People that wear too much perfume/cologne

@lulu1220 (1006)
United States
August 19, 2010 8:09am CST
I have a very sensitive nose. I can sometimes smell things before others do. Unfortunately some people just wear too much perfume/cologne/aftershave and it makes me nauseous and gives me a headache. I guess I am bring this up now because I can smell some really steong cologne right now! It is making me sick. Cologne/perfume comes in a small bottle for a reason. You only need a drop or two at the most. No need to bathe in it!
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12 responses
@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
I hate too much or overpowering perfumes, too especially if I don't like the scent of it. It makes me feel dizzy or can give me a bad headache. Some people think that over dosing themselves with perfumes will add to their charisma. Wrong because for some it is a big turn off. I'd rather go for less. Because if i like the scent i keep sniffing.LOL
@lulu1220 (1006)
• United States
23 Aug 10
Men are just as bad as women. Men that wear too much cologne or aftershave are a turn off for me. I am just happy if they are clean!
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
20 Aug 10
Some people can go overboard on their perfume. It doesn't really make you smell any better to put so much on. Just a little perfume goes a long ways. We don't need to use an entire bottle of perfume to impress anyone. Too strong of a fragrance can end up being a turnoff instead of a turnon.
@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
Same here. I'm really sensitive to smells and tastes. It really makes my head spin when I smell a sharp smell, especially perfume, which goes straight up my nose! ugh! just thinking about it makes my head ache. I especially dislike car air fresheners. Makes me sick to my stomach. I don't know why people want to put on large amounts of perfume, maybe they have a poor sense of smell
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
I remember one of the Miss Saigon songs that says the French hide their stench with overpowering perfume. Anyway, you're absolutely right about that. I think a lot of people go overboard with their spritzing. A good alternative to dousing yourself with perfume is to use small amounts every now and then, colognes aren't as pungent as perfumes so I like to use them more than the designer stuff around. My favorite scent however is that squeaky clean scent people have after a bath.
@deve_annrn (1856)
• Philippines
20 Aug 10
ohhh.. i have been offended by my patient once when i went inside his room to take his vital signs and he covered his face with a towel..i thought i smell bad.., and he keeps doing that every time i came in to his room.., and so maybe he couldn't take it anymore.., he told me that my perfume was way to strong for his olfactory senses and it's giving him the headache.., he meant no offense at all., that's why he kept his mouth shut the first few times i came in.., so from that time on.., i learned to minimized my sprinkling of body spray..=)
@capiks (40)
• Malaysia
19 Aug 10
Yeah, it pretty much annoyed me. No offence but most of the girls use too much perfume. Yes, I know they want people to say they smell nice, attracting more guys etc. But please, use moderately. Some guys prefer it and most guys hate it.
• United States
19 Aug 10
I cannot wear perfume because I am allergic to it, and I cannot stand it when people wear a lot of perfume and cologne. The one that I hate the most is Axe Body Spray because that stuff is so strong that it make vomit. I think that just putting on deodorant is enough.
@youless (112222)
• Guangzhou, China
19 Aug 10
I also have a sensitive nose and sometimes I can't stand the strong perfume/cologne. I don't understand why some people have to use so much perfume/cologne. The strong smelling isn't nice at all. I love China
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
19 Aug 10
I know how you feel. I hate that too. It always gives me a terrible headache and sometimes even makes me sneeze and that is never a good thing. When I was in high school I had a girl who sat in front of me in Science class, she had really bad Body Odor and then to cover it up she would douse herself in perfume. I think it's because she did not shave her under arm hair is why she smelled so bad, but you could still totally smell the Body oder and then strong perfume on top of that, there were many days I will feeling ill before the end of the class, and I never forgot it either obviously.
• United States
19 Aug 10
I'm with you on this one! I smell people out in town and stuff and I'm always like, "If you gotta wear that much perfume you need to go home to take a shower!" I don't know why they want to wear so much. I treally does make me sick to my stomach to smell it..
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
19 Aug 10
I also had sensitive sense of smell. I also don't like too strong smell of colognes and perfumes. I choose perfumes with light and sweet smells like Victoria's Secret or Channel Allure. But,it is ok for me to smell those perfumes than smelling bad odor esp with under arm odor Have a good day always
• Philippines
19 Aug 10
I feel yah there. Perfumes or colognes are NOT supposed to be bathed in. That's why I just dab my perfume on some warm areas of my body or pulse points. And I make it a point that if I can smell the perfume I'm wearing, that would mean I used too much.