..my Hands are getting nUmb! HELP...

i think my hands are overused.. - i don't know if it is related to the carpal tunnel thing, but seriously,i'm worried about my hands,.
@neh357 (173)
May 16, 2010 11:02am CST
i have started to join ptc sites last week and mylot. in my desire to complete my daily tasks, (i set myself to click on my ptc sites everyday, and to post or reply to a discussion at least 10 for now), i go to the past discussions and reply to it even if i can see that it was created a month ago. in doing so, my hands get numb in typing and at the same time clicking, i notice that my hands were getting numb, i don't know why, what i am going to do? i think that my hands were getting tired because i am frequently using it in the office and then after office i am again using it to post and reply in discussions here. i don't know if there is some remedy on how i am going to prevent the numbness,,help!
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11 responses
@climber7565 (2579)
• United States
16 May 10
you must think of the best way to improve your ergonomic postures and thus help your hands, arms and spinal column, prevent injury. Look at these links for infomation: http://ergonomic-mouse-guide.com/ also look at this one: http://www.cdc.gov/od/ohs/ergonomics/compergo.htm
• United States
17 May 10
oh i hope you feel better soon. There are some wrist braces to use for a little while so that your hand can rest. I am sure your doctor can determine what is happening to you. Please make an appointment.
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
16 May 10
this link would be very helpful. i greatly appreciate you helping me with this since it is really making me nervous about this carpal tunnel thing. i just hope it would not be much worse than that.
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
17 May 10
you look like a rockstar..LOL anyway, i will try first to read informations on the link you have provided, you see, i'm scared to see a doctor..=) i will self medicate.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
16 May 10
Hi neh! Certainly sounds like your hands and wrists are overworked. I use a wrist pad where I rest my wrist while using the mouse. I take frequent breaks of a few minutes each time to move around and stretch my body, arms and wrists. Just as a precaution. And I think it works. I can stay a little longer than without the breaks and stretching. Hope this would offer you a guide. Keep myLotting and have fun. Enjoy! :)
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
16 May 10
The internet connection, slow, frequent cuts and stuffs like that, they do happen. Don't worry much about that. Duplication? If it's a genuine error just say so. Remember to take frequent breaks in between. That is just as important. It keeps the circulation going and does not tire you down easily. Take care!
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
16 May 10
Hi, i have moved on with the duplication. I just hope mylot does not delete this discussion. your suggestion is very much well appreciated. i will buy the cute spongebob wrist pad i am eyeing yesterday. I really need to do something about this numbness.
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
16 May 10
What is wrong with my computer? my responses were duplicated *sob* *cry* i will buy wrist pad tomorrow..in the meantime, i will cry because there is a tendency that this discussion will be deleted? hope i am wrong! i am really crying right now. i hate my internet connection!
@TexLadyPj (1328)
• United States
17 May 10
I have the beginnings of carpel tunnel, have had for several years. My dr gave me wrist braces and they have helped. Carpel tunnel is problems with nerves in your wrist, brought on by any repetitive motion, be it data entry or the same motion in your hands. Self-medicating, if it is carpel tunnel, will only allow the problem to become worse. It is important to get a handle on the problem now.
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
20 May 10
That is so scary. I have watched a documentary about this carpal tunnel thing. It is a about a boy who spends her free time playing games in the internet for almost five hours, repetitive games. Do you know what happened? He cannot even move his hands! His position whenever he is playing games, he was stucked. Because he is very young, the bones in his hands were locked. An operation was suggested by a doctor upon seeing his condition. Whew! I don't want to end like that, I need my hands. (sigh) Can you suggest where can I find those wrist braces? Can you message me? Have a good and productive day! =)
• Philippines
20 May 10
right... wrist braces... my brother is also wearing it.. it think he usually wears it when using the computer... and his doctor adviced him to rest his hand and dip it in warm water.. he is doing it every night now.. and his doctor also gave him glocusamine sulfate, its an oral solution..
@jugsjugs (12967)
16 May 10
When your hands or your fingers feel like that take a break from all the typing and then when you feel the feeling has gone go back and start to type again.I have this problem aswell and i find that by taking time off the pc then going backon it helps, but it do not help for long enough.
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
16 May 10
my office mate puts salonpas in her wrist every weekend, i haven't tried it because it sounds funny, do you use some ointment or do you take some particular vitamins or anti inflammatory agents? i don't want to make seeing a physical therapist my last resort so i'm going to know all things there is to know about this problem.
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
16 May 10
my office mate puts salonpas in her wrist every weekend, i haven't tried it because it sounds funny, do you use some ointment or do you take some particular vitamins or anti inflammatory agents? i don't want to make seeing a physical therapist my last resort so i'm going to know all things there is to know about this problem.
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
16 May 10
my office mate puts salonpas in her wrist every weekend, i haven't tried it because it sounds funny, do you use some ointment or do you take some particular vitamins or anti inflammatory agents? i don't want to make seeing a physical therapist my last resort so i'm going to know all things there is to know about this problem.
• Philippines
17 May 10
My partner also has the same problem as what you are experiencing. What I ask him to do is to modify the position of his hands. Also inject frequent est periods and try to apply cold compress so it would relax the muscle and will not cause soreness.
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
20 May 10
Hello dear, How does he modify the position of his hands? I have tried stretching it for a minute and then continue typing, i will try your cold compress suggestion. Help appreciated.
@arabian (39)
• Indonesia
17 May 10
u must time manage,,, healt more important than money
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
20 May 10
Argh, that hit me. I am just starting in this online job. Maybe I have develop this numbness already. I frequently use my hands from my previous jobs and to the present. Health also concern me that is why I am deadly worried.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
6 Apr 12
you should take a rest once in a while..a rest of at least 15minutes everytime you feel numbness will help a stressed hands to rest...
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
16 May 10
hi neh357 I think you just overused your hands but it might be the beginning of carpal tunnel syndrome. So for more comfort I would type for no more than twenty minutes then rest your hands and eyes for at least fifteen or twenty minures.
• United States
16 May 10
You may need to take more frequent breaks to keep up this same pace.It's probably a lot of over use. You might also check the way you are sitting. It could be from a nerve and might be corrected by sitting properly.
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
16 May 10
oh, maybe because when i'm getting tired typing i slouch and type again, the pain starts from my shoulder then distributed to my hands, are they related? sometimes i raise my two hands for a minute but it is not effective..they are still numb, it tried sometimes to pinch their tips because my brother who is a massage therapist told me to pinch it to relieve the pain, but it gets more painful.
@beachdune (907)
• India
16 May 10
I think you are living at a cold place . In cold place , hands do get numb fast . But there are some simple remedies to relieve the numbness . Just take some warm water and dip your hands into it . Also frequently exercise your fingers like bending them to and fro . Aldo rub your hands vigorously for a few seconds , as that help in increasing blood flow to your fingers , thus relieving your numbness . Or just keep your hand at the back of your CPU where hot air is released . That will remove the numbness .
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
16 May 10
this is very helpful beachdune! i am working at night in a very cold production area, i tried to raise the issue of having a very cold workplace but my team leader told me that i should bring jacket,i cannot explain that my problems were my hands, they become stiff sometimes. is dipping hands in water a good one? i think that it will bring out my veins, argh, i'm getting frustrated..*crying* =(
@oldchem1 (8132)
16 May 10
Sounds like it could be repetitive strain injury, you may need to slow down a little!!
@neh357 (173)
• Philippines
16 May 10
my job involves encoding all the pertinent information of an applicant of an insurance. from his name down to his beneficiaries and so many more, and i have been doing this for a long time, this data entry job. i think you are right, i have to slow down.