Have you ever found yourself without money or card

Empty pocket - It is a very awkward situation.
By Bala
@balasri (26537)
June 19, 2010 7:47am CST
at the paying counter after buying something? How you managed the situation where you forgot to bring the money?
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21 responses
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
20 Jun 10
Yes I’ve had such an experience and it still hurts today when I think about it! My daughter and I were having dinner at McDonalds as a treat because my husband was away and we were missing him. To add to my misery after we had our meal my daughter decided she wanted a chocolate sundae; I ordered it and when I reached into my bag to pay for it…No purse! It had been stolen out of my bag while we were dining! It was heartbreaking because I had just withdrawn our pay just before we came to the restaurant. I was embarrassed as I explained what happened and the manager came out and took a look at the security footage but where we were sitting had not been captured. He allowed my daughter to have her sundae for free and was very sympathetic. My purse was found an hour later in the toilet of a gas station nearby void of any cash and credit cards!
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@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
It is a very sad thing to happen anyone.I can understand how you could have felt at that particular moment.A bitter lesson.Anyhow I am impressed by the good gesture of the manager.Incidents like these teach us many lessons in life.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
23 Jun 10
It's good to hear that McDonald's managers have a heart and you're right it does give a good impression of the restaurant chain. In my case the manager was very sympathetic and I appreciated it as I was quite upset at the time.
@UmiNoor (4483)
• Malaysia
23 Jun 10
That is just a horrible experience and to have your pay stolen like that, Paula. But the staff at McDonalds' was so helpful. I saw something a little similar at a McDonalds' restaurant in my country. A boy, I think he's perhaps eight or nine years old, wanted to buy a pack of french fries and then he paid in all coins. And the staff at the counter after counting the coins discovered that the boy was short of a few cents. The manager happened to walk by and the counter staff told him about the short and the manager took out the difference from his own pocket and the boy got his french fries. I was really touched by what I've seen. It really gave me a good impression of McDonalds'.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Jun 10
hi yes balasri A few years back when I was working at the library I decided since I had just got paid, that I would stop for lunch at my favorite restaurant after going to the bank. Than hunger overtook me and I went to the restaurant first. I ordered eggs over easy and has browns even though it was one in the afternoon. but when i went to pay I then realized why I was to go to the b ank first. No cash, check book and paycheck but no cash .since I was a long time well known customer they just took my social security card to keep while I went across to myh bank, got some money and came back to pay my bill. then I received my social security card back.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Jun 10
hi tingtong oh my yes what would i have done, I shudder to think but luckily they had known me for years and also my bank was just a five minute walk from the restaurant so that also helped. You cannot undo a good meal, thats for sure.
@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
If I am the restaurant owner and known you for years I wouldn't have kept the social security card as the security.I single free meal if you have not paid would not be a big loss for me.And again you can generalize these kind of gestures.
@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
Sorry it should read you can't generalize.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
19 Jun 10
Well, sometimes there is no more money in the debit card even if I deposited a check since they put a hold on some checks ,and I look like an idiot with no money trying to buy groceries. Ha Ha, is very embarrassing ,and I want to disappear ,so I just put all the groceries back as soon as possible ,and leave the place.
@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
Do we have any other option Mirita?
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
20 Jun 10
Not really! Ha Ha!
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Jun 10
not actually i had no money at that time. the cashier already entered the items and the total amount got over the budget. i was not sure if the cashier can delete some items so my money can reach the total. but luckily, i found a friend and borrow money so i have paid all the total amount.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
4 Jul 10
A friend in need is a friend indeed.How true.
@UmiNoor (4483)
• Malaysia
23 Jun 10
Oh yes balasri, I have a debit card which is associated to my savings account so I normally don't carry that much cash to be on the safe side. So one day I was at a restaurant eating with my daughter and when the time came to pay up, I searched and searched my handbag and couldn't find my debit card. My eight year old daughter was already starting to panic and I was really embarrassed too because the waitress was waiting for me to pay up. After much searching in my handbag, I placed my hand in my pocket and realized that I've put my debit card in my pocket instead of my handbag after paying for the previous purchase. What a relief! Otherwise my daughter and I probably would have to wash dishes at the restaurant. He he!
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@balasri (26537)
• India
23 Jun 10
I can understand as this could happen to anyone.At time I try to speak to the remote control thinking that it is the cordless phone. And about that dish washing.No one in his right sense in this world would make your angel wash dishes.The world has not gone that bad friend.
@UmiNoor (4483)
• Malaysia
24 Jun 10
Thank you balasri for the BR. That is a funny story; mistaking a remote control for a telephone.
@jhudy101 (373)
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
That happened to me once. what i did was look around hopeful to see someone whom i know to save me from the situation yet found none so what i did is i returned the items and told the cashier that i forgot my wallet and ill just be back after a hour or so. An then, i did as i told her. I make it a point to be back just to save my face ha ha for i feel really ashamed for what happened,then i go to the same counter to pay the product. Good thing that i have nothing important to do that day so being back at the store didnt strain my schedule a bit.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
4 Jul 10
This could happen to anyone Judy.There is nothing to be ashamed of.
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
19 Jun 10
I must say I have been in this situation at least once or twice because I had left my card in the possesion of my boyfriend. I lend it to him to do some groceries because I had no cash at hand and I forgot to ask it back. I went to the stores a couple of days later to get some shampoo and other groceries and when I reached for my card remembered that I left it in the possession of my boyfriend. I got embarresed and told the cashier that I had left my card at home/with my boyfriend and if she would be so kind to place the groceries behind the counter, and that I would be back within half an hour to pick them up. She was very friendly and understanding and agreed to do so. When I got back she had put everything in a bag for me so I could pay and take everything with me without having to shop for it again. It's not a nice experience, but the people from the shop were very friendly.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
It is nice to have a shopkeeper like that in our neighborhood.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
20 Jun 10
Yes, just once. I don't remember too much of the incident...but I think I kept back all the items and came back home. Since most of the little hypermarkets around the place I stay home deliver goods...a couple of times, I have asked them to deliver the stuff home...when I've forgotten to take money or card. In that case, I can't give the card when I get home...only cash.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
Good.If you do not have money you can at least command.
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
19 Jun 10
No. Not with fully empty purse did I face any awkward situation at any time. But once I went to a departmental store with my small child. He was nagging me to carry him. At that time somebody pick-pocketed some money from my handbag. Fortunately, I kept some money inside one of the zips and I could meet my bill.
@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
These days we have to keep our money in many places.(Looking like a money tree?)
@derek_a (10874)
19 Jun 10
Yes, this has happened to me once or twice, but now I check and check again that I have my wallet with me before I go to the stores. It was quite embarassing and not only that, but I had to drive home about 10 miles to where I live to get my wallet with my cards in it. They kept all the shopping for me until I got back, but what a waste of time! _Derek
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@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
Checking whether you have the wallet with you is fine.And checking whether you have money inside it would me finer.
@smartjack (520)
• India
21 Jun 10
no, i have never found myself like that and I wish it never happens to me ever. That would be so embarrassing. I don't even want to imagine. I always carry my card or cash, whichever is convenient for me. I plan before i buy anything so that i don't run out of money when i am buying stuff. Always plan first before you buy anything. This will help you to avoid embarrassment.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
23 Jun 10
Right.Planning is the key word.I stuff my pouch with the necessary things before I get dressed up to go outside.It saves a lot of trouble.You can always find the card ,cash,coins,pen,writing pad,my business card and my glasses in my pouch if you happen to see me outside of my house.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
19 Jun 10
I've had one embarassing moment at a nearby computer-cafe when I forgot to bring my wallet along. And my son had to come with some cash for the payment. That was because I had to pay. If it was something else I would have just left it if it was Ok to do so.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
No choice left. Yes.
@oldchem1 (8132)
19 Jun 10
Once many years ago when I was on my way to work,I stopped at the garage and filled up my car with petrol. When I went to pay I found that I had left my purse at home! I left my watch with the man behind the till while I went home to get it - needless to say I was late for work that day
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@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
If you did not have petrol in your car you could have been lore late to your office walking all the way.
@tsoknat (53)
• Philippines
20 Jun 10
I did have a debit card but no cash. But the card wasn't working, the cashier tried it like 5 times and it was denied. I didn't have any choice but to the return the goods. It was kind of humiliating. My card got blocked that day because I entered the wrong pin.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
Things like these can happen with cards and machine.That is the price we pay for dealing with these heartless and brainless things.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
6 Jan 11
Once the lock was stuck on the door to my vacation home and the locksmith only accepted cash and my cash was in a box under a whole lot of other boxes and it was night so it was hard to go through all that stuff, so my neighbor loaned me the money to pay the locksmith. Then I went to an all night grocery store and bought my neighbor a cake and charged it on my plastic to get cash back from the purchase. I went right home and gave my neighbor the money and the cake. Then I put a can of WD40 in my car so if that ever happened again I could unstick it myself. It cost $75 and all the guy did was spray the opening of the lock with WD40 and I had a can inside the house! Now I carry it in the car.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
20 Jun 10
Hey bala! How embarrassing is that?lol I have been in that position and I had to get back off the line and put the item back! I think once I was able to borrow money from my girlfriend that I was with and give it back to her when we got back to my house! I am usually pretty prepared when I go out, but every now and then I find something I want and don't have enough cash or money on the card I want to use. I do have a backup card, but am trying to keep it "clean"!lol
@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
The right thing to do Opal.Buying within our means.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
19 Jun 10
LOL several times...I go in a rush to the shop close by and find that I have left my wallet behind.But thankfully this being a small town everyone knows everyone and they dont mind giving the stuff and I pay them later. Once it happened at the petrol station and I was so embarassed, but again they came to my rescue and asked me to pay later.I think after that incidence I have been very careful...All the best balasri and have a great weekend
@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
That is the benefit of compartmentalizing the places we shop often.We become very familiar with the store owners.
• United States
5 Jan 11
only once or twice LOL recently I forgot my purse out in the car easy fix I sent my oldest daughter out to the car to grab it. my husband on the other hand forgets his wallet regularly we have to have the cashier save the transaction so he can run home and get his wallet and then come back Its embarrassing
• India
11 Jul 10
Hello it happened with me once, me and my wife ate once in a restaurant in city, but at the counter i found my wallet missing, i left that at home, the owner is known to me, so i paid later.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor
@llbo1981 (1237)
• China
19 Jun 10
When i forget bring money on buying things.I will do the things below.First,i will look around to find the familiar person.If i find the familiar person,i will borrow her some money.Second,i can give a phone call to my friends,they bring me some money.Third,i don't buy these object and go home.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
20 Jun 10
Very systematic.