Start a chocolate business - what's your opinion?

@ladynetz (968)
July 2, 2010 5:22pm CST
I did start my own business, making chocolate flowers and bouquets. They are really beautiful (you can even check it out from my profile).The problem is to advertise, go out and let people know about you and your products. As for fun, it is fun and I enjoy making them.Gives me a purpose in life. Because as much as I enjoy cooking, I can not make a living from it. You think that I'm right - or wrong?
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3 responses
• Philippines
3 Jul 10
you can make a living even fortune with it. just make sure it's good if not best. do it nicely. get a good packaging. share it on the net. start it with your friends. then do it slowly til everyone gets to taste it. good luck. the net can make wonders when it comes to selling anything on the net.
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@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
3 Jul 10
I do try my best - could you take a look at my site and let me know what you think? Any suggestion is welcome! It can be viewed by going to "my profile", or from my signature. Thank you!
@alaskanray (4636)
• United States
3 Jul 10
Well, now, I don't know about that. I knew a lady in my hometown who opened a bakeshop specializing in candymaking and cakes. She did almost exclusively wedding cakes and operated out of her home for a long time. People knew her by word of mouth and while her startup was slow, she did become independent and make her living just off her small business. If you have a good product and people who are willing to recommend you, it could conceivably build into a living even though you start out not earning much at it. Good luck!
@ladynetz (968)
• Canada
3 Jul 10
Thank you - these were the words I wanted to hear. Yes, I work from home, just started few months ago, and it takes time to spread the word around. Hopefully in few more months I'll have more orderd. Thanks again!
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• United States
3 Jul 10
One nice, easy and inexpensive way to get the word out...print out coupons on your computer and pass them out in parking lots or on doors in neighborhoods...promos for special occasions like Valentine's day or even anniversary specials. People love coupons...say for 15% off or even 2 for 1 sale or a free sample...whatever you decide you can afford. They come in to spend their coupon and they see your wares, they may come back for more.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
12 Jul 10
Of course it is great to do what you enjoy; it's your gifting, so do what you do best! It's great that you started a business. It may not be booming yet, but, with time, who knows? And, if you don't become a millionaire, so what? Creative people need to create; as you said, it gives you purpose. It's not all about money. I think you are right to proceed just as you have.