B E D T I M E .. tales by great M O M 's.....

@busybee10 (3186)
June 25, 2010 8:23am CST
With parents pressed for time,the art of telling bedtime stories is dying... How are you managing..??
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5 responses
@avani26 (1518)
• India
25 Jun 10
Rightly said it for me it was my grandparents who would tell me the stories and yes my mom does tell my daughter the bedtime stories but when my mom is not around I just read out from the story books that my daughter wants. Earlier I used to sing to her but if I do that nowadays she says mom please don't (). Looks like I am managing fine.
@avani26 (1518)
• India
30 Jun 10
Yes I was lucky and so is my daughter as she has heard stories from even her great grandmother and so have I.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
30 Jun 10
Good! to hear that. The fun is now we are matured and know about the world - and I am able to recollect the stories heard from my grand mother.I am realizing how they hvae framed the stories so that we get motivated,but for real these have helped me in particular for my life. I thank my grand mother,
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
25 Jun 10
Very glad to note that you were the luckiest child to hear stories from your grand parents and also heard stories from your mom,those were the most memorable days in our lives. These days children have a different set of mind - your have to hear theirs but they are not ready to hear out's.
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@qianyun6 (2067)
• China
26 Jun 10
I can still remember the image of my mom told me stories for me, to be precise, my mom read story for me from books - she knew no bedtime stories because my grandma didn't told any for her. But this seldom happened, because I learned reading early and fast. I was able to read books when I was four or five, what I mean by books was the ones without any pictures, I have never read comic books. Actually, for me, bedtime story itself wasn't important at all, I liked them only because I liked the feeling of clinging my mom.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
26 Jun 10
Your clinging to your mom is really great because of the bedtime stories.That is the attachment which is done by bedtime stories,which infuse courage and general knowledge in children that will be of utmost importance in the near future. Yes those were the most good days which we have to forget because of the latest style of life.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
25 Jun 10
i think because of what we have now the modern technology like mostly kids are interested in playing computer games because its more virtual.but parents encourage their kids to read book that's the good way to educate themselves.bedtime stories still existing my sister every tell a story to her kids because her kids is 4 and 5 years old.they like story telling and seeing pictures especially in the fairy tales book.parents should make and effort for the kids to enjoy the story they can do role playing,wearing costumes thus more interesting and more fun.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
25 Jun 10
Yes, because of the latest trend of life style we are forgetting all the old habits and almost everything is vanishing.Even parents do not have the patience to spend time with children and purchase some story books and give them. Gone are those olden and beautiful days.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
25 Jun 10
if i will have my own child, i will still practice telling stories. Even if those are the old bedtime stories that i was used to listening to before. We should never stop this practice because the earlier the better for a child to develop his imagination and to learn to be creative. It may also help them to try and communicate well in their early years.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
25 Jun 10
That is really a good thought - now I came to know that even in Philippines bed time stories are told to children. A new point to note for me. Yes, the idea behind telling stories to children is nothing but motivating them and infusing courage in them which will be useful in their life.
@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
25 Jun 10
ja. I used to tell bedtime stories to my children. When they were so small i used to sing for them.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
25 Jun 10
Those were the most beautiful and the happiest days where the real love towards parents ,children,friends and relatives was there. But these days everything is changed maybe we are passing through a difficult period.