How do you actually start your morning?

June 13, 2010 5:21pm CST
As a I mentioned before in my previous posts, I am a morning person. I wake up around three to four am. I go straight to my computer and do whatever online jobs there are to do. Sometimes when I just want to chill, I make a cup of coffee,go outside, sit on the porch and just watch the sun rises. Sometimes I watch our dog ran after the birds. I like the smell of the morning, the fresh dews the accumulated in the night. One thing that I can not live without in the morning is my coffee. I really have to have my coffee, otherwise I will be sleepy, sluggish and grumpy for the rest of day. How do you start you morning? Is your coffee a ritual for you to start your day?
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30 responses
@annierose (20080)
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
Hi aileen, I am a morning person also. Since I have to start my encoding job at 3 in the morning, I woke up at 2:30 so I can take a bath first. But before that, I pray first so everything will be ok and my day will surely be a good one.I start my encoding job from 3:00 up to 11:00.I usually play music while working so I won't be too sleepy. Everytime the server will be slow or has an error, I usually go here in mylot to participate.
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
That's good. During that time is when the server is fastest. I'm sorry but I am just curious what kind of encoding job do you currently have. May I know?
@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
14 Jun 10
well My Morning starts with brushing my teeth and getting fresh and then go out to My University ground daily for a Morning walk or some workout and running.then I come back make my tea and add some milk in it, thats half milk and half tea.. I fix my room and then I sit on my computer and check my mails and also do online work,like participating in disscusions at My
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
That's cool, being able to jog in the morning.
• United States
14 Jun 10
Hearing someone start their morning so cheerfully really inspires me to do more with my first part of the day. Still, I am not a morning person. Right now each morning, I crawl out of bed and head to the kitchen and eat whatever is in the refrigerator or on the kitchen table and then drag my body to my desk where I just sit and mindlessly browse through mylot or youtube for an hour or two before I fully wake up. Mornings' are not the best time for me.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
I used to be like that when I was a student. As I grow older, I grew fonder of mornings.
• Germany
14 Jun 10
I start my Day by praying and meditating.Then i exercised for about 20mins on the treadmill before i prepare for work and my children for School
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
Oh, what time do wake up in the morning?
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
i usually start my day my day with a very hot coffee with sunny side up egg and a hot fried rice and a television to have new updates from the latest news!
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
Wow that is delicious. Do you only eat eggs? Do you also eat dried fish? Its delicious isn't specially on a rainy season.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
Every morning when i wake up i usually start my day by turning on the television.Since my works starts either at 9am or 10am i still have time to catch up with the latest news,either i watch the news or have bonding time with my son before taking a times i ate breakfast or just take a cup of coffee and off i go to the thing is for sure i never missed my morning cream and my moisturizer before going to the office.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
I used to watch the news in the morning but I noticed that I usually come to work late because of forgetting the time while watching the news.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
actually i dont have morning coz i wake up around lunch time so i missed morning, i sleep late at night already like around 2 or 3am. im too lazy to wake up in the morning and since i dont have job then i just sleep.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
So instead of breakfast you just eat lunch already.
@TheAdvocate (2392)
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
We have the same ritual. I wake up around 4am and do some online work. I start the pot at the same time for coffee. But lately I have been avoiding coffee because of acid reflux. I substituted my coffee with milk tea. If I don't get my morning coffee or milk tea, I get sluggish the whole day.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
I love milk tea also. Yes coffee actually gives makes my stomach acidic, but still I can not stay away from it. I will try milk tea also.
@manojt2 (179)
• India
14 Jun 10
Hi, my morning too starts with me sitting in front of my PC and reading mails. First of all I brush my teeth and then start my PC. Check my mails and then I come on myLot. I feel morning time is very much suitable to write something since the mind is fresh and clear of all the rut. For me too, the morning tea is a must do, since I can't imagine my daily chores without it. Its like a initiator for me and I desperately wait for my morning tea. Sometimes I feel like taking a brisk walk in the morning, but time does not permit.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
I so much agree. Morning is the best time to write about stuffs because our minds are still fresh from the previous sleep.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
hi aileen, before doing my coffee i first check my cellphone to look if i got some unread messages and missed calls then after that i will make my coffee go back to my room and sit infront of my pc and start to browse...
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
I know people who are like that. Upon waking up, the first thing that they do is checking their cellphone for messages and missed calls.
• Japan
14 Jun 10
Basically my day starts up when I wake up around 9:45 and start watering my plants - If its not raining. Then I eat breakfast, which is usually toast + yoghurt + fruit + fruit juice. Then I get changed and brush my teeth. No coffee, mainly because I just don't like the taste.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
Wow you start your morning with a healthy breakfast. That is a good way to start the day. Good for you.
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
My morning routine when we were still living with my parents because we don't have our own place yet at that time and I'm already married and got a one year old daughter and my husband is working night shift was waking up at around 5 am or 6 am and walk my baby to the park and buy something to eat from a convenience store or sometimes eat in Jollibee(fast food chain in the Philippines).I agree with you, nothing beats the smell of the morning, its so fresh and rejuvenating especially in my case I live in a country side so its really refreshing.Morning reminds of the beauty of the world because its another opportunity for every person to change their lives,it's like every morning gives you another chance to correct the mistakes you have made in the past.It's a reminder for everyone to keep moving forward...
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
Do you happen to live in Antipolo, because here in Antipolo, the air is fresh.
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
I do actually start my morning by praying to God thanking him for another journey, another adventure and another trials and also another blessings that he gave for me and for us. Then I'll go drink coffee then wear my jogging pants and jogging shoes and will go to park with my friends and cousin, were going to jog around the park then play our favorite sport Badminton or sometimes Basketball I really enjoy my morning everyday
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
Hey that's I think what lack in me. I always forget to thank God for giving me another to live. Thank you for your post for it remind me of thanking the Lord above.
• United States
13 Jun 10
I used to get up at 12 in the afternoon on the weekends and 7AM on the weekdays. Now, regardless of weekend or weekday, I get up at 5AM-6AM. In the morning I drink coffee and feed my little monster (my ferret). I also drink a few glasses of water. I like to listen to music to wake myself up. Sometimes I walk around the house.
• Philippines
13 Jun 10
Listening to music is a good way to start the day.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
14 Jun 10
I am absolutely the farthest thing from a morning person. I really despise it. I either get up, really slowly, and put some makeup on, do my hair and get dressed, or I run a brush through my hair, get dressed, throw on a baseball cap and head out for some coffee. I prefer coffee from Starbucks. Really, it is the only kind of coffee I like. So, I go get a cup, come home and sip it while I mess around on my computer. I try to catchup on Facebook and on my email while I drink my coffee and than I go about the rest of my day.
@rabajar (134)
• Philippines
14 Jun 10
I start my day with a cold shower. I used to get up just having enough time to prepare then go to work. I'm not used to eat breakfast or have some cup of coffee.
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
14 Jun 10
I wakes up early at 5am..then a bed coffee..after that a warm up...for jogging..then jogging till 6:30..after a nice shower then breakfast ..then newspaper...then to work...he.he. thanks for sharing... have a great day/night.....
• United States
14 Jun 10
Every morning i wake up and love on my baby boy! He makes me so happy and it feuls my day!
• United States
14 Jun 10
I pray, Walk my dog and watch goodmorning america. Check my preplanned agenda and then I began my day. I agree the early your up the sweeter it is with the peace.
• United States
14 Jun 10
That's very impressive! I don't think I could make myself wake up at 4am. I could stay up till 4am and then go to sleep. But waking up every morning that early has got to be a gift! I wish I could wake up then every morning. I would probably get a lot done, but I do love my sleep. Not having a regular job has got to do with my sleeping habit though. I wake up at around 10 every morning. But I go through these periods when i feel guilty for sleeping. Has anyone ever felt like that? Even when I have nothing to do, and went to bed late the night before, sometimes I make my body wake up early. If I sleep any later than 9 I feel extremely guilty. But I love my sleep. Sleeping in on the weekends is the best!