how do you define love?

@hushi22 (4928)
July 9, 2010 11:08pm CST
every time i get a suitor, i always ask this question. i had heard a lot of different answers. i would like to hear for more.
8 responses
@rexrevol (328)
• Philippines
10 Jul 10
I was asked once like this by my girl. I answered, "Love, for me, is just a word represented by four simple letters. But it's meaning grows beautifully every moment you are with me."
@rexrevol (328)
• Philippines
10 Jul 10
Actually, I got it from something like this,... "Love is nothing but just a word. But when I met you, you gave it a proper meaning." From this, I rephrased it and put some of my own...^_^
• Philippines
10 Jul 10
LOVE is not only a noun to be defined, but a verb to be done...
@hushi22 (4928)
10 Jul 10
WOW! i love the answer. =)
@mazghang (139)
• China
10 Jul 10
this question is quite touch to answer,especially for me! i don't know how to define love, because it can not be defined i only can say that love is the greatest emotion of nature
@kristeena (358)
• Philippines
10 Jul 10
Love has endless definition. For me, I can say that love is being patient. If you have unlimited patience you can love even the most annoying person on earth. I love to love...
@satz0249 (125)
• India
10 Jul 10
love is the expression of ones affection towards another person not just by physical action but also by making them feel happy by heart... and love can be towards anything even an object .. once you like anything you start loving it
• Malaysia
10 Jul 10
Love is any of a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection and attachcment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic please to intense interpersonal attaction. THis diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define.
• India
10 Jul 10
I think this is the most toughest question in this world. I have a little experience in this matter but still it is not clear to me. Love is what?It is the best moments to someone and it is the most painful moments to someone. So, love can not be generalized. It is different to different people........
@FellJune (12)
• China
10 Jul 10
Loving -- Sharing