What do you usually drink during summer time?

@gicolet (1702)
United States
June 24, 2010 12:07pm CST
I always drink water cause I'm not into juice drinks, coffee, or sodas but every summertime I occasionally drink some cold orange juices and if i don't care I get some taro boba smoothie. lol What about you? What's your favorite beverage during summer? :)
4 responses
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
24 Jun 10
My favorite beverage during the summer is usually Iced tea or Iced green tea. I don't drink soda or coffee. I do love juices like V8 fruit juices. They are delicious and healthy all at the same time. However, to quench my thirst I will go for Iced Green Tea for sure. Its a better thirst quencher then even water in my opinion.
@Jstewart (167)
• United States
24 Jun 10
@aisa62379 (150)
• Philippines
25 Jun 10
cold water ...my fave beverage is iced tea
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
24 Jun 10
I definitely drink a lot of water in the summertime. I drink water all year long but I need more in the summer because I'm more active and sweating because of the heat. During the summer I may also drink diet soda, but I usually choose water over that because I know it'll keep me hydrated better.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
24 Jun 10
Lemonade is my favorite summertime drink. It is so xool and refreshing. You just can't go wrong with a tall glass of lemonade in your hand!