Why do tragedies and catastrophes become the fault of presidents and leaders ?

United States
June 8, 2010 6:17am CST
Why is it that people are blaming President Obama for the oil leak? Is it his fault that the oil company had a pipe erupt or break? How with words can the President fix a broken pipe, when the company responsible doesn't know how? What are you solutions to this problem? Why do we think that our leaders, our presidents are responsible for the tragedies that happen? We expect things to be resolved over night when we are waiting on others to act,, yet we ask for people to be patient with us.
10 responses
@krupesh (2608)
• India
8 Jun 10
...because they talk big before the elections & whatever the problem people face in that particular country , the president or the prime minister is solely responsible...
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• United States
8 Jun 10
I don't agree with this philosophy. The President has powers up to a poin I think the people should all join hands together to solve the problem..The time they waste blaming presidents should be used! helping the victims
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
I totally agree with you ms. littlefranciscan. Things evolve from a series of actions which happened over the past and these actions involved not just a person but a number of them who one way or another contributed to the resulting situation. It cannot be said that a bridge built decades ago and collapses today because of an unforeseen event or human error resulting to destruction is the fault of the current leader of the country. That is nonsense. But the people can make things happen if they will only stop complaining and start rebuilding. If one person refuses to lend a hand, therefore he has no right to complain. Solving the problems of one great nation depends on the willingness of it's citizen to cooperate.
• United States
9 Jun 10
Would that we would put more into our actions then into our fussing? We would solve all the world problems together.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I agree with a couple of other myLotters. When a person severely dislikes the leader, then there's nothing the leader can do that is right. The hater doesn't think rationally. For example, many on the right try to depict President Obama as being communist. When he wants to do something for the people against big business, they holler "socialist" and "communist" and talk about state's rights. In a situation like this where he leaves the big business to take care of its problem (showing he is not a communist), then they criticize him for not doing anything. They want to eat their cake and are mad at the cook because the same cake is not on their plate. If I don't like you but you're great for the job, I'm going to back you. In the movie "The Alamo" Sam Houston told Colonel Travis, "I don't like you, I never liked you, but I trust you with the life of Texas because you are the best." These days, a lot of talent doesn't get hired for jobs because the employer doesn't like the job seeker because of race, ugliness, or whatever. Many people are so hateful that they don't care if the solution can be solved or not.
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• United States
8 Jun 10
It's called prejudice and descrimination. We let our preconceived or influenced ideas of someone blind us to the goodness and potential the other has. If we have decided in our mind that this person is no good, even if he/she has all the talent needed for a situation, nothing will convince us. We are a nation that gets together in little fuss pots. We fuss and fuss and nothing comes of it. We think we know who to blame and really know nothing at all. some thing by speaking out against the President they are solving all the world problems in one breath..Really in one breath they are creating more problems. I think so much time is wasted on useless chatter and unfair criticism.. If we have so much time...why not get a shovel and put on some gloves and head down to the affected areas and start helping.
• United States
8 Jun 10
I like that, "little fuss pots".
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• Philippines
8 Jun 10
Ms. littlefranciscan, I really like your point of view. This kind of things doesn't only happen in your country but in our country as well. I may not really like our outgoing president but I would not demean her efforts in the past. She may have her share of mistakes but she also have made a lot of improvements although what the media and her critics magnify are the shortcomings. In your case, your president still has a lot of time to prove his worth, the people only needs to give him this chance and their support.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
8 Jun 10
Most of the people criticism is leveled at BP , not the president, he is just one man that can't do much to save the environment but he can use his position and power to protect the environment and stop abuses from big corporation, but in this case, it is a joint responsibility of oil company and federal agency to see that our environment is protected, they fail to play the corporate and government role positively. Only the president and congress can take on these big mouth executives and federal officials if they want the problem solve.
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• United States
8 Jun 10
Even so the President has to act in unity with many others People always blame the President or any leader when things get out of hand.. If you don't fix the problem..we are not going to vote for you..that is their attitude. Just as much as they are doing to fix the problem!
@lampar (7584)
• United States
8 Jun 10
I will say harsh criticisms on the president are usually come from his political opponent from rival party so far, it is just dirty politic at play by some politicians, i will not take it too seriously since i know the actual cause of this oil spill, and who is responsible for it; but then, not everyone can think in clear mind, some will get manipulated into this disaster and begin to blame the president for all the woes after that especially those that hated him for gotten elected in a free country. I can see that he can only do that much to help out so far because he is not a dictator with unlimited political power in America but still need to follow the rule and law of the land apart from getting supports from congress before he can jump at the situation quickly with his office on whatever solution he can come out.
@elvieb02 (695)
• Philippines
9 Jun 10
hi, in any government or organization where chain of commands are being followed, the highest authority always gets the blame and the praise. so it is her responsibility to make sure that everybody at his downlines are working properly. that's why these politicians are loyal to their parties as they cannot work if there's even one person from below who will sabotage their goal. these applies not only to world leaders but also in military and any organizations.
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@rebelann (111575)
• El Paso, Texas
20 Mar 21
Good points.
• India
9 Jun 10
yeah you are right. people have become used to blaming the leaders for disasters in the country. how can they hold the president responsible for something he cant control?? surely presidents and leaders aren't gods. They are not omnipotent or omnipresent.
@rebelann (111575)
• El Paso, Texas
20 Mar 21
You are right.
• United States
14 Jun 10
I would guess it is just a natural human response, and people want to point blame at somebody, why not him. Now on the other hand, there are a lot of people out there that want to see Obama fail, so this would be another thing to put in the history books on why he was a bad president. An example of pointing blame on government of tradgedies and catastrophes...Hurricane Katrina. Not to mention, our society trying to blame military as well. What most people didn't know was the navy had a ship in the gulf of mexico riding the storm, and when the winds were in the right envelope for the helicopters to take off, we were there. But they say we didn't do enough, or bush didn't do enough. They new the hurricane was coming, they were told to evacuate, and thousands of them didn't. The first place i flew over when coming into the city limits of new orleans for relief efforts was a bus farm with hundreds of busses still in formation parked and under water. Now we can't help natuaral disasters, and with the oil spill, you would think that if plan a fails, there would be a plan b, c, d and so forth. Sometimes lessons are learned the hard way, and that's why the safety books are written in blood. well anyways, it's not fair to blame Obama in this situation. It clearly isn't is deal, and the military shouldn't get brushed into. They are here to protect the country and aid in efforts when needed. This is clearly BP's deal to fix, they have the experts and professionals needed for this field. Life is full of thorns and speed bumps, and things like this happen. We will keep on trucking and do what we do, it's america, we are humans, and nobody is perfect.
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@rebelann (111575)
• El Paso, Texas
20 Mar 21
It's probably human nature to blame those in charge and who better than the president. I'm pretty sure he knew this would happen.
@don_naces (464)
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
It is very easy for the people to blame the president for the problems that happened in the country. They will always do that without giving even at least one solution. Maybe they are just like that---nothing to do except giving criticisms.
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• United States
8 Jun 10
It's easy to criticize..but why not offer solutions. Why not volunteer to help clean up the mess. Why not use the time you use to criticize to solve problems?
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
hi there. nice topic. i totally get your point. this is one of the careless attitude of most humans. we assume that our leaders would fix everything that goes wrong in our country. we forget to think rationally. and yes, you are right, we expect things to be resolved overnight even if things are out of our leaders' control. sad thing is, we want results but we are not contributing any actions. also, due to lack of knowledge towards issues and problems, we demand for results that take a long time to acquire. i just hope, globally, that we stop beating our politicians. let's give them the benefit of the doubt. now, if we don't see results, then we can start demanding. this is one thing that our leaders have to prepare for...to be ready for a lot of impossible demands. they are not gods, let's cut them some slack.
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@rebelann (111575)
• El Paso, Texas
20 Mar 21
Well, first of all I never give a politician the benefit of the doubt, they usually lie just so they can get our votes but I do see your point that natural disasters are not the fault of any politician or any other human for that matter. As for the pipe that was broken, maybe that company should have been denied the right to drill where they were, it's hard to say.
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
hi there. nice topic. i totally get your point. this is one of the careless attitude of most humans. we assume that our leaders would fix everything that goes wrong in our country. we forget to think rationally. and yes, you are right, we expect things to be resolved overnight even if things are out of the leaders' control. sad thing is, we want results but we are not contributing any actions. also, due to lack of knowledge towards issues and problems, we demand for results that take a long time to acquire. i just hope, globally, we stop beating our politicians. let's give them the benefit of the doubt. now, if we don't see results, then we can start demanding. this is one thing that our leaders have to prepared for...to be ready for a lot of impossible demands. they are not gods, we have to understand that.
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• United States
8 Jun 10
Sadly we have become spoiled as people in general We wear watches and expect things to happen according to a time we think is right. We pop things in the micro wave and drive through fast food restaurants and expect everything to happen in an instant If anyone should be blamed it's those responsible for problem Like BP should hire people ..dish out as much money needed..to get that oil cleaned up.. BP..
• Mexico
8 Jun 10
Hi little franciscan: I don't understan why people think that way. Maybe it's mediocrity. I understand that people dislike the president but I think it's stupid to think that everything that is going wrong is the president's fault. How could anyone knew this catastrophe with BP was going to happend or to prevent something that is our of his hand. Thanks for asking this question. Have a nice day. ALVARO.
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