My father just passed away!!!

@jamed28 (1903)
May 20, 2010 8:55pm CST
My father just died. I still remember when was the last time I talked to him. It was in the hospital and I just say goodbye and I'll see you tomorrow. He responded "Drive careful." It was the last words that I heard from him. If I just knew it will be the last, I shouldn't have go. I have many things that i wanted to say to him, I even can't remember when was the last time I was able to say I LOVE YOU to him, or did I ever said it to him ever. We were not that close. I am a spoiled brat. And now I lost him, I am sorry TAY, I love you.
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25 responses
• United States
30 May 10
I am so sorry. I know how you feel. I lost my dad in 2005. I think I am still greiving in a way, and all I can tell is TIME. It takes time and it will get better. I watched him deteriorate from diabetes. Gange green in his feet, ect .. he went into hospice and it only took two days and he was gone. It broke my heart. I miss him so much. I have diabetes now and I just pray it dosent take me. Hang in there, and he knows that you loved him, even if you didn't say it. Parents know this. Believe me. Take care
• India
27 May 10
this is sad may his soul rest in peace
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
22 May 10
sorry about your loss. loosing your father is tough. my dad passed away suddenly last february.
@betlynfrnds (4065)
• United States
22 May 10
I am so very sorry. It seems as though you can tell your loved ones that you love them a million times in one day and when something tragic happens, you wish you said it one more time. The fact that you visited him in the hopital showed that you care. I'm sure he knew that. Please accept my deepest sympathy!!!
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
26 May 10
Well that really sorry and heartful condolence.. dont worry your dad will be with you always..
• India
22 May 10
So sad to hear this, my condolense to you and others in the family, lol life is unpredictable, you may be a spoiled brat as you say, but he loved you certainly.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Prof
• India
21 May 10
My deepest condolences..
• Philippines
21 May 10
Hi, sorry what had happened to your dad. This simply reminds me to tell my dad how much I love him and how much he meant to me. We really don't know the exact time and date when our love ones will be taken from us to join our Father in heaven. At time we may have regrets because we fail to let them know how we really feel towards them or we haven't asked for forgiveness for the sins that we have done against them. I know wherever you dad is now he knows that you love him and that you are sorry. This reminded me to always appreciate the people around me. Condolence.
• Canada
21 May 10
I am soo sorry. stay strong.
@umabharti (3972)
• India
21 May 10
hi,it happens in this world ,many things we want to speak but actually we dont say them.However ur father from heaven would listen to everything which ur heart speaks and tells.Parents are our best friends and when they are no more it is really a great loss.I am sorry for u.
• Malaysia
21 May 10
hi jamed28.. sorry to hear the unfortunate news. my condolences to you..
• Saudi Arabia
21 May 10
oh dear .. same as me my dad has passed away ,, i missed him so much .. love u dad whereever u r ..
• India
21 May 10
my condolences.... keep ur dad's last word
• Philippines
21 May 10
Tatay. Sorry. Condolences. Pinoys are really close with their families. I know it. I will now treat my father with more respect. Sorry
@excellence7 (3651)
• Mauritius
21 May 10
My sincere sympathy to you...It is part of life my friend, everyone has to go one day. Just accept this fact, he is not gone...he is by your side forever now.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
21 May 10
I am grateful that in my case, I was able to tell my mother sorry and I love you before she drew her last breath. And for months, I was able to take care of her so at least wherever she is right now, she knows that I have served her despite my shortcomings as a daughter. Keep praying for the eternal rest of your father. He knows you love him and I am sure he has forgiven you. Sometimes, we really do not appreciate some people only until they are gone.
@sskelvin (133)
• India
21 May 10
Very sorry to hear that jamed.My condolences are with you. And thank you for posting this on mylot.I think this is a very good lesson for all of us.This made me realize that we should not wait to say such things to our parents or it might be too late.
@jasmeena (846)
• Indonesia
21 May 10
So sorry to hear that..what illness did he have?How old was he and when did he die?I hope GOD gives your family strength..No matter how hard it is, remember that LIFE MUST GO ON. Keep praying for him..GOD bless you
@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
21 May 10
I'm so sorry to hear that. Condolence.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
21 May 10
My condolences to you! At least, for the last time, he was able to show you his love for you. By saying those words, he wanted you to be safe. He's resting in God's bosom now, so don't be so sad. And even if you weren't able to say you love him before he passed, he knew that you loved him. Parents are like that.