Is he the Leader were looking for?

June 12, 2010 1:11pm CST
President-elect Nonoy Aquino, is he the on were looking for as a Leader? or his just another puppy for the government? I hope he'll do great in his term.
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10 responses
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
I also agree that it is too early to judge Noynoy. To be honest, I voted for GMA before thinking she was the one our country needs and look where she took us. I don't think Noynoy is a favorite of the media as I don't see any compeling evidences that point to that theory.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
That would be one ugly puppy if it's true, that's why he needs to do his work and not make scenes that only gets attention of the people negatively. unfortunately, the media is with him so no bad news there, except that they're bias. for me, he is not the one we need.
@dorothy09 (1520)
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
hi there letranknight, I already knew your a reaction, as I said in response in this discussion, i did not read your response because I know it would affect my stand hehehehe , still its too early to judge , lets give him a chance.. I cant blame him if he is a favorite of the media because of his family and parents..and please take this positively hahahaha.. great night LetranKnight
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
I know its too early to judge him. Let us see when his term arrives. :) Have a great night dorothy09 :D
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
Mr Knight, i'll be happy to buy that puppy, for Pulutan!
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
You raised a good question. Will he be someone who will be dictated by a people around him or will he be a man of his own? But whichever path he will take, dictated or chosen, I hope that he will be following things that will do good for the common good. I also agree with the others that it is too early to judge. Give the man a chance to prove his worth. But if we are following the news, this is the first time that a president-elect got protesters at his doorsteps even before he assumed office. And not just that, there are also threats of strong opposition and even impeachment from the current administration. I really do hope, all this negativity will make the president-elect wiser.
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
I agree, lets hope for the best eichs1. :D
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
Lets be Fair with our new President, Lets us wait for his First 100 day Accomplishment. But i bet my dog, is better than that dog, coz he responds only to me and not with so many politicians.
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
My dog's name is Sparky, Good dog.
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
Who is your dog?
@cyrus14 (42)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
I have yet 2 see how he is as our Commander in Chief. But judging from his promise of new politics I am soundly disappointed. With what was just happening during elections and now I see Noyx2 as just another TRAPO. With his appointments and due disregard of the rule of Law. Imagine appointing Boy Abunda(Good thing he didn't accept the position) as Tourism Secretary! What is his credentials 2 be appointed into such a high position as secretary? Only as a family friend especially 2 his sister. If that is new Politics then Id rather stick with the old. His disrespect of the Supreme Court ruling is another red alert. How can he so blatantly disregard the decision of the Supreme Court? Does he think that the Executive is more powerful than the Judiciary? Our government is based on the Premise of Check and Balance in lieu with Montesquieu. No one of the THREE BRANCHES of GOVERNMENT is above each other. Hope he will respect the Supreme Courts decision and the Constitution.
@eichs1 (1934)
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
Oh, you want to stick with the old? So you would rather have the manicurist as PCSO board and a PA (personal alalay) on another government position? And speaking of credentials, are Gordon and Durano ever involved in tourism before they accepted the cabinet position? Boy Abunda may not have a very impressive school record but he is not just a TV personality - from nothing, he was able to carve name in the showbiz industry. And I do think his work in showbiz, being a publicist, a public relations consultant and starting and managing his own company are credentials that he may use in handling the tourism in the country. One good thing about Boy is he is one of the few credible, honest personalities in showbiz. See, he did not accept the offer for now because he don't want to compromise things. But I do agree with you that I think Noynoy should stop giving positions as political payback. And Noynoy said so in his other interviews that a committee was tasked to do the screening and recommendation. I do hope he will heed Joel Villanueva's suggestion that there should be a clean transparent process and criteria in appointing positions. As for the Supreme court thing, my only question is, who will judge if the judges judged correctly?
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
Let us hope cyrus14 that he will follow the Supreme Court Rule. Thanks for sharing your ideas and information to us.
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
Aquino might not be the perfect leader we are looking for, but he is the best we've got. I hope he will put an end on the sufferings that the Filipinos are experiencing. We need to believe in our new set of leaders.
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
I never will agree that he is the best we got. again I invoke his record in the House of Congress which is lackluster. But he is the leader chosen by the Filipino People. Ergo, I am bound 2 follow his leadership as my President.
@dorothy09 (1520)
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
hi there zerosama, hmmmm too early to judge, my friend letranknight firstly responded into your discussion and I haven't read his response yet..hahahaha hi letranknight!!.. I always said this in mylot too early to judge, for now lets accept him.. let do our part as filipinos.. social responsibility for a better philippines.. have a great night friend...
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
I agree, as I have seen he isn't ready for a Presidency seat. But oh well, he's going to be our Leader for 6 years anyways. Lets hope for the best for a better Philippines. Good luck President-elect Noynoy Aquino.
@mhagskier (322)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
We're not capable to know it from now.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
12 Jun 10
Congratulations on your new President! I certainly hope that he would do great during his term in office. But he needs you and he needs everyone to work together with him. And he needs to work with the rest of us in South East Asia and eventually the world. The first few years would be hard. But Let's give him the continued trust and faith to allow him the opportunity to return the trust not just to the people who have trusted him to power but also the whole country and the world. Blessings to you and Mr Aquino!
• Philippines
12 Jun 10
Well said tomitomi, and thanks a lot. :D
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
He's not the leader that I am looking for but let's give the guy a chance to prove himself to the people. He should not controlled by the "masses" which always demands things which they themselves have created.