Eating porridge/congee.

@shia88 (4571)
August 14, 2010 6:07pm CST
Dear MYLotters, How many of you guys eat porridge for breakfast? and what kind of porridge do you like to eat? For me, I love to eat fish,frogleg and chicken porridge. I cook porridge at least once a week for my family, as breakfast or lunch. It is a healthy meal for my family. Of course, I am not cooking a plain porridge. I will add some vegetables like carrots,corn,green vegetable to my porridge.Not to forget to add some meat to make the porridge taste sweeter. This morning, I plan to cook frog leg porridge for my family as a breakfast.I do add ginger into the porridge to get a better taste. It is delicious to eat porridge with Maggi light soya sauce or BOVRIL. Share with my your thoughts. Thank you and have a nice weekend !!
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9 responses
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
15 Aug 10
Almost half of the days me and my husband take oats porridge in the morning for breakfast. It is not only good for health, but reduces excess fat too. I lost few kilograms because of this.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Really glad to learn that you have cast off that much weight after taking oats porridge as breakfast frequently it seems that it's the easy as well as well as healthy way for you to lose excessive weight, dear Buchi. I rarely take porridge as breakfast for I love steamed bun with delicious filling of mixed ingredients and a cup of hot coffee
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Hi Buchi, I do eat oats porridge once a while. I love the brand QUackers. It taste better than other brand in the market. But I can't eat too much,easily get full. Normally I will only have a small bowl of oat porridge and it can last till lunch time. Oh....glad that you have shed down few kilograms after eating oats.That is a good news. Then I might try to eat oats for my breakfast as I need to slim down too. Hi Ikbooi, Steamed buns? I also like to eat those steamed buns with chicken meat filling. I don't like those red bean fillings. I can easily get the frozen steamed buns from supermarket. I seldom drink coffee, for me, I prefer a cup of hot tea for my breakfast.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
16 Aug 10
Yeah Buchi, it's not only giving stamina, taking the required amount of oats porridge regularly could help to lower the body cholesterol as well. It's really a healthy and nutritious food. I had been taken oats porridge as breakfast for a couple of years when I was posted to a small town. For a person living in the hostel alone the most convenient way to prepare breakfast in the early morning was to have oats porridge After back to my hometown I feel reluctant to take any oats porridge
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Hi shia, I don't take porridge as breakfast. I would feel hungry very fast if just eating porridge for breakfast. We usually would take porridge as lunch in scorching sunny day. Sweet potato, yam, ginkgo and lotus seeds. Some dried scallops added, to make the porridge much more delicious. We will prepare some tasty desserts to take for evening tea as we need them to entertain our hungry stomach later. In case any one in our family feeling unwell or having cold, I usually would cook some plain porridge with a little bit of salt added to it for him or her. Plain rice congee is an easy digestive food therefore it's good for the elderly to take as breakfast as well as for the sick Happy posting
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
16 Aug 10
Hi shia88, I like the "teoh chew" congee which is available in the restaurants in George Town in Penang, a big town in the adjacent state. There are various dishes like salted vegetable, different types of delicious pickles, the soft boiled peanuts, salted duck egg, canned dace fish with delicious black peas added, etc which are yummy respectively. We can pick whatever we love to eat together with the plain congee. I like to take raw fish congee with ginger. When catching sight of the green chopped small pieces of scallion and the segments of deep fried dough sticks spreading on top of the while porridge served fresh, I feel really hungry and couldn't help and taste it at once
• India
15 Aug 10
It is good for health too. It will give stamina.
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@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Hi, I agreed with you,congee is easy digestive food and it is good to eat for elderly and sick people. When I fall sick or my family member fall sick, I will always cook porridge with bit of salt and sliced carrots. I do add some meat,just for flavour. For breakfast,I prefer to eat something light,therefore, congee is one of the best breakfast.
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@youless (112195)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Aug 10
I like eating congee very much. It is one of our popular breakfast. The congee you mentioned is what we often have. I just don't like the plain congee because I always prefer to have some ingredients of it. I love China
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Hi, Congee is not really my favourite food,but I do eat once a week. I do not like to eat plain congee,I always add some vegetable and meat to make the congee taste sweetier. But my son does not like to eat porridge. Not really his favourite food, But if there is "yu tiao",then he sure will finish up his congee.
@mayrah (1144)
• United States
1 Nov 10
Hi Shia88, personally I prefer chicken porridge. I love to eat that but I seldom cook I only buy in restaurant with my friends. I also like beef porridge. I want the spicy one and very hot that taste good. I also also love porridge with vegetable mix in it. My mom sometime cook it with egg and so very delicious.I love eating it
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
1 Nov 10
Hi, I also love to eat vegetable porridge.sometimes I will just add bit of cabbage,carrot,peas and cook with minced chicken meat,it taste sweet and nice. too bad my son dislike porridge,so I seldom cook porridge nowadays. Sometimes, I even add salted duck egg into my porridge and it taste bit salty,but yummy. I never try beef porridge.but I saw lot of my friends are cooking this beef porridge for their kids,I just wondering how is the taste,as I don't eat beef...I can't stand of the beef smell.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
15 Aug 10
We do have congee for breakfast sometimes. We've had chicken, fish, fried eggs as well as salted eggs and fried anchovies with ground nuts. The menu will continue to change so that it will not bore us. But we usually have it on weekends because we don't have to rush through and can take time to enjoy our food.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Hi, I also like to cook porridge during weekend,at least I can slowly eat while warm. This morning, I just cooked frogleg porridge with fried eggs. So far, I never try fried anchovies.But i do heard from my friend that it will taste great to eat with porridge. it is kinda of boring eating the same food all the time. I always change the porridge menu. But my son does not like to eat porridge.He prefer to eat noodle. Therefore, I always have to think of other menu for him when I cook porridge for me and my husband.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
15 Aug 10
You make me hungry. But thanks for the time.
@kurumi (85)
• Singapore
15 Aug 10
i usually don't have time to prepare porridge in the morning, so cereal is the alternative. I like Quaker oats.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Hi, I do eat Quackers oats,that is the best brand for oats. I do tried other brands,but does not taste nice. Very rough and the smell is not that good compared to Quacker brand. Since you don't have time to prepare porridge for your breakfast, i guess during weekend, you should be off from work and that will be the best time for you to cook porridge for yourself.
@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I'm sorry but I don't even know what porridge is. We eat cereal or I cook eggs, bacon, gravy and biscuits for breakfast. Can you explain what all goes in the porridge?
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Hi, POrridge is actually almost same with rice. The only different is when you cook porridge, you need to put more water and don't get it dry. To make it more fragnant, you can always add some vegetable, meat or seafood. It definitely taste great. For me, I love to add carrots,chicken meat,fish and century egg to my porridge.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
15 Aug 10
I like congee very much, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When I go to Chinese restaurants, I often order congee. Seafood congee is my favorite choice. But, I have never tried frog leg congee. Let me say, I am not used to that at all. Have a nice week end !
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
Hi, Talking about chinese restaurant,I used to been to Crystal Jade for their porridge.It tastes delicious and they have plenty type of porridge/congee. The most I like is century egg congee. For me, I prefer to have congee for my breakfast or lunch,as for dinner, I prefer to eat rice,as congee is more watery and I very easy get hungry of were to eat congee for dinner. Next time you can try cook frog leg taste great too,Do add some sliced ginger to get rid of the fishy smell.
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 10
basically poriddge is rice cook with extra water into a watery rice grole.Personally i eat plain porridge maybe with salted vegetable or salted egg.Sometime boil with sweet potato, add little bit of soya sauce,sometime also eat with other vegestable.Now days only eat if the body is heaty or having fever or diarrhoe. Becaue the body easy to digest porridge rather than rice or mash potato.