what is the future of the philippines????

June 30, 2010 6:34am CST
If our new president will live up to her promise of good governance for the country then our economy should improve to bridge the gab between the rich and the poor.Our future lies in not forgetting who the enemy is a brighter future for the country as long as we don't elect any more im beciles into office.The politicians should take things seriously..they should keep in mind that they were elected to the serve the people and not to enrich themselves.we have hope if they make the right changes...
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5 responses
• Philippines
27 Jul 10
there are still lots of things to be done in the Philippines to improve the economy. But one thing is for sure, if the present governmnet live to their promise there's no reason we will be going up. We still have plenty of rooms to improve and there's no doubt about it.
• Philippines
3 Jul 10
I'd say only God knows. Nobody can really predict what's gonna happen. But when it comes to our country, we should work hand in hand if we all really want positive change for it. But I know it's easier said than done. So we really have to ask for God's help and guidance because nothing will be done accordingly if we don't let Him take charge.
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
1 Jul 10
I'm inclined to think that this is a new beginning for the Philippines. With the recent ongoings here and there, I think we're headed to a brighter future. I just hope we don't mess it up at the homestretch. I'm still hoping for a better Philippines in the future.
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
1 Jul 10
To tell you the truth I really do not know. Although this new government is a ray of hope but I think they still are all a work in progress at the moment. Everything will come in as the days would come. So if I would answer your question... I would answer that the future is bright but unknown in the coming days.
@akopoaysi (739)
• Philippines
2 Jul 10
well, in my opinion change will start within ourselves... hey let's not give all the blame to the government... we dictate our own lives.. we are the one who gets up at the bed and go to our jobs, school, or whatever we need to do... or just go back to sleep... we do our own future most of it.. but of course good government is a plus... good day everyone!