Who would you want with you? Why?

United States
August 2, 2010 9:48am CST
I have asked all of my friends this question and I enjoy their responses so I thought I would throw this out here and see what others can come up with. The scenario: A boat leaves harbor with two crew members and 10 passengers. There is a storm and the boat and crew are lost at sea. All of the passengers survive. You are stranded on an island that is completely secluded and has no communication with the rest of the world. The island is tropical with plenty of natural food and fresh water. There are a few broken vehicles and some abandoned buildings on the island, but they are out-dated and in need of repair. The question: Which 9 people would you want with you? Why? My response: 1)My father because he can do anything you can imagine outdoors. He is the classic outdoors-man...if he can't do it then it can't be done. If it's broke he can fix it, if it floats he can sail it, he can navigate by the stars. He was in the military so he has been trained to deal with these situations. 2)My brother Mike because he is strong and patient. He is one of the few people on this Earth that doesn't drive my dad crazy so I know that they can work together. 3)My son because I think it would serve him well to learn to live without technology for a while. I want him to learn to survive and get his head out of the video games. 4)My daughter for the same reasons as my son. 5)My friend Nick because I don't think there is a piece of technology he can't fix so he might be able to find a way to communicate with the main land and get us home. 6)My brother Mike's girlfriend Jessica because I think he needs a pleasant distraction from the difficulties we might face while on this journey. 7)My sister Sara because she is a nurse and I am sure that we will not get through this without any injuries or illnesses. Her medical knowledge could be vital to our survival. 8)My sisters husband Joshua because he may be dumb as an ox but he is strong and he can carry heavy stuff. 9)My friend Adam because he has a calm and patient nature. He is fun and easy to talk to so I know that he will be able to help all of us stay calm and keep our spirits high. Now I ask anyone that reads this. What is your response?
1 response
• India
4 Aug 10
None in particular. I want all of them. Together they make a whole. Each one play a very specific role in my life. Even those who left me for no apparent reason or, didn't treat me well, had made some impact that was necessary. I don't want my preference to protrude in a way that interrupts with the natural course of life.
• United States
6 Aug 10
I thought about that when I decided on my shipmates. I am actually bringing two people that I'm not particularly fond of because I know that those people will find a way to get back to the main land. Knowing that we will be able to return makes it easier to decide who to bring along. However, I do agree with you. Hypothetical scenario aside, I would not change a person or event in my life. Everything that has happened leads you to where you are, and what you choose to do about it leads you to where you are going. I know that if my past were to change I would not have my present and that would be devastating. I also know that there may be several people in my life that have done me wrong...but those people have a hand in making me a better person. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.