Lending money from friend. Good or bad?

August 3, 2010 4:04pm CST
Few situations will make us to lend money from friends. Sometimes it may lead to misunderstandings, fights even break up of friendship. when the amount of money is huge, it may happen. In my perception, we should not lend money more from friends. Even we return it back in time, continuous habit of lending will end up bad. What do you think about this?
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26 responses
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
4 Aug 10
Hi shineveramya, Most times, when someone is nice enough to help a friend or family member out by lending money to him or her, it later leads to regret. Any financial advisor will tell you that lending money is always a bad idea. Whether the borrower is being deceitful, know he has no intentions of repaying the loan, or he finds it difficult to repay because of the lack of funds, the relationship suffers and sometimes ends. When you see you friend struggling, and you can help by lending them some money, it is really difficult to say no. However, saying yes, you should give it some serious thought about how you will handle the situation if the loan isn't repaid. I have been in this position before, and my first choice was not to loan the money to the friend, but I broke my own rule. I am very lucky, because the loan was paid back in full. I really don't make it a rule to lend money to friends and family. Everyone is not so fortunate.
• United States
4 Aug 10
Hi Shineveramya, You are a friend indeed. I too, would rather give the money to my friend instead of lending it and not getting it back. You have a good heart of charity.
• India
5 Aug 10
thank you
• India
4 Aug 10
Hi Angelgirl, Helping friend in need is friend indeed. But we can add the rule except lending money. Really in my life i gave money to friend. Even he returned it back on time. But the money grows. And it end up in Rs.12000. In that situation i dont want to give and also couldnt refuse too. So i can say think more before asking your friend. Dont make he/she feel uncomfortable. with wishes, Ramya
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
Lending money from friends esp in times of emergency is not that bad at all. We don't have someone to run to but people whom we consider to be our friends. If it becomes habitual and we don't pay it back,that makes it bad. But,as long we were able to return it on time,there is nothing bad in my opinion. For lending money needs trust from someone who lends us,and we should not break that trust in anyway. I don't have the habit of lending money from friends but i do borrow money when i needed it most and i don't have sufficient funds to raise what i need. I borrow money but i am a good payer too. Have a good day always
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
Yes it is true,when it is a big amount it can tests the relationship between friends (the lender and the borrower)
• India
4 Aug 10
Hi, Really. If its small amount of money that we can return easily. Its not big deal. When the amount is big then we've to consider things seriously. With best wishes, Ramya
@34momma (13882)
• United States
4 Aug 10
my grandmother use to say.. "Never lend out more then you are willing to give away." So I always say, I will give you $20, but i'm gonna lend you $30. and if i lend a friend or anyone money, best believe they are going to sign a promisory note! oh yeah... Gotta love Judge Judy... I don't play games when it comes to my money. you will be giving it back or i am taking your a$$ to court!
• India
4 Aug 10
Ha ha. Good idea. Money is important. and relation is also important. Should not play with anything.
@youless (112222)
• Guangzhou, China
12 Aug 10
This is always a difficult choice. It is very common that people say if you don't lend the money to your friend, then you will lose your friend. Whereas if you lend money to your friend, then you not only lose the friend, but also your money. If you cherish the friendship and at first you have to prepare that your money can not be returned. Then you may feel better. If your friend will return the money to you at last, then at least it is a surprise and this friend is trustworthy. I love China
• India
12 Aug 10
Fine. Losing friendship wont make us feel very bad, whereas losing money with friend will be very bad. So its better not to lend more money to friends.
• United States
4 Aug 10
Yes I completely agree with the responders above. The way I look at it is when you lend whether to friends and or family you must consider money that you can bear without. As once a dispute about money comes into play well there goes all the love and friendship right out with the money lent.
• United States
4 Aug 10
I agree as well and remember hearing on one of my court shows that if you are able to part with money, make sure you tell the person you are giving it to that although you are not able to help with more, you need to them to know that because you value their friendship you can no longer do more. I think this is wise, especially when I have been burnt several times from people who promised to pay back then treat me as if I have done something wrong as they avoid my friendship, assuming they can't pay me back. The least they can do is be honest and not make m feel as if I did something wrong.
• India
4 Aug 10
Yes. we should not lose our relations, friendship because of money. Even thy might think bad initially if we refuse to give. But its just to maintain our good relation. But small amount to good person at needed time is not too bad.
• India
12 Aug 10
I usually don't lend money from friends. But i feel it is okay to lend from friends. They are our friend so why uncomfortable. But not in unnecessary situation, only if you are in deep need. But not all the time, there is a chances of developing a habit in you. Have to be very careful.
• India
12 Aug 10
Yes Hotwheels. In unnecessary situation, no need to help. And that to should not continue it as habit.
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
I guess it would depend on why my friend has to borrow money and if I do have extra money then I would be willing to let her borrow once. But if it does become a habit, then I don't think that I am helping her anymore since she will not learn how to be disciplined with her budget. I mean if I were in her place and I really needed the money like for emergencies, then I would really be grateful for the help that she would extend.
• India
4 Aug 10
Yes. Even though we have good friends who'll return money on time, we should not encourage this habit. It may continue and money may grow too.
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
It really depends on the situation. I guess I will lend money if my friend really needs it, or if there is an emergency. But if it is for things that is really not a necessity then I won't probably lend them money, specially if I'm not really close with the person.
• India
4 Aug 10
Obviously. No need to give money just like that. We should analyse all the factors beofore giving.
@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
I do lend money from my friends, but my friends know how to pay on time. They also borrow because they need it for daily living. not for something of luxury. Though I believe that we should avoid borrowing money from our friends, there might come a time that the friend might feel used or worse, feel like that he/she is just a friend because of money. Sometimes it's better for your friends to offer to lend you money than to ask them to lend you.
• India
4 Aug 10
If our money is used for good thing really we feel happy. And our friend will be thankful to us. Someone will feel to ask money only to best friend. In that case we shouldnt disappoint them. But as i sais already we should consider the amount and the time need for them to give us back.
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
I agree with you that if it is already a habit then a friendship might be at stake in one occasion that if the other cannot pay on time, then a misunderstanding might develop. The lesson might be, we just have to be vigilant if the need of our friend is really genuine and if the person really has a word of paying back. On huge money, you can probably ask for a collateral that may serve as protection on your part.
• India
4 Aug 10
Yes. We should not lose our friendship oar relation just because of money. And also we should not lose our hard earn money for friendship ;)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
It's not bad to lend money from a friend. A friend is someone you can depend all the times. In times of financial difficulties, it's our friends whom we consider asking first before other people. But it will turn out bad if money lent wasn't paid back in return. There are people who seems to neglect or into a habit of lending money but failed to return back because they thought it's their friend and their friend can understand them always. Those people are taking advantage of the friendship and could turn that friendship badly.
• India
4 Aug 10
Yeah. We feel to ask money only to our close friend. But we should be honest for it and should tell the truth how much time we need to pay it. If he/she happy to lend money even then, its ok.
@asdj1259 (28)
4 Aug 10
I don,t agree with you.Being friends,we should do what we can do to help our friends.If our friends are lack of money,we can lend them money properly.On the other hand,we should return the money lend from friends in time and it would improve our friendship.Timely return of a loan makes it easier to borrow a second time.In most cases,I think,continuous habit of lending will end up good.
• India
4 Aug 10
Being friends, we can help. Its fine. But for everything there is a limit. We cannot trust anyone in money matter. Giving small amount of money for urgent need is good. when it come as big amount really we've to think. I heard from my friend that he gave money to his friend who is colleague too. Amount grown day by day. He got absconded with 30000 finally. Its happenning. Why to get tense unnecessarily. As one of our friend already told bank is there to get loan.
• Egypt
4 Aug 10
i am with you in all what you see but in my opinion we can friendly lend money to our close friends , not any friend , just the best of our friends who make the same with me if i fall down and not to delay , the best friend always be your shoulder in difficult and hard times , so if my best friend wanna any thing from me and i can do it instantly not hesitate to help him and take his/here hand to be the best so finally God bless you Shineveramya cheers Medo
• India
4 Aug 10
Hi Medo, I accept that we should help our friend in need. At the same time we should not loss our friendship because of money. If they're honest and frank we can. But we should consider things if we're giving huge amount of money. and aslo should not contiue it as habit. Thats my thinking. Best wishes, Ramya
• Vietnam
4 Aug 10
I think sometimes, we are forced to lend money from friends.I did it many times but my friendship still very good, because we trusted another. Of course if the necessary amount is huge, the friend whom you lend from must be truly trust you and they really want to help you in difficult situation, and I think it alright if you take money back in time or late but with reasonable reasons.But we shouldn't continue many times, instead of that, we need to work harder, money from our effort 'll make life truly better.
• India
4 Aug 10
Yes as i said already we should not lose our friendship for money and also should not lose our money for friendship. I accept even i borrowed money from my friends and returned. But i didnt continued. I'll try my best not to ask second time.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
4 Aug 10
'Neither a lender nor a borrower be' is a time tested statement. This is especially true among relatives and friends. Once the money leaves our hands it does not belong to us. And if we ask for repayment of a loan we are likely to be looked at with contempt[kadangaran vandhuttan;Kadan uravai kedukkum'---isn't it Ramya?You must see old Tamil movies to get a glimpse of veteran actor M.R.Radha's profound statements about borrowals and loans. They are very entertaining.
• India
4 Aug 10
Yes Kala akka. We'll look at the person from whom we borrowed money like stranger. The respect, love everything will destroy because of money matter. I heard old tamil songs and have seen few movies about this. It have good advices and at the same time funny.
@jugsjugs (12967)
3 Aug 10
In the past i have let a lot of friends borrow money off me,but now i do not.In the past there was one friend that i would lend money to,then i had to wait along time until i got it back,another friend i lent money to and never got it back.I do now only lend money to one friend,as she always pays me money that she has borrowed without fail.
• India
4 Aug 10
Yes. It happenned in my life too. We should lend money only in the matter of urgency. And also i can say even you have friend who'll pay you without fail, dont make it as habit. Currently im suffering because of that. I used to lend money to one of my friend who pay me at time. He started with Rs.200. It increased day by day. recently he asked me Rs.20,000 just like that and before evening. So urgent need he told. Even i gave him some Rs.10000. Inside heart i feel bad. Dont want to give huge amount of money. So dont encourage lending often. Its just my opinion
@dian21 (606)
• Philippines
4 Aug 10
Lending money to our friend is fine especially when you have the money to lend and your friend is need badly at that time and nobody to run except you. Because a true friend will always be there through thick and thin. But whoever you lend your money, be it a friend or not, they should know how to pay it back to you. Even that person is a friend he or she should know to pay it on time so that the friendship will not be damaged.
• India
4 Aug 10
Yes. If they borrowed money in the needed situation and if they're honest, definitely they'll return back. They dont forget for the timely help. It make them to be thankful to us. But asking money just like that is bad. Should not encourage it.
• United States
3 Aug 10
I think it all depends on the scenario and the friend. I mean, let's say your friend needs a bottle of water and you lend them a dollar. I think that's all right to do. But, if I friend wants two hundred dollars to take a class at their local college, I might have to re-think that. Yes, I want my friend to succeed, but two hundred dollars? Do I even have that money to lend someone? Will the person pay it off? It really depends on the friend in that case, especially if you just met him or her.
• India
4 Aug 10
Thats what i want to say too Stephanie. If they are our trustable long time friend and he/she need money for some important thing, we can lend money very well. Otherwise have to think more
@m_perez (506)
• United States
3 Aug 10
The only time I would lend my fiends money is if they truly needed it for something necessary not for things like clothes and shoes. I really can't trust lending money to people. I once lend some money to a friend to buy some things and a couple of sweets. Now every time I ask her when she's going to pay me back..she always answers with a sorry excuse. She always tells me I already payed you back and then other times she says that she never borrowed money from me. I really don't think lending money to a friend is a good idea unless they really need it.
• India
4 Aug 10
Its really bad for your situation. As a trusted friend you gave money. But she misused it. I agree with you. If anybody ask money first of all we should analyse how important its for them. Should help to friends only in urgency of money. So that they feel to give it by thinking our timely help.
@rcl888 (70)
• Philippines
3 Aug 10
Hello! It depends upon the situation, the urgency for the need of money is the first thing to consider. Not everyone can pay you on time, much worst is that not everyone can pay you at all. This might cause those things that you have just mentioned. But there are some people that will do everything to pay their borrowed money. From my own experience, on the part of the borrower, it's better to tell the whole truth if you will be able to pay it on time, delayed payment might cause misunderstanding. Non-payment might ruin your friendship. On the part of the lender, if you're fortunate enough, give the longest possible time for the payment of the borrowed money. This will somehow give the borrower enough time to pay.
• India
4 Aug 10
Yes. If they are honest to us, they can tell the truth. will they able to pay in time or how long they need to pay it. Making us to trust them and getting disappointment later is really very bad.