where do you live and...

By Amy
Abernathy, Texas
June 24, 2010 7:07am CST
where do you want to live - if given a choice - right where you are - or elsewhere - in the city or the country or in the mountains - near the ocean - on an island? maybe in the middle of the ocean - on a boat?
2 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
24 Jun 10
Physically I feel much better in Arizona....but if I could chose anyplace to live..it would be right where I am at. Minnesota is beautiful...with lakes etc....it's heaven on earth!
• United States
24 Jun 10
I currently am between Pennsylvania and New York. I'm trying to move to New York permanently because that's where I was born and raised. And would be my first choice to live. My second would be somewhere where it's warm weather all year, California, Miami. But if something happened and one day New York skipped winter and snow all together for at least a few consecutive seasons, I'd be in Heaven on Earth.