Do you believe that some people are born to do a certain job?

United States
August 3, 2010 5:52pm CST
Do you believe that some people can do a certain type of job so perfectly, and they almost need no teacher or trainer? They seems like natural - born to do that job easily. While someone, no matter how hard he/she tries, it still not good. It still need more attention to it. Maybe he/she doesn't have that talent in mind, or maybe he /she is too slow in learning that job. At work, I saw some people do things and learn things so fast, while others might take a long while to grip the key point of it. Maybe that is the nature vs nurture.
1 response
@lulu1220 (1006)
• United States
9 Aug 10
I think people are just good at certain things. For example one of my cousins could draw very well at a young age and had no formal training until later in life. For me I loved to draw when I was young, but I had to really work hard at it. It did not come naturally, but I still enjoyed it. So maybe it is something we are born with, but I am sure nuturing someone does help.
9 Aug 10
I think its how you love to do things because when you love doing something it flows out naturally and everything is so smooth, that all the things you do falls into places, and if you didn't love what you're doing no matter how you push yourself it will go wrong. I know someone that didn't love her job and is not happy about it so no matter how she try it went wrong and she became stagnant though I know she is capable of doing it.