During your schooldys, have you cheated on exams?

August 2, 2010 8:15pm CST
Hey friends, have you experience even once to cheat on your exams. I still remember I wasn't prepared to take the exams because I haven't reviewed for it. I never copy from my classmates but i invent a cheat tool. I write a formula in my socks, at the back of my I.D. and my necktie, I can't help not to smile every time I remember how naughty I was on my high school days.
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30 responses
@jerikjames (1041)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
I never tried to cheat. I've got this principle that if I fail an exam, it's because of my negligence. I'm always ready to suffer the consequences of my irresponsibility. It's stupid I know, but I really want to discipline myself on accepting the repercussions of my actions.
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
Wow! I really wanted to learn from you. Maybe if I am disciplined enough to face everything... I maybe a different person that I am now. But it's part of teenage life to experience such... I never regretted it because it was an experience I can never forget. It's just once because I don't want to make it as a habit.
@ruzzel016 (241)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
the last time I cheat was last week in our CISCO subject and I didn't study our lesson for I really don't understand it and I find it very hard but still I manage to get a passing grade which is 96% for I sit on the back and copied from my classmate around me, and I am lucky that they help me too.
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
ahahaha!!! Good job. At least it's just once and not a habit right?
@Archie0 (5640)
3 Aug 10
Hi czanwell, I have tried several times to cheat in exams in some or other ways when i was in my school but never succeeded, i did not know how they do it. But i always fail. The worst thing to add when i got into my graduation college this year was, i was trying to help my friend and while he was peeking into my paper carefree the examiner caught us both and threw us out. Well i was punished for no reason, and that too for helping and not copying.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
3 Aug 10
Nope i never do that. It is usually the other way around. People usually cheat off my paper but because I am the one being hurt, I don't mind. But you was terrible though. I had the brains so i never needed to.
@gaboni (644)
• Israel
3 Aug 10
Only once, but it was like I had this year my matriculation exam in History, and I had a 10 points question that I didn't learn its subject because I was busy enough with memorizing other subjects. Anyhow I went to the bathroom thinking whatever am I going to do and then, when I get into the cell I see on the floor sketches full with the information to the exam, I digged out fast the page with the information that I needed and read it few times as fast as I can because the testers would get suspicious if I will stay there too long. Eventually I answered the question the best I could from what I memorized through that paper... how lucky I was, I would have needed to do that exam again without those papers. Whoever put them there, I must thank him/her. I am actually great student, total grade of 93, I just happen to be terrible at memorizing a lot of information at once.
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
In my College days, there were many formulas to remember. And these formulas were so important, so to make things easier, I sorted to engrave them on my pens during exam.But it's totally worth the cheat.
@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
yes, it was for fun and laziness in a mix..but not every exam, I am a good student at some point and i am the source of my classmates for a sure passing exam.
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
Hahahaha. I have cheated a lot of times during exams when I was still in high school, in our class we have always had a rule of sharing, everybody shares their answers, and I was lucky because there was no selfish student in our class.. we never open any books, or have answers written on a piece of paper or anywhere else.. We just really share our answers. Hehehe. Though when I went to college I stopped cheating cause I realized that it won't really help me at all. Hehe.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
3 Aug 10
I am proud to say that I never cheated on a test in school. i was one of those students who would have bben afraid of getting caught. I usually studied for tests so i didn't really need to worry about cheating. The consequences would not have been worth the risk.
• Romania
3 Aug 10
I have one that...when was possible...especialy in university!
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
yeah i've done cheating many times but it depends to my situation if i didn't study and if there is unexpected quiz or test.
@sami00 (891)
• India
3 Aug 10
Hello, The practice of copying for the exams in not a good habit.We should always prepare for the exams.The act of copying is not good as it spoils our character.I have never copied for any exams.I would always get topper ranks in all my exams.It is the way of preparation for the exams.We should not try to do such mischief.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
3 Aug 10
I cheated on the music final in my first semester of college. I just could not separate the many differences in music during the classical, baroque, and romance periods. It all sounded the same to me. I got to the class early and wrote some of the answers on my desk. I felt a little guilty for a while but i decided that i would not make it a habit and would try never to cheat again.
@frishy (221)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
yes i cheated so many times.. i feel guilty sometimes but if you really want to passed the exam you will do everything haha... but i dont do the anymore, reviewing the week before the exam is the best way to passed. if you always rely on cheating then you will do it every time you take test.
@aditya540 (328)
• India
3 Aug 10
he he even i was caught once...!! one day iwrote something on exam pad ..!! my principal caught hold of me and asked what you wrote on the pad??? guess what would be my answer... . . . . "sir i practised for exam on this pad as i had no paper" lol:) funniest answer..!! i always laught when i remember this .!!thanks for reminding me
@voldrox (7191)
• India
3 Aug 10
Hi czan, i haven't done much during my school days, but um.. i do it more often in my college now. I am not supposed to, but i am naughty, i know.
@s2rybot (34)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
yes i did. i was in highschool then. my teacher was kinda dumb(pardon me ma'am, but really you are) not to notice the whole class cheating during the exam. she was sitting there in front by her table while the whole class was so silent concentrating...not because the exam was too hard to answer but because we were seriously opening our notes to answer each question. in the end we all got perfect score. and still she didnt question us why??really dumb
@juneramir (334)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
Mostly, students feel that their teachers give them a hard time when they have to take a test. It seems like they don't want their students to pass the tests. Therefore, it is very common that most students find ways to help them pass the exams or change their grades from "F" to "A". I honestly did it during an exam and we call it a buddy system. This is an old method that is still popular among students who cheat. They always sit next to a friend who knows tons of things to take the test. After this helper finishes doing his/her exam, he/she will sit back and hold his/her exam up so the students who sit next to or behind him/her can clearly see the answers and hurry up and copy them. Funny, but it's true. I hope everyone will study and just minimize cheating (hehehehehe) :) Good day to you!
@nthomas (43)
3 Aug 10
never ever!!! That was something which I never did. Somehow I just didn't want to cheat myself or others..whatever the case may be. Luckily I was able to manage otherwise.
3 Aug 10
Yes, I have tried cheating during my high school days, even at my college days. I was sweating too much the first time I tried cheating. When the results came up,and figured out that I passed, I felt guilty.Very guilty. Thinking that I was so unfair to my classmates' part.Classmates that really studied hard for the exam. After that, I never cheated on exams anymore.. only long quizzes. XD