How was the Elections?

May 10, 2010 9:40am CST
It was hot. It was a long line. But I am very excited with the results of this election. We had some problems with our PCOS machine in our precint. It was frustrating at first but we also have to think it was our first time to have an automated elections. I hope that our officials learned a lot now. And the next automated elections will run smoothly and with no hindrances like today. But it is exciting to see, that as early as now, we can see poll results. And in the news, the final and official results are expected as early as tomorrow morning. How about you? What was your experience voting today?(^^,)
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6 responses
@portisray (503)
• Philippines
11 May 10
Me and my sister went at 6 o'clock in the afternoon (or is it evening?)... There were no more lines...less people in the corridor of the school precint and not so very hot... so went there without any hassle... We encountered no problem in the PCOS machine... But my only problem was who am I to vote... hehe...
1 person likes this
• Philippines
11 May 10
Hehehe...That's a great problem indeed...
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
10 May 10
Elections went smoothly in our precint. Short line, no issues with the PCOS machine, no weird issues happening. I can't say the same in other precints though as they had long lines and they were out in the sun. I guess you're right in saying that Comelec should learn from this mistake and should greatly improve the process in our next election.
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• Philippines
10 May 10
Yes, they were out in the sun waiting for their number to be called. And it was so hot. I think we reached another 37C. Hopefully, yes, the next elections will run very smoothly almost like a flash. And the PCOS machines will be more apt to the challenge. But I think so far the elections is successful. It's one in the morning, but I am still following the poll on the news. (^^,)
• Philippines
11 May 10
I didn't have any problems voting, cause my mom was super excited so we were in the school early. We had a lot of time to look for our precinct, and to have some chitchats with a lot of neighbors. I was actually the 13th I think to enter the classroom, and the 6th to vote. There were no problems with the PCOS machine, but I was so nervous that while shading my hand kept on shaking. LOL. The few seconds were the machine says "Verifying" is really nerve-wracking. I'm glad that my vote got counted. Everything is really changing, and I really do hope that this is all for the best of our country.
@TheAdvocate (2392)
• Philippines
10 May 10
Yes, it was very hot. PPCRV confiscated the fans with the names of the candidates at the gate of the polling places. Good thing my brother had the presence of mind to bring abaniko fans. I lined up for over two hours, and there were a few pcos glitches, but other than that, it was okay. I do not want to return to the old system!
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• Philippines
10 May 10
Hope that after 6 years our country will chance for the better.
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• Philippines
10 May 10
Hi Arreolabryan! Hopefully, yes, in 6 years our country will be better. Did you got to vote today? How was it? Some of my friends weren't able to vote. They got fed up of the long line and the excruciating heat. So they went home. How about you?(^^,)
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
11 May 10
it was good. the only thing that irritated me was the hot temperature. it was really hot that the voters are sweating so much. fortunately, there wasn't any case of rejected ballot due to tampered ballot because of sweating. but i can't forget those who were really wet because of sweating.
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