Cherries and red grapes are a perfect combination together!

@cream97 (29087)
United States
July 11, 2010 11:22am CST
I love fruits! I have always loved them. Yesterday, I decided to try out something new. I mixed cherries and red seedless grapes together. And it was very delicious! The cherries were very deep red. It looked almost like a deep wine color. I ate this together with some lite salt sprinkled onto it. It was very delicious. Have you ever mixed any fruits together before? Please share the fruits that you have mixed together. Thanks!
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10 responses
@much2say (54010)
• Los Angeles, California
11 Jul 10
Yum!! I can't think of specific combinations that I like . . . but we do make simple fruit salads with whatever fruits we have on hand. I love that cherries are in season now . . . oh and the color is beautiful (as well as the taste - I hate sour off season cherries). I also love the rainier cherries - the yellowish ones which are a little milder in sweetness. They practically go with most fruit. I think that way with peaches and strawberries too. But interesting you put salt on them . . . I've never heard of that! We occasionally put salt on watermelon - but that's that only fruit that we do that too. So I'll have to try your combo - with salt!!!
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jul 10
hi much2say my tummy twists when ever anyone mentions those yellow cherries the rainier because for some reason I must have ate too many at one time and got sick or something like that because now when I see them in the store I feel sick just thinking about the taste and I used to love them. he he he
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@celticeagle (160806)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Jul 10
I love fruit salads. Tangarines are yummy with any fruits really. Did you know that Cherry juice has serotonin-inducing carbohydrates in it? This will relax you. So if you get stressed or can't sleep this is a great help. Grape seed oil is a very good anti oxidant and is great for skin problems among other things. I like to mix strawberries and kiwis. Love to make smoothies. My altime favorite fruit is cantaloupe. It has Vitamin K in it which is a blood coagulant. I will shut up now. I just love to talk about nutrients.
• United States
12 Jul 10
Once my mother bought home strawberries and grapes and I was in a hurry to eat and go do homework so I accidently ate both fruit together. It was one of the best accidents that ever happened to me. I don't know what it was but the grapes tasted so much better when I ate it along with strawberries. I think it was because the strawberries was less sweet so the grapes tasted more sweet. Next time I hope to try grapes and cherries. Happy mylotting.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
12 Jul 10
Ya,I always mix three four fruits together to make fruit salad.I generally mix banana,apple,cherries,guavas in winters and in summers melon,watermelon etc.along with some lemon juice and salt and black pepper and it is a good appetizer also.
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@sender621 (14894)
• United States
12 Jul 10
Cherries and red grapes do sound good together. it wouldn't have the same effect fore green grapes. Some fruits just naturally seem better together. Cherries and red grapes are a good combination anytime.
12 Jul 10
I really enjoy cherries. I think that you could add young berries or strwberries to it. I think that we could try doing the milkshake with cherries and strawberries.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jul 10
oh there are so many and I like seedless grapes, chunks of banana and pineapples mixed together.also oranges and grapes, and blueberries mixed into any jello you like, its a great combination. I have tried different ones and they are all pretty good also love melon mixed with pears and pineapple. this is making me hungry. lol
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@attente (986)
• Philippines
11 Jul 10
You sure mixing them with salt? We Filipinos always have fruit salad, I am actually having it now. Different fruits with milk and cream. The salads I am having now has avocado, banana and mango.. But usually, during occasion, more fruits are mixed, adding grapes, apples and cheese! hehe. be blessed!
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@smilemoon (766)
• United Arab Emirates
18 Jul 12
I like cherries so much .
@smilemoon (766)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Mar 12
Maybe we should try this mixture.