Do you listen to songs that are neither in English nor in your mother language?

July 4, 2010 4:04pm CST
I admit I have a thing for Japanese pop. It's not a big deal actually, since I'm studying the language and I understand almost everything, but recently I found myself attracted to some Korean r&b songs as well. I only know few words in korean, but I enjoy the music even if I don't understand the lyrics (unless I look up for them in google, that's it). Do you listen to songs that aren't understandable for you? Do you like music from other countries even if you don't understand the words?
35 responses
@fake_you (391)
• Philippines
4 Jul 10
Me too. I find myself interested in listening to Italian, French, or Japanese songs. I guess it's influenced by the movies I've watched before, or because of their good melody.
• Italy
5 Jul 10
Do you listen to Italian songs as well? What kind of music? I'm Italian, so I'm just curious, since I don't listen to many Italian songs. :)
@fake_you (391)
• Philippines
6 Jul 10
Yes, as far as I can remember, I have several Italian songs in my playlist. I find it relaxing to listen to songs like "time to say goodbye" (Andrea Bocelli), Mi Mancherai (Josh Groban), and Cinema Paradiso. There are a lot of nice Italian songs, you should try to listen to some. :)
@kodukodu84 (1569)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 10
I speak other languages other than English and my native language, so yeah I do listen to some music in other languages. I must admit that I too like korean and japanese songs. I don't really understand japanese much but I do with korean. I also listen to French song (since I understand half-half) and from some other languages from where I come from.
• Italy
4 Jul 10
I listen to some French (I don't study French, but I understand half of it since I'm Italian and Latin languages all sound alike more or less) and German songs as well! I only think some languages are more musical than others - like Japanese, I think it's a very musical language.
@airakumar (1553)
• India
6 Jul 10
I too like French and Korean other than English and my native language. French music are awesome. France has long been considered a center for European art and music. The country has a wide variety of indigenous folk music. Traditional Korean music includes both the folk and court music styles of the Korean people. I like all. The music are the soul of art and I think any music you listen is great.
• United States
6 Jul 10
My iPod is full of Korean songs. I'm learning their alphabet (Hangeul) as well. :-) P.S. Thanks so much for dropping a wonderful comment in my discussion a while ago. When I read your message, my heart was deeply touched, and I cried. It made me wanna hug you back. Thanks so much! Have a great life! :-)
• Italy
6 Jul 10
I tried to learn Hangeul, but then a friend of mine said that the alphabet is the easiest part and kinda got depressed, lol. I'm better at Japanese. :) P.S. No worries dear. I don't like to see people suffer, even if I don't know why they do. I can almost... feel their pain, I guess? It may be because I suffered in the past, and I don't want others to go through such things. If you need me, just give a shout. :)
@hexeduser22 (7253)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
I love listening to Korean pop and r&b music even though I only understand a few Korean words. I also love watching their music videos and that is mostly videos of girl groups because they ar so cute
• Italy
5 Jul 10
I know, K-pop girls groups are totally cute! I don't like K-pop boy-bands though, not exactly my types of men. ;)
@wainaa (70)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
korean music, no offense, is so overrated (at least here in Philippines). they all sound the same to me - arranged, digital melodies with chipmunk voices on top of it. the music videos are even more horrible with boys (or rather gays?) with full make up on. it just gives me goosebumps. japanese music is much better. i started appreciating japanese music when i began watching animated series from japan. they just know how to capture moments in animated series with the right song. i apologize for being mean to kpop music, it's just how i feel about the repeatedly played nonsense in local music channels. i bet kpop fans here in the philippines don't even understand a word from any of them korean songs.
• Italy
7 Jul 10
No offense at all, I think the same. I like some Korean songs, most of them sung by girlbands or sung in Japanese. I just don't like the autotune effect that much, I think, and find the songs way too "american-ized" - no offense to American music, I like it, but if I want to listen to American music I do so, and not listen to fakes. And I think J-pop is popular in the Philippines as well? I'm just guessing, since I know a lot of Filipino girls that like and listen to Japanese music - which isn't the most original thing in the world, I don't want to say it, but you're right. They really know how to capture a moment, and the same happens in dorama (TV series) and movies.
@Joshuael (109)
• China
5 Jul 10
Yes,I like some French songs.Music has no national boundary.A music in any language could be beatiful for its good melody,and even no need to understand the words of the song.We can feel the emotions in the music expressed by the composer.Music is a good bridge to connect all the people around the world.
• Italy
5 Jul 10
I like some old French songs (by Charlez Aznavour or Edit Piaf) as well, they can be really melancholic and romantic. But I'm totally with you when you say music is a good bridge to connect all the people around the world - I just hope many artists would use their musical talent better for this purpose. I don't like it when I hear a good melody and then, when I look for the lyrics, I find out that they're about homophobia and racism.
• United States
6 Jul 10
Yes I listen to Opera Arias in Italian and even not understanding the words the music can touch my soul and bring me to tears.
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
7 Jul 10
Then it would be akin to listening to music. I would rather listen to music. To answer your question, I do not listen to songs I do not understand.
@attente (986)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
Some people might find this stupid but I'm really starting to get addicted to korean songs! HAHHAHA!! I don't understand them but I memorize some of them because I played them over and over again. Well I don't think I'm the only one experiencing this because koreant pop singers nowadays are really reaching the peak of stardom. :)
• Italy
5 Jul 10
It's not stupid at all, Korean music is getting really popular everywhere! And so is Japanese pop and rock, I'm seeing concerts are being planned in US and Europe too lately :D
• United States
4 Jul 10
My native language is English, but I know enough of Japanese to understand much of what I hear in Japanese songs. I love all sorts of Asian music, whether I comprehend it or not. I listen to music in a lot of non-Asian languages, too. Even if I don't understand it, I still think foreign music can be really beautiful.
• Italy
5 Jul 10
You're totally right, even when you don't understand fully, foreign music can be beautiful. It somehow makes us understand a bit of other cultures as well.
@rexrevol (328)
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
Yeah, I do. In fact, I'm learning a lot of songs that are not in my mother language. But I see to it also that if I be able to sing it already, I should understand it as well. So I research about it.
• Philippines
4 Jul 10
Oh yeah! ^^ I like listening to Korean and Japanese songs, even if I don't understand any words from the song. I only know a few songs, but Korean pop like the song "Nobody But You" has been so popular everywhere, and lately, I've been listening to Korean rock star Seo Taiji. On the other hand, the Japanese songs that I'm familiar with are some emo/love songs that originated or were used in Anime's. I especially like "Life is Like a Boat" by Rie Fu and "First Love" by Hikaru Utada. I only know a few select Korean and Japanese songs, but, as they say, music is a universal language. Some music touches the heart and soul of people, and they transcend between different time periods and cultures.
• Italy
4 Jul 10
I love how Japanese music is getting popular lately! They're even planning some concerts outside of Japan, this world is really becoming globalized. And I completely agree with you, music is the more universal language that exists, I often saw people from different religion and cultures being drawn together because of the same passion, it's really a wonderful thing to see. (I totally love Hikaru Utada! You should check her "Prisoner of love", it was a song composed for a Japanese drama, "Last friends". Really beautiful and heart-breaking: I included a link because Avex is deleting everything from youtube and it won't be easy for you to find it... x_x )
@Bellapop (1279)
6 Jul 10
For some reason I like listening to songs in the French language, the sounds are so soft and rounded, it's really nice just to listen to these peculiar sounds along with its melody... :)
@LeoWyatt (169)
• Bulgaria
4 Jul 10
I listen all the songs I like, I don't restrict myself into genders and don't care the language of the songs because I listen any style of songs :) I love music and different bands and singers. I don't care about the language of the song like I said Japanese, Bulgarian, English or any other language... If the song is cool, i Love it :p
• Italy
4 Jul 10
Totally agree with you. If the song is cool and has a nice vibe, there's no need to fully understand every single word of it. :)
• United States
5 Jul 10
Sure, there are some songs in other languages that I like. There is a French artist named Lorie that my kids like, I do to. Music is a common thread among all of us, the language barrier just makes me seek out the lyrics even more so I can understand what they are singing about. I have heard some Japanese pop that sounded good, its catchy stuff.
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
well personally no. i find it weird that i listen to a song that i dont understand. But there are foreign language songs that i know the meaning which i listen to.
• India
5 Jul 10
There are few non-english and hindi which I do not understand but still listen because music of those songs is very good.
@ecyang (97)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
I listen to Japanese songs only when I like the anime where the song is featured. Like for example, I watch Naruto and Bleach now. It's my habit to download the opening and ending songs in short and full version AND look for their music videos as well in youtube. :)
@topetotz (163)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
yeah i do, some Korean songs like the ones of 2NE1 and Girls Generation, the main reason is i find the girls sexy, beautiful and cute. Also, some of their songs are catchy, even i don't understand it at all. Thanks for the topic Much respect
@greygoo (795)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
hey hey hey i'm into jpop too. and for the same reason! i went to japan for 10 months and learned the language [though not perfectly. i'm thriving:-)] but this addiction started in high school (slamdunk days), so i guess my answer's yes~ i did listen to jpop even when i couldn't understand a single word. what's nice about music is that you're able to connect with it beyond words(*_*)