Do you even buy music anymore??

United States
June 8, 2010 11:57pm CST
To me the quality of music has sunk so low I honestly could not tell you the last cd I bought might of been almost 10yrs ago. Not that I don't want to but the quality just isn't the same to rush out and go grab, or is it lack of advertisement? You tell me what you think?
2 responses
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
10 Jun 10
The prices of CDs are outrageous these days. I enjoy music but a lot of my music is much older and were bought years ago, that I play on CDs. Its been a while since a brand new CD has really inspired me to purchase anything. That's not due to the lack of quality a lot of the time, but a lot of CDs these days are marketed around one song, maybe two good songs, and have a lot of useless filler. Very rarely can I justify opening my wallet for that. It is just much easier to get the songs I want off of the legal channels off of the Internet then to actually buy a CD. Therefore, I have limited my CD purchasing. Its just an expense that I can no longer justify. Just too much for too little quality. If the prices lowered, then I might think a bit harder, but I doubt that is going to happen any time soon.
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
9 Jun 10
If you are referring to mainstream music, I totally agree with you; it's has such a mass-produced, one-use/disposable, empty feel. Otherwise I think independant musicians, or bands on smaller record labels have more talent. They are unaffected by the directions of greedy producers and whatnot of popular music.
• United States
10 Jun 10
Agree 100% just looking for the unsigned or smaller labels and independents is so hard these days because they are shunned out from mainstream, and the music is so controlled now there is no creativity.