Online Dating

June 17, 2010 9:52pm CST
Only a few years ago I stumbled on a sight called , It is like a chat room sight. It is LOADED with a ton a chat rooms for about every topic or interest you could possibly want. I decided to download it and check it out to see what it was all about. the first night I used paltalk I found a room called Paradise in Heaven. And I have been going into this chat room for over three years now. Here I have met a ton of great friends, whom now I actually consider to be my long distance family.But not only that, I also met my husband in this chat room. We talked for about 6 months online, until we finally met in person. And we fell completly and madly in love. My question to you is, what do you think about online dating. Not just going to the new dating websites. such as, or But meeting someone in a chatroom. I am curious because when I finally outted to my friends and family that I had met someone in a chat room, and decided i was going to fly half way across the world to meet him. They all looked down on it, judged it, and said it would never last. We have been married for a year now. I am curious what other people think about this unique way of meeting that someone special :-)
2 responses
@nonersays (3329)
• United States
18 Jun 10
I met my husband through an online dating site, so I'm perfectly okay with online dating. Some people say how dangerous it can be, but really, its no more dangerous than picking up random guys at a bar or something.
18 Jun 10
I totally agree. My parents kept telling me " well what if he;s a serial killer" But in my opinon you could pick up a serial killer at a bar, heck even at church these days. So I think everyday life has risks like that.
• United States
20 Jun 10
My boss is happily married to a person and my, is happily married to a person from a popular online dating site, i am completley fine with it, and i hear a lot of good things, actually i hear more great things then bad things. Sometimes, and especially this day in age, it might be the new bar, or social hang out. who would have thought growing up it would lead to that?