The Pool, The Beach, The Park

@dorannmwin (36392)
United States
June 2, 2010 8:25pm CST
Summer is upon us, tomorrow is the last day of school in my neck of the woods. That said, I've really been thinking about how our family is going to be spending our lazy summer days. My daughter is planning on joining the local swim team so that is going to take up some of our time. However, we are also going to be participating in playgroups at the park and will hopefully be able to take a family trip to the beach this summer as well. So, I'd love to know how other people love to spend their lazy summer days.
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19 responses
• India
3 Jun 10
I used to enjoy my summer holidays learning swimming or bicycle riding and also i used to which is very near to our hometown, there we used to go island , that has bought me a cool temple meant and good patience and good control in life
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
Swimming and biking are definitely two things that we are going to be doing during the two months that Kathryn is out of school.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I don't know what just happened to my response. We will go the beach a little bit and the little guy will want to go to the park, but I work for myself and will still have to work most days but working for myself allows me to do some fun things with the kids as well. We have a long vacation and lots of parties to go to this year so summer will go by really fast.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I basically work for myself as well and it does give some degree of freedom. However, it is also important that the children understand that there are still things that mommy has to get done during the day.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Jun 10
working... but I do need to figure out what to do with my oldest, since the school's extended day program won't take her any more (aged out)...
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Jun 10
There are a few alternatives we are looking into...
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jun 10
That really stinks that your oldest has aged out of ESS. I wonder if there are a variety of different day programs that you could find for her to be a part of.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Jun 10
I hope that you find an alternative that will work out very well for your family.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
3 Jun 10
Well I have this hammock, I got a few years back, hand made in the philipines, just had to pay the shipping, a brother of one of my friends makes them, she hooked me up, love that girl to pieces. Anyways, I take my Hammock to the beach, and gawk at all the girls in bikinis. Or I go for walks in the park, I have an interesting new plan for this summer though, its going to be good, I am going to make a discussion about it later today, look out for the one entitled, Fishing For People with Beans as Bait. -It'll be a gooder, for your business. I also enjoy going to the many lakes nearby, if you have ever looked at a Map of Canada, there are a couple of Huge lakes in Manitoba, I live about a 10 Minute drive right south of the western one, Lake Manitoba. Has a beach, that is a sand bar for Miles, can take your kids and not worry to much, last time we went, we was just cruising along playing with our son, not paying much attention to the time or anything really, just playing. And the sun started going down, must have took us 40 minutes to get back to the car...which was parked about a 30 second walk from the waters edge. My favorite thing to do though, is take naps in my hammock. Cheers.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
4 Jun 10
So like, you have some choices could go buy one, they range in price from you know like 20 bucks, to a couple of hundred depending on the model, type and whether or not you get a free standing frame. Or like you could search the internet on how to tie one together, or my personal favorite that I found while browsing some books the other day in a shop...You can take a decent sheet, and tie the ends into knots, and then take some ropes and tie the it around the knots, and to some trees. Make sure the knots are killer tight though, and get your husband to test it for you. With Love and Appreciation.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jun 10
Well, if I was to try to make a hammock for myself, I would definitely have to make sure that my husband would be the one to try it out. Hmm, I might have to use some of my babysitting money in the next couple of weeks for a hammock of my own.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I would love to have a hammock. I don't know that I would be able to take naps in it, but they make for such a wonderful place to lay and read. I'd get a lot of reading done if I had one.
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@newtalent (1112)
• United States
3 Jun 10
Its another week before school ends but when it does, it will be more schooling to keep up with the demands of testing preparations for the following school year.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I am very happy that my daughter is able to enjoy the summer away from school. However, she is asking for me to get her workbooks to work through during the summer. She really does love school.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
3 Jun 10
..well..since in my country it's only hot and humid all year around..we usually like to go to the park because it is windy and it is nice to stroll around the park sometimes..but it is also nice to go to the beach..if you like to sunbathing once in a while..but i think anywhere is ok because you have your love one with you..
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I hope that we do have a wonderful summer together.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
You are right, it doesn't really matter how we spend our days if we have our loved ones with us. I'm glad to have these two months to spend with Kathryn.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
8 Jun 10
aww..that is so sweet..have a nice summer with her dora!!
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Jun 10
dorannmwin I have thought aboutit and thought about it, I could take an acess bus to newport pier for five dollars and some cents for round trip a few times not often as mymoney is very tight. otherwise I will just mylot and go for some walks. and sun myself on the bench outside.we used to have some outing but our really good actitivity director is out with a brand new baby. the new one really sucks she thinks putting up pretty decorations is all there is to activities for us. I would like to go down to the beach and just watch the ocean and also go to charlies chili the best and oldest little cafe on the beach withthe best chili anyone ever made.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I wonder if you might be able to suggest an outing to the beach with the activity director that is there right now. Maybe she just needs some input from the residents.
@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Jun 10
Hatley - do you go out to Fashion Island when you go to Newport?
@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
4 Jun 10
We bought a family membership to the community pool this year, so we'll be spending a lot of time there once it opens later this month. (School is not out for us yet, 23rd of June is when they're done). We also spend a lot of time at playgrounds and going for walks on the local canal trail. I still plan on hitting the gym everyday too, thankfully they have free child watch there, so that will pretty much consume our mornings.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jun 10
I'm finally going to be able to get a membership at the gym as well. I'm honestly looking quite forward to it. They also have the free childcare there as well which is going to be something that I look quite forward to because I need my sanity and I will especially need it during the summer.
@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Jun 10
Let's see. Our full summer hits when the parent education ends in a couple weeks, which means we will have one more "day" free. My daughter is starting kindergarten in September, so for now I'm concentrating on preparing her as much as I can as she is not in preschool. I just switched her to the next age level of classes at the YMCA (mostly dance and craft), so we'll continue to go there daily in the afternoons. If it doesn't interrupt my son's nap time, I might start him in a class. One morning we will be hitting up our local Borders bookstore as they have a wonderful storytime program for kids - she'll be meeting some friends there and get to go to the play area afterwards with them. Another morning will also be set to hit the rink as she she really enjoys skating (taking after mom?). We are trying to see if we can fit in our budget, this pseudo preschool time at this local indoor playground place . . . it's structured a bit and rather inexpensive, so we'll see. The other days I'm keeping open to different trips or playdates (and some errand time for me!). We have to keep our daughter's skin in mind as she has eczema, so hopefully we can hit the beach just before sundown - same with the parks. We have 2 great pools in our complex (plus at the Y), but chlorine is an issue for her skin - so I don't know if we can swim anytime soon. We're bummed because she loves swimming, so we'll see what we can do. Anyway, it looks like we have a packed schedule for the summer!!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
It does sound like you have a lot planned for the summer. Of course, you may as well enjoy it while you can because starting kindergarten is a huge step. Is kindergarten out there half day or full day?
@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Jun 10
Oh yes, we NEED to keep busy during the summer!! It depends on the school, but my daughter will be going to kindergarten a full day - 8 - 2:20, while on Tuesdays the whole school is out an hour-ish earlier. I am told we are fortunate as apparently this will be the last year the kindergarten will be full day anywhere with all the budget cuts that are going on (so sad that schools get hit that way).
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jun 10
My daughter went to full day kindergarten, and I think that it made a world of difference for her that she went straight from being home with me to going to school full days. I hate to hear that they are cutting back on kindergarten budgets because I believe that kindergarten is the key to success in education and the more that children learn while they are young, the more successful they will be in the long run.
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
hi hon, summer has officially ended in my part of the globe. We really had a boiling 2 months. The heat was terrible, in the tropics where I'm living we hit 38 celsius almost everyday for the last week of May. It was terrible, even now it's still so hot. I wasn't able to go anywhere at all this summer because it was hot. You'd be lazy to get out. I wanted to go to the beach, rent a place to stay by the beach for a week and just relax...but that did not happen. Good thing about living in th tropics is that you have sunshine almost all year round and you can go anytime to the beach.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
That would be true. We have all four seasons here and we only have a portion of the year that it feels appropriate to go to the beach.
• India
6 Jun 10
Here we are almost at the end of summer, but when it was at the peak, me and my wife visited Hyderabad and spent 65 days there, last week we were in Bargarh in orissa where our daughter lives with her hubby and kids. Glad to know that you will be enjoying the summer. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Prof
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jun 10
I wish that we would be able to travel more during the summer months, but my husband's schedule won't allow for that. I will be happy though to have a few day trips and a week away from home. Plus, with our playgroups and other obligations we will be able to keep ourselves quite busy.
@zyxel999 (44)
• China
3 Jun 10
Wonderful,summer is my favourite season, I can go to the beach with my family. It is amazing swimming in the deep blue sea with my daughter. She love the sea and all the sea animals, in the water we can see crowds of fishes with zero distance. But all of above is just a planning. As so much work and business I really will hopefully to take a family trip to the beach this summer, I owe much things to my wife and my daughter and my parents. I hope it will be everyday!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
We also hope to be able to take a trip to the beach this summer. It is one of my favorite places in the world and this will be the first time that I will have the opportunity to share it with my children.
@ada8may21 (2405)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
Our summer is about to end and school time is about to start. But we spend our summer mostly in the pool and beach. Because my son joined in swimming class and its everyday class so we need to go there. Then we went also to beach to have fun because there is nothing that we could do, especially its too hot and power interruption is everyday as well. Better go to beach and have fun in the water.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
We are going to be spending a lot of time at the pool as well because my daughter is planning on doing swim team and my son is going to be taking lessons.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jun 10
For my daughter we will be at the pool from 10:00 - 11:00 for her practice. Then, as far as my son and niece go, their lessons are going to be from 4-4:30 but we may go back early depending on the day for them. I don't want to be at the pool during the heat of the day because my nieces are both very fair skinned.
@ada8may21 (2405)
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
Wow.. wish good luck for that activity. How long are you going to stay in the pool? Because us, we choose the morning schedule its 8:00am until 10:00am supposed to be. But my son dont want go home yet, so most of the time we go home around 12noon. I also like morning because its considered as his exercise. He is getting fat and I dont want him to be fattier.
@JL_Love (199)
• Netherlands Antilles
3 Jun 10
So here in my country the last school day is culminated with a matinee party in a nightclub. it starts like 1 o'clock in the evening. Here it's alwas sunny the most of the people here goes to the beach and the children goes in a group that travels around the country and or do nice stuff
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jun 10
That sounds like a lot of fun. We don't really have anything like that here to celebrate the last day of school. However, on the last day of school we did have a pool side ice cream social this time and it was a big hit for her and also for our friends that came as well.
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I babysit my granddaughters and have to take them to work with me most days, in the summer we go up to the park as much as possible, and they play and go under the sprinklers. We have many other things planned for summer as well.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
That sounds very nice. In addition to my own two children I also have my nieces as well and I want to do as much as possible with all four of the children. Lilliana and Kaylen are very much like my own daughters in many ways.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
3 Jun 10
Well we are fortunate to live 5 minutes from the beach, so we can spend our days there if we wish. I also have an annual pass for my son 13 to the water parks in Queensland. So he can go all day to the slides and swim and I sit on the deck chairs and read and swim, so we both have a good healthy time.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I wish that we had water parks close to where we live. I honestly believe that both of my children would get a big kick out of something like that.
@dloveli (4366)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I am so sorry for you Dorannmwin! They're home for the summer. Im getting knots in my tummy already. Im just kidding. It's just hard to plan activities when you work so much. I worked 55 hours this week. I love the beach! I would spend my life there is I could. My wish has always been to live right on the beach year round. I hope you and your children have a great summer. Just a little information. Check your local library. Usually if you have a library card you get free passes to museums and zoos. We are going to the Zoo and the Aquarium. The zoo is free for 2 adults and up to 4 children. The Aquarium is usually about twenty bucks a person, 15 for kids. WIth the library card its only 5 bucks a person. I am so excited myself. Plus I just put my car on the road. It will be fully insured and registered by tomorrow. Then I have to fix the tire. I will be able to drive to alot of place. dl
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I had never thought about the library being connected with local attractions that are of an educational value. I will definitely have to check into that. Thank you for the great suggestion.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
3 Jun 10
the beach. when i was in florida, i bought an RV in case i had to live in it after my house sold. i was at my daughters and we went to the beach one weekend in it. it was the most fun i had there ever, it was the only time i got any use out of it. my SIL started borrowing it so much that i figured he was wearing it down. so i sold it. i lost 11 thousand bucks on that. no wonder im broke but id say the beach was great
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
I absolutely love the beach. I wish that we had beaches close to where we live, but living in Kentucky, there aren't any beaches that are close. That is the reason that I think this will be a very memorable thing for our children this summer if we make it there.
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
me i love spending my summer doing adventures like going on road trips or swimming in beaches with my friends and everything that i think would be fun. but unfortunately our summer here ends this Sunday and classes starts on June 7 and i haven't done anything i loved doing in summer :(
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jun 10
Last summer we really didn't get to do anything that we really enjoy doing during the summer because the weather would not cooperate with us.