Don't you wish that our earnings should be updated after every activity we do?

@roxyoo7 (246)
June 21, 2010 7:01am CST
Friends i've been using this site for quite a time now and i still don't understand mylot's paying scheme totally.Although i do have a hint about how it works but i don't know it exactly.Every time i reply to a discussion,i get paranoid about whether my post is upto the mark or not.I don't really know that how much the activity i just did is going to benefit me. Sometimes i wish that there should be some kind of system by which we can update our earning after every activity i do.What about you guys.Don't you wish that it'd be really cool if we get to have something like this.
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21 responses
@quisha89 (76)
• United States
21 Jun 10
I think it would be awesome if our earnings could be updated after every post. I think the reason they aren't though is because they have to make sure we don't post anything inappropriate but maybe they could make something that showed pending earnings.
@roxyoo7 (246)
• India
21 Jun 10
Yeah you have got the right thinking.I was also of the same opinion.But as far as dealing with inappropiate content is concerned,they can update our earnings after our posts and later on if they find content is not upto the mark then they can deduct money anytime with a proper notification.
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@roxyoo7 (246)
• India
21 Jun 10
Yeah you have got the right thinking.I was also of the same opinion.But as far as dealing with inappropiate content is concerned,they can update our earnings after our posts and later on if they find content is not upto the mark then they can deduct money anytime with a proper notification.
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• Philippines
21 Jun 10
Your idea is good and I can its workable but that would be an added workload for the admin. The admin manually checks our discussions or if not they have a very sophisticated program that checks our discussions
@altaircho (130)
• Bulgaria
21 Jun 10
If you follow the guidelines and make quality posts you are doing OK :).I don't think we should ask for more out of the mylot staff because i'm happy with what i get.You should try to make an experiment by posting only 1 post a day to see how much you earn using that type of post. :) Happy mylotting
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@roxyoo7 (246)
• India
21 Jun 10
Well then you seem to be quite patient kind of person.I guess you believe in the theory that says we should continue to put in our efforts without thinking about reward.Just for the record,i tried that method of yours also but then i figured out that they don't pay according to how much discussion you replied or started.It all depends on the quality of content posted.
1 person likes this
• Canada
21 Jun 10
I'm a true statistics junky... I really wish that I would be able to see the updated money right away, because waiting until the next day seems way too long for me! I think thought that it has to do with the money that MyLot brings in too. Like, maybe that days earnings are based on some kind of quality score, so that they give you so many points for each of your quality points, but you lose points if you don't have quality posts. Another factor I think might come to play with how much is earned is the amount that MyLot has earned for the day. Like, maybe they need to calculate their earnings to say how much people get. I think it might be something like, MyLot earning $5000 dollars yesterday, and they spend half of that money keeping the site up and running, and paying people to make sure the posts are good quality, and then the other half of the money is split up between all the people that posted that day, with the people with the most quality posts getting a bigger amount than the people that didn't make such quality posts getting less. This is all just speculation on my part, so these numbers aren't real, and this may not even be how the site chooses how much to pay, but it's how I think it could be done by MyLot. And in summary, I really wish that we could see the earnings updates after each post, but since I think a lot of factors are used to sort out how much people are paid, that it takes a little while to do this, so that's why it doesn't show up until the next day.
@roxyoo7 (246)
• India
21 Jun 10
Well everything you said was familiar other then one thing,i mean that deduction and stuff you said.I still can't believe that they can also deduct your money if you post something irrelevant.That is really shocking.
• Canada
21 Jun 10
Like I said, it's all speculation, so I really couldn't tell you if its true or not.
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
That is a nice idea my friend, but I do not think that it is feasible and will work out. Every activity we do requires discretion and mechanical thinking. Hence, the admin as correctors likewise need discretion if a certain activity is proper or not or if it does not violate any guideline provided mylot. It is more unfair when the earning for every post or activity will be fixed. or definite. To illustrate: Member A started a discussion that is not sensible, senseless or poor quality and wrote for 5 lines. On the other hand, Member B started a discussion that is sensible, with sense and good quality and have reached 10 lines long. Which member would you think earns more or higher? Definitely, more earnings will go to Member B, right? It will be unfair for Member B to have a similar earning with Member A. Take the opportunity to browse and read on the mylot guidelines and FAQ for you to understand why our earnings are not fixed and that Mylot admin reserved their right to sometimes recalculate our earnings because of deleted posts due to violations. As far as my observation, earnings depend on the quality of our posts. On my part, am very much satisfied. I could earn I think more than 5 cents per post. But again, it does vary. I could only make at least 3 comments a day and will earn me more than 15 cents sometimes. That is just a probable calculation my friend and do not take it as true. Just keep on posting quality posts and you will be surprised how your earnings will go. Make an observation as well.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Jun 10
Getting your earnings updated immediately would be ok if there was a set amount that you earned per post but since it is not then that is a bit more difficult than it would be worth. I don't mind waiting for the daily updates and once you spend a little more time here and become more active you will find it kind of exciting to see how your days worth of input has paid off. I was alot like you when I first started but then once I started posting more it didn't seem as bad. So hang in there and just have fun. MyLots is a great place to meet people and learn about some real interesting stuff.
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• United States
22 Jun 10
it would be great for it to update and add more money to it. I got 5 cents for one day. i figured it would be more than that...:(
@roxyoo7 (246)
• India
22 Jun 10
Aaw! That's really sad but not bad for someone who has just started.I still remember my first day when i made just 10cents.After that i got just 6.Few days later i just gave up before joining it again. Anyways this is a wonderfull site.Don't just take it as a money making got of site.Money is just a bonus while you are surfing mylot.Have a happy stay over here.
• Portugal
13 Jul 10
hip hop gal^^ you can join more money bcs you know you win one cent per comment but you need to at least write 4 lines to receive money^^ thats why maybe you didnt receive as much as you expected ^^ sometimes i feel that some people dont know about it they know they win one cent but dont know is needed to write four lines at least^^ anyway wish you can win muchy^^
@mansha (6298)
• India
22 Jun 10
Oh that would be rally great but its probably not possible...they have a complex system of calculating earnings so I don't see if it can happen anytime in future. They even give money for quality and not just the quantity of discussions. That I think is not so possible very quickly but they do update earnings just before the day end so its fine...with me
• India
22 Jun 10
I would not like an update for each and every response I make. For one thing, money is a great motivator so if we see how much we are being paid every single time, then earning more and more would be our sole objective…the quality of the discussion would fall and my mind would be concentrated only on the money I’m making. So if I’m getting paid very low for one response, then it would obviously affect my next response negatively. Personally, I just love to have the freedom to write whatever I want to and leave the rest to mylot. Secondly, it’s a pleasant surprise to see an accumulated amount the next day…like wow! I earned so much for yesterday’s efforts!
@icegermany (2524)
• India
22 Jun 10
it is not a bad idea but i have never thought of like this but i really wonder if we would know the way of allotment of the earning to each our discussions and also the reason of deletion of our discussion sometimes would help us improve and write it accordingly. but each and every site has their own rules and regulations and we cant tell anything about it but we can just put on our ideas and i would also wish if it was something like what you said it would be much better and would help and encourage us to write more and earn more.
@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
22 Jun 10
I don't have a hint how they work, too and I'd be happy to see how much I fared in every activity I'm doing here. When you are trying to reach a particular amount , you'd be able to know how long and how much you'll be working until you reach such goal. It'll be easier to to always reach payouts, then.:-) On the other side, it i always a thrill not to know right away how much you earn after your activities. and, it is a pleasant surprise that you earned more than you expected to because you have a goal to work for so hard. So, either way, it doesn't really matter that much.:-)At least for me.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
22 Jun 10
Yes, you are completely right. There are pros and cons to both ways, so the only thing we can do is to look on the bright side with the method we currently have.
@hexeduser22 (7253)
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
I wouldn't be a hypocrite I would say there was a time I wished for it too because when I was just starting my only concern was the money. When I met wonderful lotters it,my mindset, totally changed. I was having so much fun and learning at the same time that money is now a bonus for me. I've also experienced joining a community that updates my earning per activity, it was a bit stressing experience for me because constantly I calculate how much I make every post
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
Okay I guess I have to agree with you here?
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
22 Jun 10
Yes, it would be nice, of course, but imagine how much work it would be. So I totally understand why the earnings are updated once a day only, I see that this makes more sense, after all. But one can always wish for other things anyway... :)
@kimsoy (39)
22 Jun 10
yes I'm in favor of this. Well I am new to this site but i noticed that the earnings updates very slow. There was a time when the update took more than 24hours.. I thought my activity was not counted. I hope the admins will read this and make considerations. I hope earnings will be updated faster.
• Portugal
13 Jul 10
you are right roxy^^ for what i read my lot pays one cent per comment you make and also if you attach a picture when you create a topic^^ aww also you need to write at last 4 lines to receive one cent^^ if you write less than that you dont receive :( thats sad i know but thats the site rules that i read :( anyway about adding interests im not so sure if they pay more i dont know but i received more money than what i should bcs my comments so i dont know how it works exactly :( maybe bcs topics i created too i dont know if topics we create count as comment or not but we still win one cent per it^^i think^^ anyway good luck for you^^
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
22 Jun 10
That would be pretty cool if mylot made so we can see how much our recent activity immediately after we post or whatever, but for right now I'm glad that mylot allows us to see our daily earnings, and who knows maybe the folks at mylot will consider the idea its a good one why not.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
21 Jun 10
It would be a convenient way for all mylotters to see what they are earning. The only problem may be we will just be fixed on that.
@kaylachan (60270)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 Jun 10
There is a reason why our earnings aren't reveiled to us, on a second-to-second basis. The staff have a reason for keeping the earning system to themselves. It would not only take up a lot of bandwith, because it would be impossible to keep track of, and auto-update the site as frequently as it gets used, but also to keep people working and trying hard to make something out of what they post. How many people are truely going to be honest? How many people would try to do something? Most would try to miuplate the syem, and the enveronment here might not be quite like it is. Personally, that's how I feel. I agree with what mylot's doing. As long as I work hard enough to earn money each month or so, I don't mind. What little I can get is much better then nothing.
@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
22 Jun 10
I wish my lot is like that. You know, normally, I don't work in sites that don't have an elaborate payment scheme, but with this one, I don't mind because I enjoy posting and commenting here in my lot. It's scary though, because we don't know their payment scheme, they might just not give us any points despite how good our responses are, just so you couldn't get a payout. That's why I don't like working in sites that don't have an elaborate payment scheme. :)
• India
22 Jun 10
hi roxyoo,i am a new comer to this mylot,but i know some thing about mylot,some sites are updating the earnings after each and every activity,but mylot have does notfollowing there own system,that is according to their discretion,you have to check your self that your postings are upto the mark or not,happy mylotting
@siaosong (165)
• United States
21 Jun 10
Yes, that will be great if the earning is updated after each activity.