the joys of motherhood

May 16, 2010 2:28pm CST
I am mum to a gorgeous son who is my world. 2yrs of trying, 41weeks of pregnancy and 12hours of labour and my gorgeous son was born. I love being a Mum but it is not without its little disruptions..temper tantrums, stinky bums and toilet training. I wouldn't have it any other way as I get to hear my son laugh and see him smille. What is your favourite motherly thing?
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13 responses
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
17 May 10
I am not a mother yet but I am very excited to become one. I am not pregnant either but hopefully this year we are gonna have a baby. I do worry about those things that you mentioned but you wont be able to call yourself a mother when you would not undergo those things. I am really excited about becoming a mother and hopefully I will be sooner.
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28 May 10
I wish you all the luck in the world!x
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• Philippines
16 May 10
From being freely single one to being a mother maybe it's difficult from the start, and yes it is from my experience. I' am a mother of a 3 years old boy. And I had experienced everything with him. In this generation children are very different from the past, oldies said. They are more naughty,aggressive,and hard-headed that's why we need more patient for them. But even were experiencing a little hard work to guide them we still love being a mom. Every single day when we seeing our children that happy, smiling, laughing, playing like no more tomorrow we felt triple as they are, am I right? Sometimes or every time we love to play with them, to talk with them even thou we cant really understand if what they are trying to say...Children are still a blessing!
28 May 10
a smile makes my day..i agree they are a true blessing.
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@grkelly (1206)
• Malta
16 May 10
I agree with you. I never imagined how wonderful it is to be a mum, and now that i am experiencing it it is just utterly undescribable in its beauty and emotion. There are several hard moments, especially the potty training and not being able to sleep well at night. But other than that I love being a mum espeically when my kid smiles and says I love you mummy or thank you :)
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18 May 10
i know, my son has such a cheeky smile x
@zralte (4178)
• India
16 May 10
Congratulations. It is trying being a mom, and scary too. For me watching the developmental stages is the best enjoyment. The beginning when they start learning new things, like sitting up, crawling, walking,etc. I love the beginning walk, more stumbling than walking, it's great. And yeah, the best part is that tiny voice when they first said 'I love you, mommy'
18 May 10
those little footsteps are precious, my son still stumbles and its so cute as he responds with oopsie daisy lol x
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• Philippines
20 May 10
Being a mom is not really an easy tasks, I can still imagine those sweet-tiring old days when my kids were still a baby, we need to wake up to give them milk, changed diapers every now and then and some other stuffs that mothers do, Those hardships are nothing when we hear them first talk and called us "Mom" every single moment is too joyful, Words are not enough to describe how we really feel when we hear them laugh, we feel their little kisses and hugs! My kiddies are still babies though, my dear son is turning 8th and my little girl is 4. Tiring stage as they say... But that's what is all about, as they say... Kids will always be kids (^_~) Let's just enjoy their childhood, for when they'll grow up we'll surely miss what we're doing for them right now.
28 May 10
Kisses and cuddles are excellent and the laughter is fab
• United States
18 May 10
I couldn't agree with you more. I have nine precious children aged 38 to 16. The fun doesn't stop when they're your son's age. Wait until school, when you prove to him you're the smartest person in the world. Or when he's in the terrible 2s and horrible 3's. He'll think you have eyes behind your head. Little people believe if they can't see you, you can't see them. Take them outside for walks; everything is special -- bugs, flowers, the taste of grass. Petting zoos are perfect. Watch them be brave -- animals are so much bigger than they are; so many more teeth; and they're at breath level. My favorite thing began at pregancy and hasn't ended yet. Just wait, those stinky bums and temper tamtrums and teething will be replaced by marital spats, bad boy or girlfriends and their inconvenient need for you to babysit. Continue to have fun.
28 May 10
my son has recently hit the terrible 2s..not too bad yet but there is still time!
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
17 May 10
hi angelboouk123 when my children were babies my favorite things were seeing them asleep like little angels, then seeing both of them learn to walk, those first unsteady steps were so wonderful, and my son;s first words were not mama or daddy but give baby plertz and plertz in his first attempts meant screwdriver. He was utterly fascinated with a screwdriver and at a year old the little stinker unscrewed all the screws on his playpen to his dad's utter amazement . we should have known he would grow up to do electronic work and finally become a computer programmer.My little brain damaged daughter's first words were pick baby up and she was a cuddler always smiling and laughing, and wanting to be held .sadly we lost her at age 8 of pneumonia.
28 May 10
I am so sorry about your daughter, i cannot begin to imagine how that must have been for you x
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
17 May 10
I have a three and a half year old. Tough times I have had bring me to some of the joyous moments I cherish because I know that tomorrow could bring change. Throughout the potty training and all the sicknesses I have had to put up with LOL. I find comfort when lying next to him at night watching him sleep and when he turns towards me wrapping his arm around my neck cause he wants to feel me next to him. That is my most cherished thing I can say.
28 May 10
there is nothing better than a cuddle..i feel wanted when my son gives me cuddles
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
17 May 10
It is a good gift to each mother in the world. I know there are also mothers cannot bear a baby because of so many situations that under there control. Being mommy is an awesome thing in the world , that you can see and witness his growing up and all his smile and actions. Even though it is so difficult to deliver a baby still we will try to face it because we loved our babies. Specially if it can talks a lot it can deminished and go awaya your troubles and problems as you see the baby is happy and loving too. Very kissable and nice to hug. Still as a Mom is a very delicate and a very crucial thing as what they sees and hear that's the thing they growned up also . We should have a very good actions for them to follow. As a kid it is easy to follow what they can hear and see than what we thought.
28 May 10
i agree wholeheartedly x
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 May 10
My absolute favorite thing about being a mother is that I get to hear my children tell me that they love me each and every day. I loved those days of diapers and bottle feedings and endless amounts of time to bond with my children, but now those things that I love have changed because the kids are no longer in that stage of their lives. I love the part where they tell you that they love me or that they draw me a picture and ask me to display it in a dominant place.
28 May 10
My son has recently been telling me he is a good boy and that he loves is so sweet.
@oldchem1 (8132)
17 May 10
There is no feeling like it!! I have five children and almost 10 grandchildren; motherhood HAS brought it's problems but most of all it has brought much pleasure!! My youngest son is 14 now but I still enjoy the odd cuddle!!
28 May 10
cuddles are fab
@vjself72 (15)
• United States
17 May 10
When they go to school for the first time.then you know you have goten that far and they are ready to start taking on the world.i have three wonderful kids.two are in their teens and one is three months old.i think it will be a wonderful thing when they all get out of school and start having families of their own.
28 May 10
I am going to miss my son when he goes to school
28 May 10
aww im not a mother but i am deeply touched by the love you have for your son and you make me want to have my own.. ill soon regret it after changing a nappy though i am sensitive to awful smells and heave lol