Finally booked my holiday

@oldchem1 (8132)
August 17, 2010 10:54am CST
I have finally booked my holiday that I have been plnning for October, after much uming and ahing, we have decided to go back to Menorca in the Baleric Islands. It is several years since I last went and we are going to a different part of the is;land. We are going to a little place called S'Algar, have any of you been here and what did you think?
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5 responses
• India
17 Aug 10
congratulations .. hope you are taking your son, and a few others on the holiday with you ... all the places that you mentioned are UNKNOWN to me, from this end of the world. .. LOLS. but, I shall be following you in mind, and in the travelogues that you are going to publish, not just in mylot.. but all over the internet world. don't you? ... cool down, and relax, in preperation for the OCTOBER FESTIVAL.. cheers.
@oldchem1 (8132)
17 Aug 10
Just me, hubby and my son ! Believe me one like my son is plenty!!!!!
• India
17 Aug 10
lols.. I promise to be following you all along. .. don't just miss us all out. you can log in to mylot from the holiday too? keep this in mind, when you book the motel/hotels. lols. and, keep your son busy... carry all the extra luggage, that he could lug-on. so, he will be puffing and panting, and will not nag you anymore. lols. hahahaah
@oldchem1 (8132)
17 Aug 10
I'll pack the laptop!!
@JayJay45 (157)
• United States
17 Aug 10
Thought you were going to Morroco? I've heard of Menorca, but never been... looking forward to hearing more about it when you get back.. I'm leaving soon for a little mini-vacation in the Rocky Mountains. I love it there! Not nearly as exotic as your trip to Menorca, but at least I'm getting away for awhile....
@oldchem1 (8132)
17 Aug 10
We were going to Morocco, but we will only have 5 months left on our passport and need six months for Morocco, it will be about £200 to renew tham so thought I'd rathwer spend it on the holiday at the moment! We did love Menorca but were only there a week so thought we'd go for a little longer this time.
@GardenGerty (158139)
• United States
24 Aug 10
I have never been off the continent, only have gone to US destinations and a time or two to Canada and Mexico. I will look these places up, and will look forward to seeing what you post when you come back.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
17 Aug 10
That's wonderful. I wish you a happy holiday. I have heard of this island, but have never been there. I have been to some of the Pacific Islands, very beautiful indeed. So, take a lot of pictures of all the places you enjoyed, and then keep an album of all of them. Happy holidays !!
@oldchem1 (8132)
17 Aug 10
Now the Pacific Islands sounds VERY nice!!!!!!
• Panama
19 Aug 10
That's a good idea, which i strongly support.I would love to go there some time even though I don't know the location. Enjoy your stay, and I am sure you will meet new friends