If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

@Toofancy (548)
United States
August 17, 2010 6:24pm CST
If you were granted three wishes, what would you wish for? I would wish for an unlimited supply of money, good health, and an unlimited supply of wishes!
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8 responses
• Canada
18 Aug 10
Let's see; I would wish that I had become a veterinarian. I would wish that I had found my soul mate and married him. And to be smart, I would wish for 3 more wishes, IF that is allowed. If not, I would have to think long and hard on what to use my very last wish for. If it could be saved for an emergency, that would be a good 2nd choice.
• Canada
18 Aug 10
Peace on earth, no more wars! That is the best I could hope for.
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@Toofancy (548)
• United States
19 Aug 10
AnnieOakley1, I hope your wishes come true! Thanks for your response.
@romania2 (237)
• Philippines
8 Sep 10
Unlimited wishes kind of defeats the purpose of having three wishes, but I like that answer. I would actually wish to be a powerful wizard or something... which is like saying I want unlimited wishes. I would also wish for tons of money and finding the perfect guy for me.
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@Toofancy (548)
• United States
8 Sep 10
Those are great wishes. I hope you get what you wish for! Thanks for your response.
@Tresaqwe (376)
• United States
18 Aug 10
I would wish that all hate from the world would be gone, first of all. Such a horrible thing, hate. If there was none we'd all be happy trusting people and nobody would be afraid of doing things out of fear that they would be hated. Second, I would wish that I had fortune, but without taxes. That way I could be rich without anything holding me back. :] And last of all, an unlimited supply of wishes, just like you wished for. XD
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@Toofancy (548)
• United States
19 Aug 10
A world without hate, and a fortune without taxes! What great wishes! Thanks.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
18 Aug 10
You are really smart to wish for that most valuable wishes and a never ending unlimited wishes. Yes, I would love to be the richest person on earth where money is fluorishing in into my bank account every moment, good health for everyone where pain and sickness never exist, and abundance of good wishes come true whenever I wish such as abundance of love, joy and happiness.
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@Toofancy (548)
• United States
19 Aug 10
Our world can really use an abundance of love, joy and happiness. That is a great wish.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
18 Aug 10
I would wish for Good health, stable life and world peace :D
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@Toofancy (548)
• United States
19 Aug 10
Excellent wishes! Thanks for your response.
• Philippines
18 Aug 10
i wish unlimited joy in the world, money and peace and order in the world to avoid conflicts and killings of our fellow let the love surround the world to make it a better place for you and for me as michael jackson want to emphasize us
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@Toofancy (548)
• United States
19 Aug 10
To make the world a better place through love and peace is a wonderful wish for all of mankind. Thanks Davenhearst!
@zausiu (610)
• China
18 Aug 10
First. I wish I have a lot of money. Second. I wish I have a lot of love. Third. I wish I have three more wishes.
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@Toofancy (548)
• United States
19 Aug 10
Those are definitely 3 good wishes!
@koditza (235)
• Germany
18 Aug 10
oh my god, that's what I'd wish for too :D What I really want is not necessarily to have lots of money, but actually work for them, and be remembered by the human kind.
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@Toofancy (548)
• United States
19 Aug 10
Yes. To be remembered fondly by human kind is a great wish. Thanks!