the people and themselves to be physically or mentally fit before considering to run.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Hello Advocate! I think that people who want to be our leaders should be tested not just physically but mentally as well I won't judge NOYnoy, because It's not proven yet. I think that it is just a political agenda to do so. I think there must be a better way of winning than to dig someone else's CRAP...
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
That's right. Noynoy's accusers should not be allowed to come up with a fake issue. It is not fair to Noynoy or to the Filipino people. We want a spirited debate on a candidate's fitness, whether physical or mental.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
I know what you mean... They are all hitting on each other. There tactics are just absurd and just no sense..
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
It was very well told that such document was a lie. It is a black propaganda. Because of this, the more I got turned off with the opponents of Noynoy. However, everyone of us suffer from depression one way or another. Should it been true that that document was true then I don't think that's a big deal. I, for one, is also suffering from depression every now and then but I'm mentally fit and I can handle everything well.
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
Don't we all get depressed when we hit bumps in the road? Who hasn't been depressed after our hearts have been broken? Even if true, Noynoy deserves a break.
@marvz023 (189)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
well, most people suffers depression, but to the point that he needs psychiatric care is really a blow to his campaign. i think of this as just a mudslinging because for one, LP and NP are exchanging blows lately to the point that it's already sourgraping.
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
It was indeed a gamble on their part if people would believe their black propaganda. I think nobody was impressed with the press they tried to generate on this issue except themselves. Sometimes I pity his spokesperson. it's very perceptive of you to notice that it was Villar's credibility who suffered by their handling of this issue. I noticed that a lot of people were turned-off. However, most of them are already non-Villar to start with. I agree, people are easily swayed by media. I guess that's why it's called a boob-tube.
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Why is it a blow to his campaign if it has not been proven to be true or based on a genuine document? Do you think this issue has affected his standing. I am curious. Because if it does, then I will have to expect more fabricated mudslinging in the next few days. I hope that the Filipinos will see thru this black propaganda.
@marvz023 (189)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
it affected the other party's, it's a gamle on their part if people would but on their story or not. it's just too much hate between the two parties and its most likely a battlefield right now. if this has been to equal nations, it started a war already. just expect more of this until the people have voted for their next president. i dont think the people will see thru this. almost 90%+ of them are glued to the TV and whats in the television is always right especially when news would always say they are always for the truth. quite honestly, media is controlling the filipino people and most politicians will spend millions to get people's attention on TV.
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Maybe he had suffered depression in the past, that is good thing if he really made a decision for counselling or therapy. But I believe that is already in the past and that is just a tactic so that people will get confused if they will vote for NOynoy or not. I am not against NOynoy and I am not pro NOynoy. In the first place I do not choose him to vote for the upcoming election, but I believe that is just a tactic against him. I believe that is already in the past and not to be brought up again. And I believe he is already cured by now hahahahaha.
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Really, he is cured? I would have thought that throwing his hat into the presidential ring was a sign that he's crazy? Just kidding... Yes, I suppose seeking help for an issue is a sign that he knows there is a problem. As we all know that is the first step to solving the problem. I did not know that depression could be cured though. I always thought that you can get over the depression, but there is always a predisposition to it. You think he'll get depressed again if Shalani breaks up with him?