What makes you zone out during the day?

United States
June 16, 2010 8:36am CST
Ok, so i tend to zone out, not to be mistaken for being in the zone. usually it is on my drive home, but a lot of time it can be while i am sitting at my desk. It seems i'll just get lost in thought, lost in the moment, and even so lost that i lose track of time or where I am at. What makes you zone out? Is there a trigger for you drifting off into lala land. Maybe it is stress, worry, or even it could just be boredom i guess. Looking forward to seeing what others have to say. Thanks J
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5 responses
@meowcow (931)
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
I think a better question for me in this case would be what makes me zone IN lols. I'm usually zoned out throughout the day whatever it is I might be doing even when I'm in the office or in my room I often find myself just staring at the walls. I have a very active imagination I can daydream practically the whole day. Sometimes I wonder if things were the other way around wherein my daydream was real and I'm daydreaming about being in an office! Great topic, very interesting! ++! :)
@meowcow (931)
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
Haha lols yeah having it the other way around would be GREAT! Would blow my mind though I can't imagine daydreaming about being in an office if I were actually in my daydreaming world.
• United States
16 Jun 10
lol, daydreamin about being in the office... to bad it isn't the other way around, i would day dream about waking up..lol
• United States
16 Jun 10
yeah that would be an upside down world wouldn't it.
• United States
16 Jun 10
I like this discussion question. I give you props. I usually zone out in school. Boring or uninteresting lectures are usually the trigger. I tend to start thinking about what I'm going to do that night or my boyfriend. It's a terrible habit when the class is hard. I haven't zoned out as much as in college as I did in high school though.
• United States
16 Jun 10
Lol, thanks, It was actually what was on my mind at the time, i was trying to tackle three things at once, and i was just off in lala land, when my bosses tried to talk to me, they could tell i was in outerspace. They made fun of me, and tell you the truth i am not sure what triggered that one, sometimes i feel it is just ammo for the bosses to dish in my direction, lol, it's all fun and games until someones feelings get hurt. I was a total zoner in high school as well, but the major trigger on that was, BORING thanks again have a great day J
• United States
16 Jun 10
I don't think I've ever had a moment where I zoned out at my job. Zoning out with little kids running around isn't the easiest task to do. Or the best idea, for that matter. I think I had a headache once and the playground only had a few kids on it, so I was standing there trying to relax and get rid of my headache, so I guess I zoned out a little.
• United States
16 Jun 10
LOL, well my "kids" are at the pistol range so i didn't have to worry about that
@pooja30 (203)
• India
16 Jun 10
I always tend to zone out during my classes, just because I'm so bored with the lectures, and I'm usually out of it for fifteen minutes at a time. My friend has to poke me every now and then to make sure I don't doze off! Usually I just think about my crush of the week or what I want to eat for lunch :) I zone out when I'm studying for my exams too, I'm not sure why. I think if I try to study for too long at a time I feel like my head'll implode. :/
• United States
16 Jun 10
true that, most lecturess tend to be sleeping pills
@jumesbond (109)
• Turks And Caicos Islands
3 Jul 10
Being sleep-deprived can lead you to get bored easily and zone out. Also, it seems like some people are bigger daydreamers than others. I mean, I feel like I spend 90% of my day daydreaming whereas other people seem to spend 5% of their days daydreaming. It may be due to my personality-type (I'm an INFP on the Myers-Briggs), but I'm not sure about the personality concept. I've spoken with other people about it, and they've suggested that it might be due to stress or anxiety, but I find that I still daydream even if I have nothing that I am stressing or anxious about. It's just who I am. The internal world is more interesting to the external world to some people, I guess. Supposedly, some people can't stand peace and quiet because they aren't daydreaming types, so they like to constantly have conversation with the people around them while others can stand peace and quiet because daydreaming is more interesting to them than the external activity.
@Memnon (2170)
3 Jul 10
I work nigh shifts, and this is most likely to happen to me around 2 or 3AM when my body begins to feel sleepy. Suddenly I'll look at the clock to realise that I should have made a safety call, and wonder where I have been for 20 minutes or so.