Do you miss your childhood?

@dsrp82 (676)
July 10, 2010 7:47pm CST
I do! Everything was so easy and perfect! The world was a magic place... what about you?
8 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
11 Jul 10
My childhood wasn't so bad so, yes, I do miss some things about it...the innocence of a child's view of the world, playing with my friends and the freedom I felt while riding my bike.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
11 Jul 10
Mine was purple...purple was my favorite color...still is.
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
11 Jul 10
really? it's my fav color too!!!! =D
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
11 Jul 10
Awww, I miss my bike too! =(((
• India
11 Jul 10
I do miss my childhood a lot. The lack of stress and worries of day to day existence is what I want to go back to. Apart from the freedom, the leading of a sheltered life where someone else took care of your needs while you existed for just the joy of living is what I miss most. I wish I had the means where I could live the life of peace and freedom of childhood for the rest of my life!
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
11 Jul 10
The last part of your answer is my biggest dream!
• United States
13 Jul 10
yes childhood was a very easy time for most of us. But unfortunitly growing up is just part of life, thats why my advice to the young is to not grow up to quickly because before you know it your and adult and have so much more to worry about.
• Morocco
11 Jul 10
Yes body, me too I do miss my childhood .. simply because in that time I hadn't any kind of responsibilities that I'm obliged to deal wiht now ,I was free and I had that ability of doing whatever I wanted to do, whatever comes to my mind even if it was wrong ,I hadn't to afraid thanks to that innoncent excuse "I'm little child".After all these year,I think that I was deeply wrong when I wanted to grow up fast in order to do things by my own ,to guide my own ship in this life but it turned up that life of mature people isn't like I was immagining .. old people's life is far away from being free more then that it is so difficult to control .. that's why I miss this period of time when everything almost everything was enjoyable ^^
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
11 Jul 10
I was wrong too, wishing I were an adult. I wish I could turn back the clock.
• Australia
11 Jul 10
I certainly miss various aspects of my childhood. The fun, the frivolity and the innocence, for example, are not as evident in my adult life. Though, on the other hand, there are aspects of my childhood that I do not miss. Those aspects include the lack freedom, the inability to make my own decisions and the uncertainty of what is to come. I think that there are good and bad points of growing up but they generally balance each other out.
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
11 Jul 10
Lucky you, cause in my case, I still have the problems of a child but not the good things. I'm certanly not free and not able to make my own decisions. And I'm pretty uncertain of what is to come too.
• United States
22 Jul 10
Yes, I do miss some parts of my childhood. The innocent part.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
12 Jul 10
Childhood was really a much simpler time in life for sure. I mean, we had fewer things to worry about. All I had to worry about was going to school and when all of my favorite cartoons were on television. If there were any real worries in the world, that was for my parents to worry about and I am sure there were. As an adult, I find that there is always something to worry about, more on some days than others. I think that its amusing, that when we are children, we cannot wait to grow up. However, when we are adults, it is the opposite. We wish for those childhood days. A much simpler time and a greater time in many ways. Those were the days, were they not? Sadly, they are long over. Which is a shame, because if now was ever a time to be a child, now would be good, as there is just too much to worry about as an adult.
• Ethiopia
11 Jul 10
Yes i miss my childhood because every thing seems easy perfect.