Would you like to have braces?

braces - photo of teeth with braces
April 30, 2010 11:39pm CST
Well, for me it is too late. But I think braces are useful too, since they align the teeth. But I have heard somewhere that it is not advisable to wear them because the enamel might be scratched which might lead to tooth decay and make the teeth brittle. But many people wear them today- how about you, would you want one?
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5 responses
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
12 Mar 21
i have little teeth haha, i'm fine with how it's aligned too
1 person likes this
• Philippines
25 Mar 21
yes, for some they really need it
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@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
26 Mar 21
@stanley777 yeah, i have a friend wh looked better after it
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@UK_Shree (3603)
9 May 10
I used to actually have braces when I was a teenager and wore them full time for around a year from start to finish. I never liked wearing them and I don't think it made much difference to my teeth, as my teeth were never that bad to begin with and when the braces came off the teeth just went back to how they were originally anyway
1 person likes this
• Philippines
25 Mar 21
yes it loks really uncomfortable
• Philippines
1 May 10
there's no need for me to have braces.I have nice teeth and I don't see the need to have one.I have a lot of colleagues who have braces.frankly,I think braces are a turn-off.I don't get blinded with those metal on teeth.in my country,getting braces is a bit expensive.some people get braces just to show off their financial status.they get braces,complete with colored rubbers.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
25 Mar 21
oww , lucky you my friend
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
2 May 10
One thing that im pretty much blessed with is that i have a good set of teeth with me.Not just a good set of them but they are pretty much well aligned too.So theres no need for me to have or to put on braces.And one more thing bout braces i feel turned off whenever i see a girl wearing one i dont know if its just me or what lol
1 person likes this
• Philippines
25 Mar 21
wow you are one of lucky ones haha
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
1 May 10
braces for teeth - would you like to put braces on your teeth?
i guess NO! i really don't like braces,it makes someone look like they have big teeth ahead of their mouth, i don't like that! now i seem to have denture because my front tooth seems to want to leave me, but i don't really like it! as if i'm getting older! sadly,but i think time will come that i will have no choice but to use dentures on my teeth! there's no way to fix my teeth than having a denture,i guess!
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• Philippines
25 Mar 21
oh sorry to hear that