Why do some people make a big fuss of what they were and how they look?

August 10, 2010 11:43am CST
I wonder, why is it some people really make a big fuss of what kind and even the brand of clothes they wear? And also make a big deal of how they look? Me, I don't care much of how people see the clothes or the brand I wear.... what's important is whether I'm comfortable with it or not. I don't care also much about the way I look. I just don't care much on how people see what I wear and how I look because I don;t feel that these are important barometers of the kind of person I am. How about you, do you care much of what you wear and why?
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16 responses
@Absinto (2385)
• Portugal
11 Aug 10
I dont care about clothes having brands, as long as its something i like to wear ill use it.
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• Arima, Trinidad And Tobago
10 Aug 10
I believe that a person's status, job and society dictates some of what is worn. Just as the peron before spoke about the wife and the dinner party. I am sure the husband did not think that there was anything wrong in what he wore because he was comfortable but as the other person commented, when you are in a relationship you have to take the other person into consideration. I like to wear clothes that are comfortable but also mame feel special, sexy and i don't look at the brand names to achieve this goal.
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• Philippines
10 Aug 10
I don't really care what brand of clothes i wear. I can wear a plain white t-shirt and go out and i wouldn't even be bothered. People make a big fuss about what they're wearing cuz they think they'll be recognize for it and they wouldn't even recognize themselves being obnoxious and arrogant.
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• India
11 Aug 10
Hello welcome to mylot Some persons are over consious about the dresses and looks, may be some sort of complex, well i wear decent clothes of light color ans soft material, for me comfort is important... Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor
@sjlskl (3382)
• Singapore
10 Aug 10
One of the reason is that certain group of people will view the brand of the clothes that they are wearing as a symbol of the wealth. The classy the brand, the better. As for why some people spend much time of grooming themselves, my guess is that they have taken the term "first impression last" too far.
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@Goldamier (104)
• Philippines
11 Aug 10
I'm really meticulous on what and how to wear my clothes. I think that's is part of being me. It doesn't really matter if it's branded or not as long as will get the attention of those seeing me. I used to wore brand clothes whenever the situation calls for it.
@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
10 Aug 10
I'm just the same as you that I don't really care what others think about what I'm wearing or whether I'm old fashioned. I do admit I'm quite old fashioned or outdated in the trends, I just don't really care about those. I don't know much about the brands and the new stuffs, I just want to wear whatever I like and comfortable. Some of my friends commented that I should learn about some brands, so I can keep myself up-to-date. But I do not know what's so important about knowing those brands, and I'm definitely not going to buy such expensive clothes for myself. Also, I just want to live happily for myself, but not for others and how others think. ^_^
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Aug 10
hi pinikjuse4 I know what you mean but I do care how I look as being sloppy and unkempt does not give a very good impression on anyone you may meet. I do not wear designer clothes but I wear pretty things that make me feel good, and am sure I am clean and neat.Its called self esteem. A person who takes good care of his or he looks and his or her body is much healthier in mind than someone who wears dirty or soiled clothes. this shows that the p erson is mentally with it andnot senile or into alzheimer disease.
@laura27 (74)
• United States
10 Aug 10
Thats the main ingredient problems of today in society. Instead of people looking at what type of person you is, they always go for looks on what you have on in order to fit in or be apart of their group. Secondly, they will come into questioning you about your gear or start making fun of you about your clothes. I'm happy with what clothes I wear whether its name brand or off brand cause it really doesn't matter. Who cares with what others think. Clothes are just materials for to use to cover our bodys up. Whats most important is the person inside. But you know all this name brand and luxury goes to alot of peoples head to make them feel like they on top of the world better than others.
@kathyglim (183)
• Philippines
11 Aug 10
I dress appropriately. I dress according to the function and occasion. On ordinary days, I wear something comfortable and presentable. I don't have to be in signature clothes. My clothes need not be expensive. What is important for me is the clothes fit me well and I can move around comfortably.
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
11 Aug 10
I don't keep up with name brand. I might shop at a popular store like express, american egale, forever 21. but i like to look nice. especially when i'm going out. but if i'm going to lets say walmart real quick i'll throw on leggings, a shirt and a cap (but im still looking nice). i do that looks are important. you have to care about the way you look, or nobody else will. at least thats what i think. but anyway, when i was younger i felt like you. i didnt care much either, but now i'm older w/ a boyfriend and i care very much how i look.
• Canada
10 Aug 10
I don't obsess about brand names I just like good quality clothes. I don't care what brand it is. Some people care too much what others think and like people to think they're rich when they're really not. Most people care to some extent how they look because they want to be attractive. I think being average is enough, lol.
• Philippines
11 Aug 10
It doesn't matter to me what brand of clothes I'm wearing, as long as it's unique; I don't see anybody wearing the same, it would be okay for me. But when I see another person is wearing the same clothes with mine, then I am not comfortable..
@anncherry (406)
• Philippines
11 Aug 10
As opposed to entirely not minding the way you look, I think looking good and neat brings many advantages. It gives you a good head start on whatever undertaking you have for the day. Comfortable clothes are a must, because you can't be the least bit confident if you're not even comfortable with what you're wearing. On the other hand, being too conscious of the name brands of the things you have is being way too vain--and way too boastful. It's kind of just riding your own celebrity train wherein no one wants to follow. They are just ego boosters. I personally think that as long as you're being yourself, wearing non-brands are perfectly ok. Sometimes, they are even more fashionable than branded ones! It actually depends on the one carrying it. :) Maybe she just can't rock cheap stuff? ;P
@PDBME2 (1014)
• United States
10 Aug 10
I go for comfort as well but sometimes things like this play a big role on relationships. My husband doesn't bother me on how to dress which I am thankful. He likes to be neat and clean which doesn't bother me. I have a friend who told me that she is really disappointed with her husband. She is a real estate agent so she has to dress up. She is not into designer clothes but dresses nice. Her husband doesn't care how he looks and one day they had an office party where he showed up in jeans and a torn T-shirt. She said she was embarassed. In her eyes she feels he needs to take better care of himself. I can understand what she is saying. Some people are really focused on how other people might see them but the important thing to remember is that you might look good on the outside but if you have an ugly inside then does it really matter? Whoever chooses to look only at the shell then you might discover it's just empty.
@john_ai (26)
• Portugal
10 Aug 10
I'm the same as you. I'm happy with what I'm wearing as long as I'm comfortable. I hate how some people will dress up in something uncomfortable just to stay in fashion. I wouldn't, however, mind if people wore ridiculous outfits to look different and stand out. If everyone wore something different, I think that would be pretty cool.