Should he propose to you tonight... would you accept?

@laydee (12798)
April 22, 2010 10:02am CST
To the women with boyfriends or partners (unmarried): Should he propose to you tonight.. would it be a definite 'yes'? Why? Why Not? To the men (unmarried): What would it take for you to propose to your girl? To the married couple: Should he/she ask you to marry him/her again, would you? To those who are single: What would be your dream proposal?
1 response
• United States
22 Apr 10
If my boyfriend were to propose to me tonight the answer would be no. Its not that I dont care about my man, because I do, but we live together and I am quite happy with where we are as a couple. I am not ready for marriage and want to finish my degree first. While alot of poepl have told me that Im "playing house" and ask when I will marry. I always reply that I will marry when I am financially, emotionally, and just all around ready. I believe that marriage should be cherished and enjoyed but I also know that its alot of work. It just not a commitment that I am ready for at 22. Maybe one day but not right now.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
It's weird that you think that way now that you're living together. You're doing everything married people are doing, what's lacking there is the contract.
• United States
23 Apr 10
Well, it may seem that way. I guess what I'm saying is that although I care for my man deeply, I am not ready to be married. I spoke to him last night about this conversation and found that he isnt either. We came to the conclusion that although we care for each other, neither of us really think that its enough to warrent being married. We like being together but also like the freedom that living together provides. We are both very independent and like knowing that if things didnt work for us, we wouldnt have to worry about divorce proceedings we would simply go our seperate ways. I guess, Im being confusing but I cant think of any toher way then that to put it.