Why does Obama seem to care more about illegals than Americans?

United States
July 2, 2010 8:29pm CST
In his speech today,he brought up immigrants that have made a difference in our country.He also brought up the illegals that come to our country and are hard working.These are the minority.He didn't mention all the illegals that break more laws than the one that they are in our country illegally to begin with.He didn't mention the illegals that are taking away jobs from the 15 million Americans that are out of work.(Don't say they do the jobs that Americans won't do.Americans do these jobs every day around the country.People just sound stupid when they say this.)He also didn't mention all of the taxes illegals don't pay.Most get paid in cash.They don't tax $100 dollar bills.If Americans had those jobs,they would get paid more.They would then pay more taxes.They would also spend more,which would mean they were paying more taxes.He also didn't mention all of the tax dollars we pay to incarcerate illegals that commit murder,rape and sell drugs. In the long run,it would cost a lot less to deport 12 million illegals and secure both our borders.
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7 responses
• United States
3 Jul 10
The vast majority of us in this country are immigrants, and some were even illegal. The problem with immigration is that neither party in Washington has any desire to do ANYTHING at all. President Obama is correct that these people are hard working, but they do pay taxes when they purchase products. I have seen some of these jobs that these illegals do, and I agree that most Americans won't do these jobs for the price that the illegals do. So you will have to increase the wages, thus the price for that will go up, because the businesses aren't going to just eat that cost. I have talked to many farmers who got out of the produce business because of the illegal situation. It would cost hundreds of millions if not billions to find and deport all 12 million to 14 million illegals, and then what do you do with all of the houses, apartments, cars, and other items these people rent or own? They also made it here once, they knew how to get here, and I am sure they will find a way back. The best solution to this mess is to stop them from coming in the first place, and that means going after the businesses that hire them. Most come here because we have better jobs, and a better life for their families. If we stop the jobs, than they won't risk their lives by coming here.
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• United States
4 Jul 10
I'm not an immigrant.The majority of the people in the U.S. aren't immigrants.To be an immigrant,you have to migrate from another place.The majority of the people in the U.S. were born here.
• United States
3 Jul 10
Not to quibble with you over the immigrant point, but how long does that stay in play? I'm not trying to use today's formed laws and yesteryear's different attitude about immigration as a point of stance, but at what point does the "nation of immigrants" thing kinda give way to the fact that most of us living here today are not actually immigrants, but descendants of immigrants? (And by that scale, most people in the world are descendants of immigrants at one point in time - even Native Americans are technically 'immigrants' then.) I mean, that standard seems a bit loose. It would be like saying "the vast majority of black people in this country are slaves." I'm sure an overwhelming percentage of blacks in America can trace their ancestry back to slaves, but born into freedom generation after generation means it's no more.
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• United States
3 Jul 10
I get what you're saying and I'm not really arguing it. But to equate our present circumstances with a time when folks were fleeing everything from starvation to persecution is just not as valid as I think most folks with that stance want it to be. I don't agree we should "close" the borders. But if we now have a system in place, where law prohibits illegal crossing (for whatever reason - if it's to be challenged, then challenge), then it must be enforced, because if America stands this strong as a nation forged of immigrants, then it also has to be said that we're a nation forged by rule of law. And while we might take a while to catch up and right wrongs, they will be righted. There's a middle ground most of us want to get to that allows people to legally come here. That's it. No more no less. For a more lighthearted anology -- it's like somebody calling you with *67 and the ID shows the "unknown caller," or somebody's knocking but they're blocking the peep hole so you can't see who it is. If you're not trying to sell me anything, then show your number. Don't want to stab me and steal my Cheerios? Okay, show me who's knocking. The fact that folks just sneak in and set up shop is disconcerting to me. For every few hard-working, good, family-driven people jumping across, a criminal follows. No way to tell the difference. No way at all. Everything said on either side is just a best guess.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Jul 10
Obama is looking at millions of potential new voters and does not want to alienate them by telling it like it is. If/when immigration reform passes he wants to be seen as their champion because he is, after all, a politician.
• United States
3 Jul 10
He won't be able to pass the scamnesty bill. I came here legally. I pay taxes, I have a hard working job. I'm not going to wait 2 more years to be eligible to become a US citizen, and these illegals get it for free. I'm going to sue da furer if he allows these people to stay here. Am I the only one who finds that in a country with a huge illegal alien problem, only the hispanic ones stand up and open their mouths? I guess it's because illegals from other countries know that they'll get deported faster than you can say "welcome to America home of millions of illegals".
• United States
3 Jul 10
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
3 Jul 10
While I question the sentiment that it would be more cost effective to deport illegals and secure the borders, I think it's the principle of the matter that should be considered. Just because you don't like your home country doesn't mean you should break another country's laws and live there illegally. Among the legal immigrants in my extended family and in my social group, there seems to be a common sentiment of "we did it the right way, and so should you." It's unfair to grant amnesty to people who overstay their visas or cross the border illegally when there are people who scrape and save money to buy visas and plane tickets to get here the legal way. This just sends the message that hard work and honesty doesn't matter, because taking short cuts and bypassing laws to achieve your goal will be just as effective.
• United States
3 Jul 10
Here is the problem, if he can make Illegal Aliens legal, then he won't have to worry about it when his true citizenship is finally made known. I don't believe he is a citizen of the US than Bin Laden, and I believe if there is any justice left in this great nation of ours the truth will come out eventually. I pray it does. Blessings Marilyn
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Jul 10
I don't understand what you believe any newly legal immigrants would be able to accomplish in the situation your described. If it is legally determined through the judicial system that Obama is not a natural born citizen and is not eligible to hold office, the next step would be the impeachment process initiated by the congress. The voters and the American people have nothing to do with that...it's solely up to the House and Senate.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
3 Jul 10
Ignoring the unsubstantiated point that Obama wasn't born in America - in the unlikely scenario that it was found that he wasn't in fact born here, he'd have a lot to worry about. He'd lose his presidency. He wouldn't go to jail, of course, because Biden would pardon him, but it's not like he'd go untouched.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
3 Jul 10
It's political, I think, pure and simple. I doubt anyone can tell you where Obama's heart truly is on the matter, even the people closest to him. Love him or could do without him, President Obama is the archetype of what a "politician" is. He seems only concerned with playing the politics of every situation in America. And that's a horrid approach, in my opinion. Hearing one of Obama's speeches usually seems to cause two reactions: or His speech writers have the best job on the planet! Just give him a small handful of substantive talking points and fill the rest in with pointless rhetoric that showcases his ability for speech-making. He tends to avoid anything that can be confused with directness when he's speaking to or about his base's issues. He then puts the hammer down on everything that MSM won't grill him for and that his base will applaud him for. At this point, we can guess what he's going to say about most issues. I think we should start having myLot contests: Guess Obama's Speech!
@laglen (19759)
• United States
3 Jul 10
That is a great point. Why didnt he? Why didnt he speak of all of the citizens that would LOVE to be working right now. Or the ranchers on the border that would like all of the people and debris removed from the property they OWN? Why indeed.