Who was the most important person that you have met, and how did it feel?

Me and the Queen - When I was presented to the Queen , aged 15
@oldchem1 (8132)
June 28, 2010 10:40am CST
I have to go back to the 1960's when I was a Girl Guide and I was chosen to represent my town to be presented to the Queen when she came to visit it. I have enclosed a rather grainy photo of the event!! It was an amazing experience, and the Queen was really lovely and very friendly!! I was the only female that day who was presented to the Queen, it was a very nerve wracking day for a 15 year old I can tell you!! Who have you met and what was it like?
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11 responses
• Malaysia
28 Jun 10
true story: a couple of years after graduating from university, where i majored in photography, i was apprenticing with a Korean photographer in my country. this particular photographer was a favorite for one of the many 'Sultans' or Kings that we have around here (Malaysia has 9 Kings from 9 different states that rotate amongst themselves to be the absolute monarch for 5 years..). http://www.malaysianmonarchy.org.my/ one day he was requested to cover an official event at the royal palace..and me being his apprentice then was of course asked to tag along too..at the palace, the king wanted to take the official portrait of the visit in one specific room which has alot of mirrors..a typical photographers nightmare. so after trying and adjusting and setting up, we found out that there is one spot within the room that is just right. so when it came to the time for the royal portrait,the king was chatting to his guests and didn't stand where he was supposed to. my Korean 'master' didn't know how to properly ask the king to move. none of the officers there wanted to help out either, and with sweat trickling from my temples, i was the one who was made to ask the king to move.. lucky me, he was in a good mood that night and didn't care about protocol that much. can you believe that? a commoner like me asking the king to do something! that was the best and the most valuable experience of my life
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@Jotomy (6322)
• India
28 Jun 10
hi mario... you are lucky... etc....
@oldchem1 (8132)
28 Jun 10
I am on my knees bowing to your great superiority now Mario!! As we guessed - you are the master
• United States
28 Jun 10
How exciting for you! That must be a great memory for your book.
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
28 Jun 10
Hi oldchem1, yes such memories are wonderful. You are lucky to meet her. Queen and you both are pretty. I am an Indian, so it can't possible me to meet her, but happy to see her photo in the discussion.
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@Jotomy (6322)
• India
28 Jun 10
@oldchem1 (8132)
28 Jun 10
Yes they are good memories and it is also something interesting to share with my grandchildren
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
29 Jun 10
That's really awesome...something for you to remember by. I think it must be one of those moments in school when I received an award and the Minister was there to present the award to me and some others. It was a very honorable event and prestigious; something which I will always remember.
• Malaysia
29 Jun 10
because you're so awesome, his Royal Marioness will now bestow upon you the 'Banana Royale Medal of Awesomeness'.. you may rise now Sir Zed..
• Malaysia
29 Jun 10
thank you m'lady.. i always try to look my best for my subjects...except History, i don't like that subject
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@oldchem1 (8132)
29 Jun 10
Mario you look the best yet in your regal gown
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Jun 10
Hi Oldchem, I have never met the queen, although the Duke of Edinburgh comes to where we work quite often, I have met and made coffee for Sir Cliff Richard, met and rowed with Sir Bob Geldof and many others in my time but I did use to live in the same area of Surrey as Cliff Richard, Tom Jones, Sue Barker, Mick Hucknell, Chris Tarrant and a fair few more so it was normal to see them out and about. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@oldchem1 (8132)
28 Jun 10
OOhh you're right posh aren't you!!! Made coffee for Cliff Richard eh!!
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Jun 10
If you heard me talk you wouldn't say I was posh lol, I'm more like your cor blimey mate, luton airport type! and the only reason I had to make the coffee was because I had been naughty at school so had to make for the teachers and Cliff Richard was doing our assembly as was friends with our RE teacher. He has very dark stuble close up but lovely man. Huggles. Ellie :D
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Jun 10
I once met a high Illinois government official at my husband's grandfather's wake, they had been friends and I got to meet him, but the sad thing is I can't remember his name. I remember what he looks like but not his name. I was pretty upset that day of course because I loved my husband's grandfather very much so my mind was not all 100% there. I am sure if I had met him any other time I would remember what his name was.
@oldchem1 (8132)
28 Jun 10
You'll have to get your little grey cells working!! (that's the brain in case you don't say that in the US !) Maybe you will remember
@rosegardens (3034)
• United States
28 Jun 10
Wow, that must have been something to meet the Queen. I bet your knees were shaking like crazy! The most important person I have ever met was the Cardinal of the Detroit Archdiocese. He came to give the sacrament of Confirmation to the catechists. That was important because it is not often the Cardinal comes to give a sacrament or even to say a mass at one's parish. He is much more accessible than the Queen is though. Not many 'regular' people get to meet her like you did.
• United States
28 Jun 10
I'm very happy for you that you have this very important memory to share with us. How awesome! I have never met anyone who met the queen, should I curtsy to you?
@oldchem1 (8132)
28 Jun 10
No I was very lucky to be chosen
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@oldchem1 (8132)
28 Jun 10
No no just kiss my feet, that is enough
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
4 Jul 10
lets see... I met John Tower once, he was a senator for Texas at the time You know the game "Six degrees of separation?" Well, when my dad was alive I was 2 handshakes from the President a few times...
@wujinbo (341)
• China
29 Jun 10
it is a surprise for me that you tell me that you just have met a important person.be honesty,i dont have met any kinds of important person.to be an important person is not easy.
@joyce318 (139)
• China
29 Jun 10
The most important person I met is my idol, a chinese actress, vicki zhao. She is very famous in china,maybe foreigners are not familiar to her. It doesn't matter.I like her for nearly 12 years. I was her in beijing of china for an interview by TV. She is so elegant and generous. Now she is mother and had a baby over two monthes. However I will support her forever.
@oldchem1 (8132)
29 Jun 10
No I have not hard the name but you must have been very excited to meet her
@joyce318 (139)
• China
29 Jun 10
Yes, I am so excited. She is worthy to appreciate. But I don't take photo with her separately, like you.
@alaskanray (4636)
• United States
28 Jun 10
That is such a fun story. I've never met royalty but when I was a teen I did meet the Osmonds, who were my favorite pop group at the time, on several occasions. I even played baseball with Jay and Jimmy Osmond one time. Lots of fun.
@oldchem1 (8132)
28 Jun 10
Gosh the mylot members are very well connected!! The Osmond's were more popular than royalty weren't they!!
• United States
28 Jun 10
LOL...well, I don't know about that. They were pretty big in the 70s but I still got derided a lot by my peers for liking them. They were considered pretty teeny-bopper. I thought they were pretty awesome. When I was fifteen I got to meet Marty Robbins who was my favorite old-time country singer. I had been hearing his music for as long as I could remember and I think I was (and still am) more excited about meeting him than I was the Osmonds...maybe because he was such a part of my childhood.
@sumit057 (227)
• India
29 Jun 10
most adventurous is probably my childhood father figure.. Im honestly not quite sure what his sign was. I think he was a Leo.. dont quote me on it tho. Answer 2: Yeah I would say I am.. ive seen more than half of the states at least once, and been to Europe, seeing 9 countries.. theres still lots of places id love to go. Namely Greece. Couple others, Brazil, Russia, Hawaii, Jamaica, Bermudas, and some other South American countries.. Plus I'll see my fair share in the Marines, but mainly Middle Eastern unless I get stationed in Japan or something. Ill always choose adventure over sittin around doin nothing or whatever.. as long as I can get at least 1 other person involved lol