My latest embarrassing but funny moment...

Davao, Philippines
August 1, 2010 6:44am CST
What makes life interesting are the events that happen in each of our lives. The ups, and downs are merely wrinkles to the plain page of our life story that we often forget that they even exist. Anyways, I would just love to share this fun experience that I've had just days before. It's very embarrassing for me but funny. I went to this one seminar in Concentrix that would enable me to learn more of the work of my course that I am currently taking. However, after lunch break, I went and bought onigiris(rice balls) from a store. I was eating it while walking back to the building when one fellow schoolmate came up to me and said that it looked delicious. I intended to give him one, so I reached it out for him. When he didn't took it after a while of walking, I made a mistake of looking on his way. He was opening his mouth in order to get a bite out of my hand and his face was so funny that I couldn't help but laugh and throw out all the things in my mouth on his face. EWW! I was so embarrassed that I wish a hole would open up and swallow me, or run to home right away. I wished I have not looked into his way because it's so embarrassing that I feel that I'd rather die. My fellow schoolmates and dean saw that event and oh, boy I was so red like a tomato when I looked at myself on the mirror. _
4 responses
@ada8may21 (2405)
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
This experience is actually not mine but I would like to share it with you. Our means of transportation here are jeepneys. If you want to get off from the jeepneys. You just have to say just pull over please. But my classmates instead os saying just pull over he said "Thank you for calling emcor" Emcor is the place where he is working on. The other passengers where looking at him and where shocked and would like to laugh. But he could not help it, he is laughing inside the jeepneys just like any other passengers.
• Davao, Philippines
2 Aug 10
That's cool! you perhaps stay around Davao City?
• Australia
1 Aug 10
I have to say that I do agree that life's embarrassing moments are sometimes what make us more aware of ourselves. I always seem to be doing something embarrassing according to my kids but I think the one that stands out the most was when I chased a kid who had just beaten up on my son for no reason and I lost it. I remember that I was having a really bad day and that was the final straw. When I saw my son in the back of the car and he told me what had happened I didn't think I just threw the car in gear and started chasing this kid down the road in my car, the fact that he was on the footpath didn't mean much as I was driving down the footpath after him, laughing my head off like a loon. I think that was because the look on the kids face when he seen my car right behind him on the footpath was priceless. Needless to say the kid never crossed the road in front of me again and he never picked on my son again. But when I think about it now it is a bit embarrassing because I am an adult and shouldn't have done that, also my kids love to bring it up at the most inconvenient times.
@s2rybot (34)
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
the most embarrassing moment i have had was wen i went to a seminar with my co-org in a nearby town. we were about to go home then so we waited for the bus ride. i was wearing my old vintage sandal and didnt notice that the sole of it was starting to detached. wen the bus arrived i was so quick to run so we could get to ride then all of a sudden i felt my feet on the ground.wen i looked back i saw my sandal was detached halfway. the passengers were laughing because they saw wat was just good that my co-org brought a slipper with her so i went home with a slipper.
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
1 Aug 10
hmmm...the latest funny moment i have had was my boyfriend and i just came out of the movie theater...i was wearing high stilletos sandals and was trying to walk as poised and elegant while holding on to my boyfriend's arm... the floor was very slippery and shiny and i know if i won't be cautious with every step i take.., i will definitely fall or slip...and i was right...while we passed by a camera shop, my attention was caught on the cameras that i missed to notice a loose tile on the floor..there were a lot of people walking on the hallway too and i suddenly slipped.... good thing i was holding on tightly on my boyfriend's arm...i could have kissed the ground...i must have looked really funny hanging on to my boyfriend's arm....hahahhaha