why do u find yourself unique?

@hushi22 (4928)
July 15, 2010 7:15am CST
people say individuals are unique. hmmm...im wondering what made myself unique. what about you mylotters? do u find yourself unique? why?
13 responses
• Malaysia
15 Jul 10
i think i'm averagely unique i find myself being 'average' while i still acknowledge that i'm 'unique'.. kind of gives a funny feeling sometimes
15 Jul 10
You are not just "averagely" unique..you are extremely, totally, undoubtedly unique...every one is :) We are created with lots of similarities, could be in physical, our principles, our actions, or our aspirations et cetera. But each of us has a different life to live. We all have diverse starts and as ending come knocking slowly at our doors, we will realize that the path we had chose is largely different to others, for in your unique way you have come to acknowledge life's challenges the best way you can...
• Malaysia
15 Jul 10
why, thank you jhoeydas good point there
• Philippines
5 Aug 10
i believe that all human being are born to have uniqueness of our own.not following the footsteps of others make us unique, to become a person of our own, to have our own identity.
• Philippines
20 Jul 10
Everything about me...:) whether it's physical, attitude, way of thinking; I am different from other people. Of course there are little or sometimes big similarities but they don't make me less unique...:)
@rtsh_gup (185)
• India
24 Jul 10
I find my self unique because i am apart from others.
@pwnson (150)
• India
27 Jul 10
Ya i find my self as unique because i don't follow the ordinary i do the exact opposite. I think everyone is unique with special talents god gave us.
@bkrm_gupt (219)
• India
30 Jul 10
Ya i do fine myself unique because i make people laugh and motivate them.
@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
15 Jul 10
with me i think its because i can laugh and make fun of myself
@freeboy90 (456)
• Italy
15 Jul 10
Why is there anybody that has my same ideals?? well probably, but does that same person also think the way I do? acts the way I do, and has my same abilities, likes and dislikes??? I don't think so, and I believe is impossible that you will find someone else in this world that will be exactly the same as you in every single detail, that's why you and I are unique, you are a part of this world and you in your won way make this world different and less boring. We may dress the same clothes but again there will ALWAYS be something that makes me different to you
@Comagirl (146)
• Spain
15 Jul 10
We are all unique! Our DNA code is ours alone, though we may share many characteristics with others. In terms of aspects of my personality that I think are unusual enough to mention, is that I am very good at planning, cutting through the processes and distractions, and working out how to achieve my goals. I am good at multitasking. I am bad at spatial things like parking the car, or estimating how much paint to buy! I have space-time kinaesthesia, a highly developed sense of smell/taste, and a fairly common thyroid disorder. None of these things are unique... but what is unique is how they come together, to form an individual person. We are all made up of so many disparate elements, and we can choose which ones to accentuate, to downplay, to develop, to avoid, to have fun with or to keep secret..!
• United Arab Emirates
15 Jul 10
I know i am unique. I laugh when i am sad...i cry after sometime. I make people laugh and motivate them. The i need someone to mativate me. I forgive people easily. Even the one who has hurt me lots. People fall in love with me for no reason. All take advantage of me and i say ok thats fine we are human beings. Thats the reason i feel i am unique.
• United States
15 Jul 10
I think I'm unique because of my open-mindedness. I don't know many people who can accept the viewpoints of others like I do and say "I see where you're coming from" without thinking it's a personal attack. An opinion is an opinion. It's not a fact, and it's not a demand for you to change. That's what I believe.
@sirzhang (229)
• China
15 Jul 10
You have so much questions. hehehe, I can't follow you. Concerning this question, I don't think I am unique. Because there is another me in my body, in my mind. He usually tells me what I should do and what I shouldn't do. I am always fighting with him. So I guess I am not unique. That guy is my closest friend.
@Skade24 (750)
• Romania
19 Jul 10
It`s not that i find myself unique, but that is how things are, we all are unique, by the way we look, or think, and our personality.